This paper described an analysis of well-being and health status. The main diagnoses based on screenings and examinations were described. The most key aspects are life stress and related stress, manifestations of PFS, and avitominosis. For each diagnosis, the most effective ways of monitoring and were described. Based on the screening and monitoring modalities studied, detailed work plans with deadlines were drawn up. All stages of treatment are consistent and scientifically substantiated. At the end of the course of necessary therapy within the framework of each disease, repeated diagnostics for objective evaluation of the progress in treatment is supposed. Subjective sensations, which include improvement of general well-being and quality of life of the patient, have an important place in tracking the results of the study. The work performed allowed us to improve our skills in developing a treatment plan and formulating a diagnosis, which contributes to professional growth.
The studies devoted to the study of the health status of various categories of medical workers have proved the high value of information on their health collected by anamnestic method. This information allows us to give a full characteristic of the state of health of this contingent, because it includes materials on both acute and chronic morbidity, similar to the complex results of the study of the addressability and the data of in-depth medical examinations.
Sociological surveys explored the opinion of medical workers on the presence of the relationship of their diseases with various external factors. Preferences in preventive measures and methods of treatment of their own diseases, as well as the attitude to the organization of medical care and preventive medical examinations are also among them. In modern socio-demographic conditions, when the total number of able-bodied populations is decreasing, the average age of people is growing and the population is aging, the issues of population health preservation become especially important. Health is one of the essential characteristics of the population. Today, it is of great concern that the health dynamics of the population is on a downward trend, and health problems are moving from older age groups to children and young people.
My health is greatly influenced by the climate of where I live, my diet, work and physical activity distribution. Irrational distribution of time affects the improper consumption of food and the lack of necessary micronutrients and nutrients. The diet is dominated by complex carbohydrates, which leads to swelling and discomfort during the day. My work schedule is quite irregular, so sleep often becomes irregular. This affects the onset of headaches and general malaise.
The climatic factor has a favorable effect on my condition. I get enough sunshine, I have the opportunity to be out in nature for most of the year due to the favorable, mild weather. Inseparable from my general well-being is a low level of air pollution in the area in which I live. This is due to the lack of a developed public transport network and the relatively low population density.
My general state of health can be assessed as satisfactory, by now there are no chronic diseases or cavity surgeries survived. I do not suffer from acute respiratory infections and other viral infections often, not more than once a year. All respiratory diseases occur without complications. In terms of musculoskeletal system, I have no complaints, because for 10 years of training and jogging, no cases of injuries or concomitant diseases were observed. The most striking manifestations of body disorders are related to the work of the nervous, as well as digestive and excretory systems. Diagnoses related to these areas are due to lifestyle and are not related to hereditary or congenital predispositions.
Avitaminosis is a term that has become widely used. Today many people talk about avitaminosis, and almost everyone has heard of it. At the same time, avitaminosis is usually understood more broadly than what is put in this concept by medicine. Medicine distinguishes between two pathological states: avitaminosis – when the body lacks any vitamin (a type of avitaminosis, in which several vitamins are missing at once, called multivitaminosis), and hypovitaminosis – when the body lacks any vitamin. In the popular mind, these two conditions are usually not distinguished, and any lack of vitamins is called avitaminosis. In fact, avitaminosis today is relatively rare, much more often we have to deal with hypovitaminosis.
Vitamins are organic, low molecular weight substances that are essential for humans. Low molecular weight compounds are chemically unstable, so most vitamins are easily destroyed, for example, by heat, or by oxidizing in contact with air. But vitamins are involved in various metabolic processes, and their deficiency or absence leads to metabolic disorders and the development of serious pathologies.
Avitaminosis disease in most cases is caused by poor diet. A poor diet is most likely to lead to the development of this pathology. All this is due to the fact that there is no product that contains all the vitamins at once. The key symptoms are:
- Skin becomes dry and flabby, and pigment spots appear on it
- Dental problems, bleeding gums. Plaque builds up on the tongue.
- Appearance of dandruff, dull and lifeless hair
- Pimples on the face
- Swelling of the face, nails, and hands
- Changes in body odor and sweat, bad breath begins to smell
- Peeling of the nails
- Increased sensitivity to sunlight, watery eyes, redness
- Disorders of normal digestion
- Deterioration of memory, problems with concentration (Frank, 2020).
