Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Flare Up and Abate Unpredictably

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the nervous system’s disorders whose cause is unknown but dangerous for human survival. The disorder’s symptoms manifest themselves in various forms, and emergency medical attention is crucial. Susanna McLeod in her article, “Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms Flare Up and Abate Unpredictably; What Might I expect?” explores the pathology of MS and its associated symptoms. The author provides summary statistics of the disorder in Canada and the world at large. Although MS is fatal, effective care and adjustments can help victims maintain a healthy and positive lifestyle.

MS is a degenerative autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. According to McLeod (2022), the disorder affects the human central nervous system and particularly optic nerves at the back of eyes. The disorder’s genetic factors are insufficiently understood, and it is not contagious. The cause and cure of MS are unknown, making it difficult to control and manage the disorder. In Canada, the disorder is more prevalent in women than men (McLeod, 2022). Although the disorder can occur at any age, most patients are between ages 20 and 49 (McLeod, 2022). About three million people worldwide are estimated to have MS. The disorder attacks the myelin sheath, which is crucial for nerve impulse transmission.

Upon attacking the fibers, the disorder causes inflammation and damage, interfering with impulse transmission. Consequently, transmission misfires are caused and may lead to the replacement of myelin by scar tissues in serious cases (McLeod, 2022). The disorder is associated with symptoms such as vision difficulties, walking problems, calmness, and mood changes. Determining the diagnosis of MS is difficult since its symptoms are similar to the ones of other disorders. However, medical history and neurological exams can help determine MS diagnosis. Multiple medical pieces of research are being conducted to determine the causes and effective diagnosis of MS.

MS is a disorder that affects the central nervous system by attacking the nerve fibers of the brain and spinal cord. The disorder’s cause is unknown due to insufficient research on the same. Additionally, the disorder manifests symptoms that are similar to other disorders. Consequently, it so difficult to identify the most effective diagnosis for the condition. Unlike men, women are more vulnerable to the disorder. While the cause and diagnosis of MS are unknown, effective care helps maintain a healthy lifestyle.


McLeod, S. (2022). Multiple sclerosis symptoms flare up and abate unpredictably; What might I expect? ProQuest Central. Web.

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