Nine Principles of Policing

It is crucial for the government to perform its duties to the best of its abilities, uphold peace in society, and prevent destructive behavior. However, the current state of policing provides unsatisfactory results through many examples of such agencies creating socioeconomic and racial disparities (Albrecht, 2019). Ensuring that the current laws remain related to the Nine Principles of Policing can benefit society greatly. This paper will analyze the influence of Sir Robert Peel’s approach on modern law enforcement agencies.

The Nine Principles of Policing had a lasting positive impact on governments. For example, the prevention of crimes through public action plays an essential part in this philosophy. In the United States, there are community-organized patrols, including neighborhood crime prevention groups, which can provide efficient support and supervision of police actions (Albrecht, 2019). Such a method benefits society by promoting ethical behavior and preventing crimes from occurring in the first place. Another critical point in modern law enforcement is the punishment of delinquents, while the most effective solution that should be considered is the one that prevents crimes. Policies that prioritize prison sentences decrease public trust in the fairness of the law (Albrecht, 2019). I feel that the idea of changing criminals’ behavior can be translated into the practice utilized in the United States. For example, a person can be sent to work without payment for a set period at a homeless shelter instead of being jailed. By prioritizing sending people to perform community services instead of incarcerating them, countries can follow Peel’s advice.

In conclusion, the Nine Principles of Policing remain at the core of modern-day crime prevention techniques, although deviations from this philosophy have led to counterproductive decisions by the criminal justice system. By following these principles, it is possible to achieve greater trust in law enforcement organizations. Public attitudes toward police officers can vary, yet I believe that the existence of a guideline that promotes ethical and respectful behavior can alleviate much of the negativity in society.


Albrecht, J. F. (2019). Evaluating police-community relations globally. In J. F. Albrecht, G. D. Heyer, & P. Stanislas (Eds.), Policing and minority communities: Contemporary issues and global perspectives (pp. 3-10). Springer.

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