The key factors contributing to the development of avitaminosis in this case are:
- Digestive disorders. Malabsorption of vitamins is seen in chronic gastroenteritis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease and other diseases. Symptoms occur at different stages – digestion, release of nutrients, absorption of finished bioactive forms.
- Vitamin delivery disorders. With defects in transport proteins, which is most often caused by liver damage, vitamin substances do not travel to the target organs, so symptoms of vitamin deficiency occur even with normal levels of nutrients in the blood. Disorders of the interaction of transport proteins with cell receptors are less common.
Based on symptoms, there is vitamin A avitaminosis, in which retinol deficiency is diagnosed at blood concentrations of less than 0.35 µmol/l, but the first signs of insufficiency occur already at values of 0.7-1.22 µmol/l (Frank, 2020).
Vegetative Disorder
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a part of the body’s nervous system that controls the activity of internal organs and metabolism in the entire body. It is located in the cortex and brain stem, hypothalamus area, spinal cord, and consists of peripheral parts. Any pathology of these structures, as well as a disturbance of the relationship with the VSN can cause autonomic disorders. In this case, the most probable cause of the symtomatology is life stress and concomitant psychogenic factors.
The latter include severe and chronic psycho-emotional stresses and other mental and neurotic disorders, which are the main precursors of the disease. IBS is essentially an excessive autonomic response to stress. Often mental disorders – anxiety syndrome depression – are accompanied by vegetative symptoms in parallel with mental symptoms (Pape-Haugaard, 2020). In some patient’s, mental symptoms prevail, in others somatic complaints are in the foreground, which complicates diagnosis.
Eating Disorder
Eating disorders (ED) reflect psycho-emotional disturbances in the form of abnormal eating habits. With a prolonged course, severe somatic complications develop, since practically all organ systems are involved (Jameson, 2018). In severe cases, the consequences are irreversible, leading to disability (Bartley & Streno, 2020). In this case, bulimia nervosa, in which there are recurrent attacks of overeating on the background of pathological preoccupation with the parameters of one’s own body, is relevant (Cook-Cottone, 2020). Episodes of exacerbation are associated with psycho-emotional risk factors. The breakdown ends with the adoption of extreme measures, but it was not necessary to resort to them.
Treatment Plan
- Determination of vitamin levels. This is the main test used to confirm the diagnosis. It gives the most accurate results when there is evidence of a deficiency in fat-soluble forms. The deadline is January, 20.
- Other blood tests. A hemogram is performed to evaluate the amount of hemoglobin, number, and shape of red blood cells, which is necessary to detect laboratory symptoms of different types of anemia (Kai Hong Phua, 2018). A coagulogram is mandatory to assess blood clotting. The deadline is January, 20.
- Correction of malabsorption. Specific enzyme preparations, synbiotics normalizing intestinal microflora, and bile acid-based medications are prescribed to stimulate digestion. The deadline is January, 20.
Normalization of electrolyte balance. The physiological level of trace elements is important for the processes of transport, biochemical transformation of vitamins, so if appropriate signs are identified, patients are administered infusions of saline solutions, preparations of calcium, potassium, iron.
Vegetative Disorder
One should collect the patient’s complaints, which, given the polymorphism of the clinic, can be very diverse. Moreover, researching anamnesis, finding out the presence of acute and chronic stressful situations, because they often serve as a trigger of the diseas, and other predisposing and causative factors is vital for the process. The deadline is January, 20.
The second stage of diagnostics:
- The skin is evaluated, blood pressure and pulse are measured, and the lungs and heart are auscultated. The neurological status with emphasis on the vegetative sphere is investigated (Yang et al., 2020).
- orthostatic test is applied (blood pressure and heart rate – heart rate – are measured in the prone position, and then after transition to the upright position in 1-2 minutes);
- Kerdo index is measured, which is calculated by the formula: index = 100 * (1 – diastolic BP HR). If the index is greater than zero, sympathetic predominates, if less than zero, parasympathetic predominates (El-Baz & Suri, 2020). The deadline is January, 20.
The third stage of diagnostics:
Laboratory diagnostics are used: general blood tests (CBC) and urine tests (UMB) are prescribed, which can confirm or refute the presence of a certain disease.
