History of Nursing: Florence Nightingale’s Lasting Impact


By far, one of the most famous people in the history of Nursing, Florence Nightingale, inspired a countless number of people, contributing to the fast-paced progress of nursing and the development of new strategies. Helping nurses build their experience and use it successfully to address patients’ problems, Florence Nightingale created the philosophy of nursing that suggested measuring the effect of a strategy by its outcomes, thus, providing building blocks for the contemporary concept of evidence-based practice (EVP) (Beck, Dossey, & Rushton, 2012).

Florence Nightingale’s Legacy

Considering the impact that the article about Florence Nightingale’s accomplishments has had on me, I have to admit that it has inspired me to explore the existing opportunities for personal development more actively. On a wider scale, the concept of a nurse’s professional evolution has spurred my need to engage in the process of unceasing the acquisition and training of new skills. In other words, the concept of EBP, as Florence Nightingale interpreted in, has led me to become a lifelong learner. Indeed, with every new step in the scientific, technological, and cultural progress, a new tool for improving the quality of patients’ lives, as well as the nursing services, emerges. As a result, possessing the necessary skills, a nurse may promote the use of the corresponding tools and devices in the workplace environment so that the process of meeting the patients’ needs could be handled in a more efficient manner. As a result, the recovery rates are going to increase significantly. Moreover, by encouraging nurses to acquire new skills and train them appropriately, one is likely to contribute to a significant improvement in the information management processes in the contemporary nursing environment.

Key Millennium Goals

Among the Millennium goals that seem to have the greatest significance and the highest urgency rates, reducing child mortality, and building a global partnership for development is essential to me (United Nations Organization, 2015). I believe that, as a nurse, I will be able to advance in these goals, therefore, making a difference in today’s society. The objectives mentioned above will be attained primarily by using an efficient information management strategy.

Specifically, the child mortality rates will be addressed by providing the target audience with the necessary information about the factors that enhance it. Booklets, articles, brochures, free consultations, etc. will be made available to the target audience so that they could secure their children from key threats. In addition, it will be necessary to build a cost-efficient strategy that will allow offering low-class population members, as well as the citizen of underdeveloped countries, free healthcare, and nursing assistance. The global partnership, in its turn, will also be created by using advanced communication systems. Engaging in the global communication process, nurses will be able to become a community that will cater to the needs of the target population successfully.

Community of Nurses

Sharing information globally, nurses can increase the quality of services, thus, contributing to a rapid rise in recovery rates among patients. Furthermore, with the help of the community, more nurses will accept the concept of lifelong learning, thus, improving their skills significantly. Finally, awareness rates about the greatest threats to people’s health worldwide will be raised to a considerable extent once nurses form a community and start sharing information on a global level.


Although the ideas suggested by Florence Nightingale as the foundation for nursing practices are rather old, their relevance is still high today. The concept of a nursing community that will create premises for knowledge sharing can be viewed as one of the greatest breakthroughs in the history of nursing. Florence Nightingale’s ideas lie at the core of the modern Millennium Goals, thus, serving as the means of promoting progress and improving the quality of nursing globally.


Beck, D. M., Dossey, B., & Rushton, C. H. (2012). Florence Nightingale: Connecting her legacy with local-to-global health today. Web.

United Nations Organization. (2015). Taking stock of the global partnership for development. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "History of Nursing: Florence Nightingale’s Lasting Impact." December 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nightingales-nursing-theory-and-millennium-goals/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "History of Nursing: Florence Nightingale’s Lasting Impact." December 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/nightingales-nursing-theory-and-millennium-goals/.

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