Nurse Burnout: Evidence-Based Practice Change

The nursing practice problem under discussion is that nurses usually suffer from burnout that affects the quality of their work, and it is important to determine strategies that contribute to decreasing work stress and exhaustion. This problem is directly linked to the examined qualitative and quantitative articles, and it guides the PICOT question set for this study. Thus, the project is focused on identifying whether strategies to control stress in the nursing workplace can decrease the levels of work pressure and nurses’ burnout in a six-month period.

This PICOT question formulated to address the nursing practice problem is linked to the studies by Dev, Fernando, Lim, and Consedine (2018) and Kinser, Braun, Deeb, Carrico, and Dow (2016). According to Kinser et al. (2016), stress and burnout in nurses are discussed as costly conditions that can lead to medical errors, but that can also be prevented. Moreover, according to Dev et al. (2018), if nurses experience significant levels of burnout at work, they become unable to provide high-quality compassionate care for patients.

From this perspective, in order to address the discussed problem, it is possible to propose certain evidence-based nursing practice changes that are supported by the results of recent studies in the field. The practice change should be based on the idea that nurses need to be trained on how to control stress and prevent burnout with the help of certain strategies and interventions. This idea is grounded in the results of Kinser et al.’s (2016) research, indicating that nurses’ mindfulness training contributes to decreasing their burnout. Additionally, professional training and interventions for nurses to reduce their burnout are discussed as effective by Dev et al. (2018). Thus, nurses need to access training and education on certain stress control strategies to decrease their burnout levels.


Dev, V., Fernando, A. T., Lim, A. G., & Consedine, N. S. (2018). Does self-compassion mitigate the relationship between burnout and barriers to compassion? A cross-sectional quantitative study of 799 nurses. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 81, 81-88. Web.

Kinser, P., Braun, S., Deeb, G., Carrico, C., & Dow, A. (2016). “Awareness is the first step”: An interprofessional course on mindfulness & mindful-movement for healthcare professionals and students. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 25, 18-25. Web.

Yuwanich, N., Akhavan, S., Nantsupawat, W., & Martin, L. (2017). Experiences of occupational stress among emergency nurses at private hospitals in Bangkok, Thailand. Open Journal of Nursing, 7(6), 657-670. Web.

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