ECG may reveal certain changes: increased amplitude of the T wave in the right thoracic leads combined with an elevated ST segment in the same leads, inversion of the T wave. ECG allows differentiating ischemic heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmic syndromes (Salgado, 2020). A more informative examination for diagnosing heart rhythm disorders is ECG monitoring, which allows for a more accurate determination of the presence of ischemic changes in the heart The deadline is January, 20.
Eating disorder
The action plan includes the following steps:
- Rehabilitation psychotherapy. The deadline is January, 20.
- Working through the diet with a nutritionist. The deadline is January, 20.
- Gastrointestinal examination. The deadline is January, 20.
- Remove foods that are not good for the body, containing so-called empty calories. These are pastries, confectionery, sweets, sausages and semi-finished products, mayonnaise, sauces The deadline is January, 20.
- Watch the water balance; it is necessary to drink no less than 1.5 liters of pure water daily. The approximate norm is calculated by the formula: 30 milliliters per kilogram of ideal weight. The deadline is January, 20.
The results of IBS therapy can be evaluated based on the improvement in your general well-being. Results can also be monitored by blood tests:
- General blood count;
- General urinalysis;
- Indicators of liver and kidney function;
- Thyroid hormone levels;
- Additional tests may be done at your doctor’s discretion.
Hormone tests will help assess the progress of treatment of avitaminosis. With possible signs of hypovitaminosis D determination of parathormone is shown. Symptoms of impaired fertility in the absence of A and E – reason for an expanded study of sex hormones (estrogens, gestagens, androgens), gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. Instrumental methods are also effective. To find out the cause of vitamin deficiency, gastrointestinal examinations are necessary: fibrogastroduodenoscopy, radiography with barium passage through the intestine, CT or MRI of the abdominal cavity organs. If vitamin D deficiency is suspected, skeletal bone radiography is recommended.
In evaluating the progress of treatment of RPP, it is necessary to:
- Height and weight are measured;
- Blood pressure is measured;
- Heart rate and respiration are assessed;
- Clarify the patient’s complaints;
- Skin, hair, and nails are evaluated.
Self-assessment of health is one of the basic indicators in the study of health, because there is a high degree of correspondence between self-assessment and objective parameters of health. Self-assessment of health allows predicting behavioral acts and forming risk groups. Over the compared 20 years the self-assessment of adolescents’ health has improved – the share of assessments of good health has increased by 1.7 times – in connection with changes in attitudes and values in the field of health. The importance of the motive to be stronger, healthier and the motive of education doubled. Many diseases are caused by insufficient time of night sleep, unbalanced and incomplete nutrition, a sixth part refers to the lack of time to take care of health. They also attribute their illness to strained relationships in the family, loneliness, and domestic disorder. At the same time low physical activity, bad habits (smoking, alcohol, overeating, abuse of table salt, coffee) as a factor that affects quality of life and health. Expressed critical self-assessment of health in the questionnaires is often combined with inadequate awareness of the reasons that led to the deterioration of health. Most respondents attributed their poor health to external factors that do not depend on their own behavior and lifestyle.
Bartley, J., & Streno, M. (2020). What you need to know about eating disorders. ABC-CLIO.
Cook-Cottone, C. (2020). Embodiment and the Treatment of Eating Disorders: The Body as a Resource in Recovery. W. W. Norton & Company.
El-Baz, A. S., & Suri, J. S. (2020). Neurological disorders and imaging physics. Volume 5, Applications in dyslexia, epilepsy and Parkinson’s. IOP Publishing.
Frank, R. N. (2020). Of Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Vitamins. JAMA Ophthalmology, 138(12), 1290. Web.
Jameson, J. L. (2018). Harrison’s principles of internal medicine (20th ed.). New York Mcgraw-Hill Education.
Kai Hong Phua, (2018). Healthcare. Institute Of Policy Studies.
Melnyk, B., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.
Salgado, A. (2020). Handbook of Innovations in Central Nervous System Regenerative Medicine. Elsevier.
Pape-Haugaard, L. B. (2020). Digital personalized health and medicine : proceedings of MIE 2020. Ios Press.
Yang, Y., Wang, C., Xiang, Y., Penzel, T., & Lu, J. (2020). Mental Disorders Associated With Neurological Diseases. Frontiers Media SA.