Nuclear, Extended, and Foster Family

Nuclear Family

A nuclear family is a widespread type of family in the modern world. These families consist of a married couple and their child, or children. It is usually considered the most stable type of family. It more likely guarantees stability, better chances for good education or healthcare due to a small number of people in the family for whom financial resources are needed. The fictional example of such a family can be Homer and Marge with their children Bart, Lisa, and Maggie from The Simpsons. They all live in one household, excluding the extended family members – grandparents, cousins, and others.

Extended Family

An extended family includes the members of a nuclear family, namely parents and their children, and other relatives: aunts, uncles, grandparents, or cousins, all living in the same household. A family of my friend from India exemplifies such a type. It consists of more than twenty people, with several generations living under one roof or, at least, close to each other. This allows gathering a big part of the family every evening in the common room, talking, playing games, and having dinner together. On different occasions, such as birthdays and fests, the whole family gets together to celebrate.

Foster Family

A foster family implies a married couple or an individual who adopts a child. There can be different reasons for doing that, including the inability to have children and the desire to help children from orphanages. This type of family is unique because of the absence of any blood relations. It can provoke certain difficulties, though, such families are usually not less connected than others because of their strong emotional attachment to each other. An example can be Kung Fu Panda who was adopted by his goose father, Mr.Ping. Their relationship demonstrates no different from any other family parent-child connection.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, November 24). Nuclear, Extended, and Foster Family.

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