The Work Environment at the National Pharmacy L.L.C

Executive Summary

This report was focused on utilising innovation and creativity theoretical models to improve the work environment at the National Pharmacy L.L.C. The motivational and creativity problems identified include inconsistency in task allocation, an informal approach to balancing competing needs and a lack of a structured creativity and motivation system. The theoretical perspectives highlighted to present a solution to these challenges are social-personality, component and interactionist models, among others.

In order to address these challenges, there is a need to institutionalise and internalise group dynamics to balance individual, group and organisations needs for the benefits of all parties involved. Moreover, the organisation should consider formalising and structuring its social-cultural norms to create a proactive and holistic environment that is friendly to the needs of employees.


Irrespective of the size of an organisation, there is a need for an effective balance between positive and negative motivational synergies in order to institutionalise and internalise a motivational approach to task delivery. For instance, at an individual level, an employee might not feel that they are given enough space and opportunities for fostering innovative and creative approaches to task accomplishment. The aim of this analytical report is to explicitly review current personal bottlenecks to becoming an effective innovative and creative employee of National Pharmacy L.L.C., which is a branch of Roche Diagnostics Middle East (RDME).

The objective of the report is to examine the significance of organisational creativity and innovation in detail. This is necessary to understand my current predicaments and propose a plan for addressing these challenges. Creativity and innovation are important in promoting performance at personal and organisational levels. Creative thinking is sometimes difficult due to cultural norms within the environment of an individual.


Current Creativity and Innovation Setbacks

Within a year, as an employee of National Pharmacy L.L.C., I have had to change my role twice in different complex and extremely demanding positions. From October 2015 to April 2018, I served as a sales and application specialist with extra roles in logistics, marketing and general office duties. Following a change in management, I was appointed by the country manager in April 2018 as a product specialist (marketing) with some extra duties to support customer call management. In September 2018, my job title was changed again to an application specialist.

Changing two different and demanding roles over a period of less than a year seriously affected my performance since I was expected to adjust quickly and learn on the job while delivering the expected results. Unfortunately, the manager used my score as an application specialist to evaluate my performance as part of the annual Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Although I got a chance to take either the job of a Quality Control Manager or an Application Manager, the country manager advised me not to apply for these vacant positions insisting that I am good as a marketer.

Consequently, this situation has affected my performance and distracted me from focusing on my initial career goals. Although I am competent and love the application and product specialist job description, I am not motivated to perform optimally. I feel like I am at a crossroads and barely surviving in the organisation.

Unblocking these Personal Motivational and Creativity Setbacks

Several theoretical approaches have been put forward to promote creativity and innovation at individual levels. First of all, it is possible to use the social-personality theoretical approach to embrace the current socio-cultural organisational environment as a source of internal creativity (Burns and Arshi, 2018). Given the recent change in management, I could apply this approach to find out more about the new management and their goals with regards to the socio-cultural organisational environment.

This would help me to unblock my creativity setbacks by improving relations with the management. It could also assist me in becoming more motivated, as I could align my career goals with organisational aims and objectives, thus ensuring that my work is meaningful and contributes to the company’s success.

The social-personality theoretical model can also be used to change my perception of the situation in order to unlock individual creativity and motivation. As noted by Proctor (2014), this approach helps to identify the external stimulus that contributes to performance, such as the need to complete certain tasks. This is followed by displaying relevant task accomplishment skills and re-evaluating the self to focus on the positives in current predicaments (Amabile, 1996).

The model then weighs these positives against initial expectations and relevant knowledge to track the skill level. Therefore, this process facilitates a change of attitude and the acceptance of current challenges as temporary setbacks, rather than personal attacks.

Secondly, the component model can be applied to improve individual creativity and motivation levels by changing the organisational environment. As explained by Csikszentmihalyi (1999), this model can help to identify current challenges and promote shared decision-making where employees provide feedback on the management’s actions and choices. This feedback should then be validated and communicated to the relevant authority.

For example, in my circumstances, it would be beneficial to communicate my concerns about KPI records and my position in the company to the top management and ask them to look at ways in which the current situation can be improved. On the one hand, this would resolve the internal issues in the organisation that caused my individual creativity blocks. On the other hand, if the management responses to my feedback appropriately, it would create a feeling of being valued, which contributes to individual motivation (Motoi 2017).

Thirdly, the interactionist model of creativity and motivation could be applied to my current situation. This model suggests striking a perfect balance between the variables of organisation, social and individual needs (Weisberg, 2006). In my case, the interactionist model would be useful for evaluating my personality, creativity, and expertise skills through a proactive process of fitting these aspects within a job description (Burns and Arshi, 2018).

