Movie Reflection – “Mi Familia”

“Mi Familia” is a film directed by Gregory Nava, who released it in 1995. The plot reveals the life journey of a family that moved from Mexico to the United States, settling in Los Angeles. By seeing the three generations, from the father of the Sanchez family who traveled from Mexico to Los Angeles and his grandchildren, the viewer can witness the Mexican-American experience and the struggles faced by the Sanchez.

The central topic of “Mi Familia” is the life journey of several generations. Hence it portrays all the members of the Sanchez family. There are many characters in this film, each has his or her life journey and struggle associated, which helps the viewer understand the difficulties of these people. Paco is the oldest son, who also narrates the movie, hence the viewer sees the experience of the family through his eyes. He begins by reflecting on José’s journey because he walked from Mexico to Los Angeles and established the Sanchez family.

Other characters portray their struggle with living as Mexican-American. For instance, despite being American, Maria, Jose’s wife, is deported to Mexico, and it takes her several years to be able to return. Chucho, one of the sons, is engaged in a violent fight and is shot by the police, which affects young Jimmy, who then becomes violent and goes to prison. The next generation of the Sanchez faces other issues, including assimilation and racial tensions. For example, Jimmy has to reintegrate into society, get married, and live his life.

Overall, the Mexican American experience is reflected in the films from various perspectives and considering the struggles of all three generations. “Mi Familia” is an important film, because it provides a viewer with an overview of several generations of Mexican-Americans, each facing a unique struggle. The characters of the film help understand the difficulties and problems, such as deportation, racial tensions, and assimilation.

Work Cited

Nava, Gregory, director. Mi Familia. American Playhouse, 1995.

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