Nike’s “Just Do It” Ad: Rhetorical Appeals and Effectiveness of the Image


In today’s visually-oriented society, images are everywhere. They are constantly bombarding viewers, whether it be on billboards, magazines, television, or even clothing. While some may not always consciously think about it, these images are making arguments. They are persuading us, selling us something, providing humor, or informing us. In this essay, it is essential to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of an image as an argument. Specifically, one should examine an advertisement for Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign.

Purpose of the Image

The purpose of Nike’s advertisement is clear: to persuade and sell their products. The image features a black and white photograph of a young athlete, Serena Williams, along with the famous Nike slogan, “Just Do It.” This advertisement’s intended audience is likely athletes, sports enthusiasts, and individuals who admire Serena Williams. The image seeks to inspire and motivate its audience through the use of a well-respected and accomplished athlete like Serena Williams.

Intended Audience

The intended audience would likely react positively to this image. They would appreciate the power and determination that is conveyed through Serena Williams’ pose and expression. The image uses pathos, appealing to the emotions of the audience by evoking feelings of inspiration, motivation, and determination (Bleicher 134). By associating Nike with a successful athlete like Serena Williams, the advertisement also uses ethos, establishing credibility and trust with the audience.

Rhetorical Appeals in the Image

The image also utilizes logos, as it appeals to the logical side of the audience. The Nike slogan, “Just Do It,” is a simple and concise message that encourages action and perseverance. It conveys the idea that success can be achieved through hard work and dedication. By strategically placing the slogan alongside Serena Williams’ image, Nike is able to reinforce this message and connect it to the brand.

In terms of kairos, the timing of this advertisement is important (Gal et al. 89). It was released during a time when Serena Williams was at the peak of her career, winning multiple Grand Slam titles and breaking records. By capitalizing on her success, Nike is able to generate excitement and inspire their audience. The image is compelling in its attempt to persuade the viewer because it leverages the fame and accomplishments of Serena Williams to create a powerful and motivating message.

Effectiveness of the Image

Several elements of this image contribute to its effectiveness. Firstly, the use of black and white photography adds a timeless and classic feel to the image. This aesthetic choice enhances the overall message of determination and perseverance (Karras et al. 287). Additionally, Serena Williams’ pose and expression exude confidence and strength, further reinforcing the message of the advertisement.

Furthermore, Serena Williams’s choice as the featured athlete is an effective one. She is a highly respected and accomplished figure in the world of sports, and her success is a powerful endorsement for Nike. By associating their brand with Serena Williams, Nike is able to establish a sense of credibility and trust with their audience.

However, while the image is overall effective, there are some aspects that could be improved. The simplicity of the image, while powerful, may only resonate with some. Some individuals may prefer more complex and nuanced visuals. Additionally, the advertisement could benefit from more diversity in terms of the athletes featured (Bleicher 99). By showcasing a range of athletes from different backgrounds and sports, Nike could appeal to a wider audience and further strengthen their message of inclusivity and empowerment.

The Rationale Behind the Image Choice

The reason why I chose Nike’s picture for analysis is because it is a highly recognizable and influential image in today’s society. Nike is a well-known and respected brand, and their “Just Do It” campaign has become iconic. By choosing this image, I can analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of a widely recognized advertisement.

Additionally, the image features Serena Williams, a highly accomplished and respected athlete. Serena Williams is a symbol of strength, perseverance, and success; her presence in the advertisement adds credibility and appeal. By examining this image, I analyze how Nike leverages the fame and accomplishments of an athlete like Serena Williams to create a powerful and persuasive message.

Furthermore, the Nike advertisement is a prime example of how images can be used to make arguments and persuade audiences. The image uses rhetorical appeals such as ethos, pathos, and logos to connect with its intended audience and convey a message of determination and perseverance (Bleicher 145). By analyzing this image, I can explore how Nike effectively uses these appeals to influence and persuade viewers.


In conclusion, the Nike advertisement featuring Serena Williams is a compelling image that persuades and sells its audience the brand’s message of determination and perseverance. Its purpose is to inspire and motivate athletes and sports enthusiasts. The image implements all three rhetorical appeals to engage its audience, establish credibility, evoke emotions, and convey a logical message. While the image is overall successful in its attempt to persuade, there are elements that could be improved, such as the inclusion of more diversity. Overall, this image is a testament to the power of visual texts and their ability to make arguments and influence thinking.

Works Cited

Bleicher, Steven. Contemporary Color: Theory and Use. Routledge, 2023.

Gal, Rinon, et al. “An Image is Worth One Word: Personalizing Text-to-Image Generation using Textual Inversion.” The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, 2022, pp. 87-94.

Karras, Tero, et al. “Analyzing and Improving the Image Quality of Stylegan.” Proceedings Of The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2020, pp. 284-298.

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StudyCorgi. "Nike’s “Just Do It” Ad: Rhetorical Appeals and Effectiveness of the Image." January 30, 2025.


StudyCorgi. 2025. "Nike’s “Just Do It” Ad: Rhetorical Appeals and Effectiveness of the Image." January 30, 2025.

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