In applying this model, one needs to evaluate their skills, personal traits, and creativity levels first. The assessment can be subjective or based on another person’s feedback. The results of the evaluation should be compared with the requirements of my position, and any gaps should be marked as areas for improvement. To address such gaps, the interactionist is model recommends establishing a set of personal, cognitive and knowledge frameworks to inspire the display of positive and desired personality traits (Dawson and Andriopoulous, 2014). Hence, reading more about the required skills and personality traits and following recommendations for developing them would help me to unblock my creativity and motivation.


This paper has addressed the aims and objectives of outlining the current bottlenecks at the National Pharmacy L.L.C. associated with limiting motivation and creativity. The findings suggest that the organisation has inadequate systematic individual and group motivational strategies that promote creativity and sustain task execution. In addition, the system is not flexible to adjust the KPIs according to the existing situation. Several theoretical orientations and models have been put forward to reverse such trends. The theories and models discussed include social-personality, interactionist, systems and componential orientations.

These theoretical perspectives outline the process of creating an ideal organisational environment that promotes inter- and intrapersonal associations for a positive attitude towards task execution. For instance, the interactionist model outlines a comprehensive process of balancing individual, group and organisational dynamics to create an ideal motivational and creative environment. When properly implemented and accompanied by comprehensive sustainability benchmarks, the current bottlenecks enumerated in the analysis section would be transformed into temporary organisational challenges, rather than individual setbacks.

Among the notable actions that promote innovation and creativity, as highlighted by these theoretical models, there are internalisation and institutionalisation of individual, group and organisational interests in allocation or execution of tasks (Burns and Arshi, 2018). Moreover, it is necessary to transform inter-and intrapersonal interaction approaches into a stronger, policy-inspired and inclusive system for a positive attitude towards problem-solving. Although the perception of equilibrium often leads to assuming that such an organisation is effective in promoting creativity, its outcome might not be as effective as the organisational belief system.


The current setbacks outlined at the National Pharmacy L.L.C suggest that the organisation has inconsistent employee motivation and creativity promoters. Therefore, through the integration of suggestions highlighted by different theoretical models and orientation, the following recommendations were made to foster a more proactive organisational innovation and creative environment. The National Pharmacy L.L.C. should integrate the interactionist model to motivate employees to express their cognitive skills, personality and knowledge without limitations of short-term needs or situations (Arshi, 2013).

Moreover, this organisation should attempt to institutionalise group dynamics within its structure by having a clear guideline that promotes diversity, cohesion and problem-solving. Therefore, the present organisational culture should be adjusted to integrate the aspects of reward, support and employee appreciation (Burns and Arshi, 2018). For instance, allocation of duties should be based on the line of specialisation of employees, rather than on a short-term shortage situation. As a result, the organisational environment will be ideal for enhancing creativity and promoting a positive attitude towards problem-solving.

This creative behaviour is actually a prerequisite for organisational creativity at an individual level (Burns and Arshi, 2018). As a result, the organisational environment will be more accommodating, holistic and all-encompassing to individual and organisation needs. In such an environment, employees will feel appreciated and motivated to perform challenging tasks. Moreover, it will be easy for them to display their talents and exercise creativity. When all other factors are held constant, these suggestions may facilitate the creation of an ideal work environment that optimises innovation and creativity.

Reference List

Amabile, T. M. (1996). Creativity in Context. Oxford, Westview Press.

Arshi, T (2013). Can organisational culture influence Innovation? An empirical study on organisational culture characteristics and innovative intensity. Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies, 10(2), 3-17.

Burns, P. and Arshi, T. (2018). Entrepreneurial architecture: a framework to promote innovation in large firms. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 27(2), 18-32.

Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1999). A systems perspective on creativity. In J Henry (ed) Creative Management and Development (3e). London: Sage Publications, pp. 13-29.

Dawson P. and Andriopoulous C. (2014). Managing change, creativity and organisation. London: SAGE.

Motoi, G. (2017). Could employees’ motivation be increased by a better organizational communication? A sociological perspective. Social Sciences and Education Research Review, 4(1), 174-190.

Proctor, T. (2014). Creative Problem Solving for Managers: developing skills for decision making and innovation. Abingdon: Routledge.

Weisberg, R. W. (2006) Creativity: understanding innovation in problem solving, science, invention and the arts. John Wiley: New Jersey.

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