NCSBN’s Role in Promoting Quality Nursing Care and Patient Safety

Generally, the nursing sector is a sensitive area that requires proper oversight of the practices undertaken by different practitioners and agencies. To ensure the effective and efficient application of regulatory measures, the National Council of States Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) created a platform that allows various concerned bodies to act. The organization’s focus is to counsel and address issues of common interest that are likely to affect the safety and well-being of the public (Dickison ET AL., 2019). For instance, it ensures nursing graduates undertake relevant exams to test their proficiency and competencies gained during their course program. Through the approach, NCSBN is capable of increasing the quality of health providers across the country. Furthermore, the board through the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) is reducing the prevalence of non-qualified providers having incompetent nursing skills to provide care services (Davis & Morrow, 2021). The institution has therefore minimized malpractices that can danger the patient’s lives. To achieve this perspective, NCSBN handles various practice topics by providing a number of evidence-based resources to assist the nursing regulatory bodies in making coordinated decisions.

Furthermore, by allowing Boards of Nursing (BON) to operate differently based on the area of jurisdiction, NCSBN has promoted a fair ground for obtaining a working license. Prospective registered nurses have the ability to renew their work permits as per the requirement of the regulatory body. In addition, through the issuing and seizing of the license, BON has influenced effective care services in the country because practitioners do not want to risk losing their jobs forcing due to negligence. Having such regulatory abilities, BON in conjunction with other agencies such as NCLEX plays a critical role in ensuring the healthcare department remains proactive and offers quality and reliable services to the patients.


Davis, J. H., & Morrow, M. R. (2021). Professional preparation: Faculty practices for NCLEX-RN® success. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(4), 360-365. Web.

Dickison, P., Haerling, K. A., & Lasater, K. (2019). Integrating the National Council of State Boards of Nursing clinical judgment model into nursing educational frameworks. Journal of Nursing Education, 58(2), 72-78. Web.

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