Navigating Stress: My Transition to High School Life

Stress is part of life. Each person experiences stress at one point in life. Stress is defined as a normal way through which the body responds to every undertaking to keep it balanced. Thus, in life change is inevitable and always causes one to be stressed. In fact, stress may affect a person’s life and becomes difficult to get rid of while others just disappear without realizing. Such situations occur due to the fear of the unknown.

Life after primary school is always fun given that you are free from books. The stressful part comes when you have to join high school. Whereas I was excited about joining high school, I was stressed when I thought about a new life away from home. Being, the firstborn, I was to be the first one to join high school in my family. All my friends were almost the same age, and were going to be freshmen like me. My dad was not around, and my mother never went to high school. The situation meant that I had no one to offer me advice on how to behave at school. Thus, I joined high school and started a new life full of stress.

The scariest part about high school life was that it was in another city away from home. I joined Hillcrest School, which was in Texas while our home was in New York. My first day in school just happened to be my first day in that city. I was in a new city with no relatives. The memorable day was on 11 October 2010. The best my mother could do was to accompany me to school to ensure that the registration process was successful. After that, she went back to New York. The distance meant that I was not going to travel home during the weekends.

After the registration, I was showed the hostels. I was hoping that I would get good roommates, and we would be friends right away. However, it turned out that my roommates were noisy and party type. I am a quiet person and making friends was a big problem. I was worried about whether I would fit in or even find true friends that would accept me. I also heard a story about lecturers asking for sexual favors in exchange for good grades. I got me worried about the hearsay for a few days as I was trying to figure out what I will do when such a day comes. I hoped that no lecturer would be able to know or understand me to an extent of making such advances. Finally, there was the financial stress aspect. I was a government-sponsored student and by the time I was joining high school, the loan had not been disbursed. The delay meant that I had to struggle to find money for my upkeep. As a result, the process turned out to be a difficult transition.

The challenges and stressful life at high school went on for a month. I had trouble sleeping due to stress brought by the new environment. I was homesick, missed my family and homemade meals. After the first month in high school ended, I started getting used to the system. I made two friends who I would spend most of my time with while not in class to avoid my noisy roommates. The financial aid was disbursed, and I was able to get support from my mother and classmates. I started enjoying attending classes accompanied by friends and classmates. With time, I got over my homesickness and settled down in my new school.

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