Nando: International Marketing Mix Strategy

Recently, marketing has proven to be a key function for the continuity and success of any business regardless of the size or scale of its operations. As a result, businesses that want to survive and thrive in today’s market must focus most of their efforts on marketing their products both locally and internationally. Therefore, multinational businesses such as Nando need to apply the 4Ps, product, price place, and promotion, when entering and marketing their food products internationally. Proper application of marketing mix components will enable Nando to launch and sell its food products competitively in the international markets.

Product as one of the components of the market mix refers to goods or services that a business offers to existing and prospective customers. As a result, Nando’s needs to have a deep understanding of the products to enable them to succeed in launching and selling in the new and existing international markets (Thabit and Raewf, 2018, 103). There are several aspects of a product that Nando’s should endeavor to understand before entering into the market to assess whether it will meet the customers’ expectations.

Assessing the quality of the product helps Nando’s to ascertain its ability to satisfy its customer’s needs in new and existing markets both locally and internationally. When Nando’s establishes the right quality standards for products and services for its international markets, the organization should integrate them into the policy and organizational culture. Further, Nando’s understands the nature of their products as perishable and thus does not offer their customers any warranties related to food products (Bhatti, and Hassan, 2019, 103). Therefore, Nando’s expects customers to consume food products they buy from their restaurants immediately or store them under the necessary conditions (Bhatti, and Hassan, 2019, 104). Additionally, Nando’s design of packaging the takeaway food products appeals to the customers as it communicates various messages such as boldness, simplicity, and nature.

Price is another significant component included in Nando’s marketing mix strategy as it helps the organization to the monetary value that customers attach to their products or services. In addition, Nando’s uses the pricing component to assess and forecast its profit and revenue margins in various international markets. Pricing strategy also determines the ease with which Nando’s penetrates new international markets competitively (Bhatti, and Hassan, 2019, 102). Various aspects of pricing strategy such as offering discounts to customers help Nando’s to retain its existing customers and attract new ones. In addition, providing customers and stakeholders with several payment methods such as cash, digital transfers, and credit cards, increases supply chain flexibility and efficiency and also enhances competitiveness in new and existing international markets.

Applying introductory prices to their goods and services is an essential strategy that helps Nando’s succeed when selling its goods and services in new markets or launching new products in the existing markets. Moreover, Nando’s can use penetrative pricing to increase the affordability of its products in new markets and build a substantial customer base (Bhatti, and Hassan, 2019, 103). After assessing the market, they want to penetrate, Nando’s can apply an aggressive pricing strategy to enable them to beat the existing competition and remain competitive.

Place as a marketing mix component, plays a significant role in determining the appropriate locations where Nando’s can locate its international ventures. Additionally, understanding the elements of place enables a business to know the suitable products and services to stock in various international markets (Wichmann, 2022, 506). While strategizing about the place, Nando’s should consider factors such as ease of access by customers which will automatically lead to high sales volume. The place component also determines the available physical space that the business can use to expand its premises in the future. Currently, Nando’s has over 1200 establishments globally to increase the accessibility of products and services to its customers (Wichmann, 2022, 503). In addition, Nando’s also operates online retail stores which help customers easily locate restaurants near them and visit or place orders for home deliveries. These online retailing shops help Nando’s to easily penetrate the global markets as they provide the company with real demographic data of customers’ tastes and preferences (Al Badi, K. 2018, 3). Nando’s also has its website from where it manages and controls its orders and inventory in all its outlets.

To increase its market reach Nando’s also relies on aggregators who stock and sell the restaurant’s products. This enables customers to access Nando’s products even in areas without Nando’s restaurants. In addition, Nando’s has established several specialty stores located in prime areas where customers can purchase peri-peri chicken. Nando’s has well-trained salespeople who help the company in availing the organization’s products to B2C and B2B customers in most locations globally (Gelderblom, 2019, 27). Regarding transportation, Nando’s should use cost-effective means of transport during material handling and order delivery. As a result, Nando’s outsource transportation services from third parties and also uses its means of transport for inbound logistics. A cost-effective transportation ensures that Nando’s provides quality products and services to its customers at affordable prices.

Promotion forms an important part of the entire Nando’s marketing mix strategy. Nando’s relies on promotion to spread information about its products and service to its existing and prospective customers in both local and international markets. Through promotion, customers become aware of new products, the location of new and existing ventures globally, and food prices at each premise. To effectively market their products to various customers, Nando’s leverages sending personalized to customers through several communication channels such as emails. Additionally, Nando’s also performs in-store promotion activities such as offering dishes at discounted prices and awarding customers loyalty points. Social media also plays a significant role in helping Nando’s to promote its products and services to a wide range of customers (Wichmann et al., 2022, 504). Promotion of products and services through platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok can enable Nando’s to reach more customers at low marketing costs. Nando’s also pays for both prints (Khatab et al., 2019, 4847). TV and radio adverts to promote its products which ensures the successful launching and marketing of its products in local and international markets. To obtain optimum benefits of promotion, Nando’s uses mixed communication media which integrates social media, print, and audio and visual platforms to create awareness of its products and reach all types of customers.

In conclusion, the proper application of the marketing mix strategy is essential in ensuring a successful launch and competitive continuity of business for Nando’s. As a result, the marketing mix strategy helps Nando’s to understand its products and services and assess its ability to meet the demands of its customers. Nando’s should include pricing as a component of its marketing mix strategy to enable its customers to obtain products and services at affordable prices as well remain competitively profitable. Additionally, Nando’s should use the component of place, to choose the appropriate locations where to locate their restaurants and products for easy access by customers. Lastly, the component of promotion plays a significant role in ensuring information about products and services reaches prospective, new, and existing customers globally.

Reference List

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Wichmann, J.R.K. et al. (2022) ‘A global perspective on the marketing mix across time and space,’ International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(2), pp. 502–521. Web.

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