Navigating Risk and Resilience in Child Welfare


Children at risk require close attention to protective services and appropriate assistance provided. In the cases under analysis, the extent of risk, as well as the range of protective factors, vary substantially. Finally, for Gabriella, the risk of sexual abuse currently represents the greatest concern, whereas Jasmine requires an immediate healthcare assessment for her constant headaches, and Anthony needs to be removed from his abusive grandmother and undergo cognitive behavior therapy.

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Furthermore, the case effectively proves the impact of human behavior on the social environment. Specifically, Anthony’s social environment has been affected by the behavior of his grandmother and the lack of support from his mother. Similarly, Gabriella and Jasmine lack parental support, which defines their lack of agency and unwillingness to resist and seek help. Furthermore, the specified factor has also instilled fear in Gabriella and Jasmine, thus, depriving them of their autonomy.

When working with each child, one should consider multi-level interventions as the main strategy. Specifically, the Cognitive Behavior Therapy principles and the relevant strategies must serve as the basis for managing the observed issue (Hutchison & Charlesworth, 2016). Additionally, the use of the Systems perspective will allow addressing the situation observed with Anthony, who will require a complex assessment due to the presence of several factors shaping his behavior, including the lack of parental support and the presence of corporal punishments (Pereda & Díaz-Faes, 2020).


In turn, the cases of Gabriella and Jasmine will require the psychodynamic approach as the means of identifying how their needs and other internal factors define their behaviors. It is expected that the proposed approach to managing the target population’s issues will reduce their exposure to risks and allow them to manage their behavioral and mental health issues.


Hutchison, E. D., & Charlesworth, L. W. (2016). Essentials of human behavior: Integrating person, environment, and the life course. Sage Publications.

Pereda, N., & Díaz-Faes, D. A. (2020). Family violence against children in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic: A review of current perspectives and risk factors. Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health, 14(1), 40-46. Web.

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