International Marketing: Personal View


When I was enrolled to pursue a course in international marketing, I thought the knowledge would not be usable until I am employed. However, that has not been the case as I have found the course applicable in my daily life. Unlike earlier days, when I could ignore matters to do with business, I currently analyze interactions from a critical point of view. Whenever an international company launches a campaign, or whenever the company intends to open a new store, I find myself having the interest of knowing the reason behind their choice of the location of their new store. In the initial semesters of study, I could attend the international marketing classes and seminars for the sake of it, but lately, I have developed an obsession to hear all the lectures with the aim of attaining some knowledge. Essentially, I have gained some learning that has expanded my analytical and behavioral skills from the study of international marketing. I am very optimistic that the education and skills attained will play a significant role in enhancing my future employability, as discussed in this paper.

Learning gained from the study of international marketing

The first thing I learned in this course was the existence of traditional and international markets. While conventional marketing focused on reaching the local consumers, global marketing purposed to go all the potential customers across the globe. The international managers have the obligation of adhering to the international policies to ensure that their businesses run smoothly (Kotabe & Kristiaan 2004). At that point, I gained a great understanding of the commonly discussed globalization issue. I came to understand that international marketing, international trade, and globalization are interdependent. One topic that captured my attention is the strategy of China and India. China does not spare any business opportunity in developing nations. The country is manufacturing almost everything, and its products are considerably cheap. Since the developing nations comprise of individuals who are price-sensitive, they opt to purchase China products that are much cheap as compared to high-quality products from other countries. Honestly, international businesses with branches in the developing nations are facing stiff competition from the manufacturers in China and India despite their effort to market their products.

Some units in the international management course emphasized the new market entry strategies. Indeed, I realized that global business managers do not open or stock stores recklessly. They have to take a rigorous analysis of the culture and living standards of their target market. I can remember visiting one of the Wal-Mart stores that were located in the affluent suburbs and another one that was found in the central business district. The two Wal-Mart stores had different items. I came to understand that the one located in the affluent suburbs targeted the high-class individuals who mind more of the quality than the quantity or the price of the products. The store located in the central business district targeted the middle-class and the low-class families who are sensitive to the cost and quantity. Therefore, as an international manager, it is essential to study the target customers and their behaviors. As much as one would market all the products offered by a given global market, it would be wise to make a rigorous analysis of the target customer before deciding on the items to stock in a given store.

My cross-cultural knowledge is another aspect that was enhanced by the international marketing classes and seminars. In my study of global consumers, I came to realize that the cultural environment influences consumer behavior (Akaka, Vargo & Lusch 2013). Moreover, the marketing strategies that seem to work in one country may not be efficient in other countries. I remember, at one point, when I was privileged to attend a seminar, that attendees came from different regions in the world. Every attendee was given an opportunity to provide a brief overview of what is perceived as a right or wrong business marketing strategy in his or her nations. I was surprised to note that some countries are not very keen on the online marketing strategies employed by international businesses. In some third world nations where people do not have the culture of using the internet, it would be useless to invest in online marketing of the products and services offered in a business outlet as the advert would not reach the intended customers (Kotabe & Kristiaan 2004). Moreover, I noted that the lack of cross-cultural knowledge would lead to some form of misunderstanding, as managers will even find it challenging to manage the workforce of their global companies.

The entrepreneurial marketing topic emphasized the principle of international branding. Essentially, an international company should work hard to ensure that its brand is recognized and it is readily accepted in the global market. I learned that marketing plays a significant role in promoting the brand name of a company as well as the company’s products. However, when it comes to competing with emerging markets like China and India, it would be wise to employ a pricing strategy.

A marketer ought to be a very confident person who knows how to express ideas in a persuasive manner (Akaka, Vargo & Lusch 2013). I have to admit that international marketing classes and seminar presentations played a significant role in enhancing my personality skills. I was able to do away with my naivety, and I can now forward my opinions in a comfortable manner. I can assess difficult situations and find solutions to the issues in a diplomatic way. I can quickly raise critics of a controversial subject on international marketing with enough confidence to support my concern. Essentially, this is one of my most outstanding achievements as I can walk into any office and talk to any person regardless of his or her highly ranked position.

How the learning influenced my analytical and behavioral skills

As mentioned before, I was enrolled to pursue a course in international marketing with the perception that the knowledge gained would become usable when I secure a job. However, the learning that I gained in the system has dramatically changed my behavioral skills. In every meeting that I attend, I behave as if I am a chief international marketing officer of some multinational company. I have developed a habit of longing to attend seminars that discuss issues to do with global management. I came to appreciate the workshops that bring a practical overview of what is learned in class. Sometimes, I have the courage to face business managers and inquiring about their intention of having global marketers. Currently, my behavioral skills resemble those of an international manager, and I always believe that I will make one in the future.

I have gained excellent analytical skills that can enable me to assess a business and determine its position and market share in the international market. During the seminars, the speakers could allocate time for discussions, where every group had an experienced global marketer for a mentor. I have to admit that the discussion groups always turned into mentorship programs. I was able to enhance my communication skills as well as my critical analysis skills. The mentors would challenge us with some difficult business conditions, and every group member would analyze the situation from a different perspective. As people presented their points, I could critically examine each of the issues and challenge them in one way or another. I could put myself into other people’s shoes and try to understand their perceptions on a topic. Essentially, the seminars, and especially the mentored group discussions, played a significant role in enhancing my analytical and behavioral skills. I believe that the skills gained will play a significant role in my professional career and in my personal life.

How the learning, analytical and behavioral skills will help in my future employability

Firstly, I am grateful to the organizers of the seminars that exposed me to my potential employees. I have developed a practical overview of the roles and responsibilities of an international manager, which I keep on researching on a daily basis. I am a global thinker when it comes to matters dealing with marketing. I can firmly swear that I have all the confidence to defend my career. The level of confidence that I possess is attributed to the skills and knowledge gained in the international marketing classes and the seminars. I am confident that I have a competitive advantage if I have to compete for a job position. I have excellent knowledge of the global culture and political environment. I have developed a habit of being informed of the current global issues that affect businesses in one way or another.

Moreover, I have always kept in touch with the global market research institutions where I obtain updates on the international market behaviors. I have developed a positive attitude towards my career, and I am very ready to join the team of global managers. I aim at obtaining a full-time employment opportunity after completing my degree in international marketing. In fact, I am humbled to say that I recently met a global marketer who offered me an internship opportunity at the commencement of my holidays. That will mark one of the most effective options for me to explore international markets and consumer behaviors. I will have a chance to work hand in hand with my potential employer and put all the lessons learned in class into practice. Finally, with the eloquent credentials that I possess, I believe that employers will be pleased to have me join their team of employees. I am very optimistic that the learning, analytical and behavioral skills will play a significant role in enhancing my future employability.


I certainly give my tribute to my lecturers, who portrayed a high level of professionalism in their teaching style. They have a positive influence on the interest that I have in studying international marketing, and most importantly, they are molding me to become a competent employee in the future. My urge to all the students who are undertaking a course in international marketing is that they should purpose to have the most significant level of interest in the system. Global marketing is an exciting course that enables one to have a great understanding of all the happenings in businesses across the globe.


Akaka, M, Vargo, S & Lusch, R 2013, ‘The complexity of context: a service ecosystems approach for international marketing’, Journal Of International Marketing, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 1-20.

Kotabe, M & Kristiaan, H 2004, Global marketing management, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.

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