All companies and managers face issues regarding leadership, conflict resolution, and motivations of employees. My name is (Name Surname), and my partner is (Name Surname); we will talk about crucial questions related to the company Wayfair, the e-commerce retailer that sells furniture. Today we will discuss essential topics related to leadership, including traits that help managers to resolve conflicts, strategies to improve communication in the workplace, and methods for motivating employees that will help Wayfair to enhance its productivity and work culture.
Leadership Traits That Help Manage Conflict
Upon the occurrence and resolution of conflict, the leader is the mediator in this situation. The mediator assists in formulating the purpose of negotiating contacts and recommendations to curb the parties’ impatience, choose acceptable directions and make compromise decisions (“Chairs and academic leaders as mediators,” n.d.). To deliver these steps, a leader should have human abilities to listen to different parties, be decisive in the conflict, and be responsible for the conflict’s outcomes.
A leader can use several effective ways to manage a conflict situation by listening and being emotionally perceptive. First, a leader can try to influence the initiators of the conflict, assuring them that they will be heard and that the decision will be fair (Smiley, 2018). An open conversation when a manager can sit with others and discuss the situation to calm both sides, remove anger and frustration can be enough to resolve the conflict. Second, a leader can encourage open cooperation, frank discussion of issues of concern (Smiley, 2018). The conflicting parties will put forward their arguments, together look for a solution that could satisfy everyone, and then present it to a leader who will listen to arguments (Ronquillo et al., 2020). In this case, both parties can elaborate on a solution by themselves, and a leader will listen to a solution and decide how to move.
Thirdly, interaction and ability to look for a change in emotions of conflicting sides is essential in finding a compromise. A leader’s task is to find the best solution to a conflict situation and not to try to achieve the goal at the expense of others (Place, 2019). The conflicting parties should feel that they obtain mutual benefits on a stable basis and change their emotions with the leader’s guidance (Place, 2019). The leader should have different traits, including honesty, responsibility, fairness, the ability to criticize, strive for efficiency, and hard work because the role of a leader in conflict management is crucial.
Strategies to Improve Communication in the Workplace
There are numerous strategies that analysts propose on the matter of communication improvement in the company. First, it is possible to create a space that is conducive to communication. A manager should make sure that the team always has a clear and continuous process of information exchange. The expression of feelings or the exchange of ideas should be encouraged by a leader (Luthra & Dahiya, 2015). Second, a leader must keep the door to your office open. The open-door policy keeps employees from forgetting that they can talk to a manager when they need to (Heathfield, 2019).
Furthermore, it is crucial to start communication with leaders and employees. It is possible to ask questions, challenge ideas, communicate feelings with employees continuously. Leaders can also encourage social interaction; for example, make sure that the lunch break is shared with all employees, and they eat and talk together. The point is to make communication a conversation, not a one-way street talk (Luthra & Dahiya, 2015). Fourth, the opportunity to provide anonymous reviews can also enhance communication in the workplace (Levit, 2019). Some employees may be shy about openly expressing their feelings or complaints, so considering using anonymous messaging technologies is a way to get feedback and adjust accordingly.
The provision of different means of communication can also increase the information exchange among team members. For example, a chat to express public recognition and praise for a job, or a chat where senior management can broadcast big news in a less formal way (Ellspermann, 2020). Specific chat in a messenger centralizes communication, maintains a positive atmosphere, and sometimes creates fun (Ellspermann, 2020). The creation of a particular “office language” that matches corporate culture facilitates communication through online channels and unites different teams. Overall, executives need to find unique ways to improve communication, depending on workplace culture.
Methods for Motivating Employees and Improving Employee Behavior
Considering methods that a manager can utilize to enhance employee behavior, there can be distinguished two main ways to base motivation techniques on monetary and non-monetary motivation for the staff (Geraghty, 2017). To avoid the problem of dismissal of qualified personnel, the motivation of personnel should include both methods. First, it is possible to encourage better employee behavior by the system of rewards. These are bonuses and various allowances that motivate employees to perform their duties better and increase remuneration (Geraghty, 2017). However, it is a known fact that after a specific level, employees will not perceive monetary motivation as being impactful.
Considering the necessity to provide intangible motivation, managers can create various techniques to improve employee behavior. The range of methods includes the growth of the career ladder for a team member that motivates some of them to refine results and show the best traits to get higher positions and a different status (Fuhl, 2019). Another intangible motivation method is a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere in the team (Nickel, 2018). A close-knit team serves as an additional motivation for effective labor productivity. Encouraging atmosphere motivates employees to work for a company, drive changes, and deliver results based on a thriving and rewarding culture established by executives.
Another way to motivate people is the organization of cultural and sports events for the team-building purpose. It is suggested that the joint leisure time of the entire team contributes to unity and a pleasant working climate and provides an excellent opportunity for quality rest (Souders, 2020). Furthermore, the possibility for personal development and training is also a way that can help encourage better behavior of employees, their responsibility for projects, and connection to the company (Seppälä & Cameron, 2015). This is a great way to improve employees’ skills who are looking for that and, at the same time, enhance their professional knowledge and experience that will be an indirect benefit for a company. More techniques can be researched further and used in organizations to motivate employees and propose changes in behavior.
To conclude, we can say that depending on the department or team; the company can adjust its approaches to manage conflicts, improve communication in the workplace and utilize specific techniques to motivate employees and improve their behavior to get better results from work. However, leaders must start from themselves and give employees an example on how to change behavior, communication, or actions. Trustful relationships within the team are critical to the successful implementation of methods that will help the company develop further.
Chairs and academic leaders as mediators. (n.d.). Office of Human Resource Development: University of Wisconsin-Madison. Web.
Ellspermann, J. (2020). 18 internal communication strategies for 2021. Enplug Blog. Web.
Fuhl, J. (2019). How to successfully identify and develop high potential employees. Sage. Web.
Geraghty, S. (2017). 20 ways to increase employee motivation using rewards. Talkdesk. Web.
Heathfield, S. (2019). Open door policy. The Balance. Web.
Levit, A. (2019). Viewpoint: How to collect continuous feedback. SHRM. Web.
Luthra, A. & Dahiya, R. (2015). Effective leadership is all about communicating effectively: Connecting leadership and communication. International Journal of Management & Business Studies, 5(3). Web.
Nickel, S. (2018). Seven simple ways to motivate your employees. Insurance Business Magazine. Web.
Place, T. (2019). How to resolve workplace conflicts: A guide for managers. Vital Learning. Web.
Ronquillo Y., Ellis V. L., & Toney-Butler T. J. (2020). Conflict management. StatPearls Publishing. Web.
Seppälä, E. & Cameron, K. (2015). Proof that positive work cultures are more productive. Harvard Business Review. Web.
Smiley, F. (2018). Leadership guide to conflict and conflict management. The Ohio State University.
Souders, B. (2020). Flow at work: The science of engagement and optimal performance. Positive Psychology. Web.