Nursing Leadership: Strengths, Weaknesses, & Growth

Nurses utilize their competencies and leadership dexterities in different healthcare settings. Nurse practitioners should also engage in lifelong learning to develop new concepts and improve their care delivery models. This paper begins by describing my leadership strengths and weaknesses. The discussion outlines the best approaches to promote change and improve my nursing philosophy.

Leadership Strengths and Weaknesses

Personal and Professional Accountability

The rating exercise has revealed that I have managed to develop my personal and professional accountability. I have acquired the relevant education that can support my career goals. I engage in lifelong learning and career planning. I have a philosophy that is informed by my educational achievements. I follow existing ethical codes of practice. I also focus on nursing scopes and standards of practice. I am a member of professional associations such as the Alliance of Young Nurse Leaders and Advocates. There are some weaknesses that affect my professional position and goals. For example, I am yet to identify another professional association that can facilitate personal development and networking. I have also not developed an efficient personal code of conduct.

Career Planning

I always take the issue of career planning seriously. I understand the description of my practice level and goals. I follow the guidelines outlined by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). I have designed an effective career path to support my future goals. I will complete a master’s degree in an attempt to improve my competencies. I will acquire new competencies and utilize the power of evidence-based practice to deliver high-quality patient care. The major weakness is that my current career plan is not flexible. This means that I have not considered the changes encountered in nursing such as the importance of technological applications.

Personal Journey Disciplines

The completed self-assessment indicates that I have adequate kills that support my leadership goals. I deliver shared leadership through the use of teams and collaborative practices. I understand how to apply the idea of action learning to solve challenges. Critical thinking is a concept that guides nurses to make informed decisions and address conflicts (Marquis & Huston, 2015). I always engage in personal reflection and critical thinking to identify missing gaps in my leadership model. The outstanding weakness is the inability to solve emerging problems efficiently.

Reflective Practice Reference Tenets and Behaviors

Reflective practice is a concept that supports my nursing philosophy. I have specific guidelines that dictate my behaviors. The issue of truth is always taken seriously. I use my competencies to appreciate ambiguity and concentrate on my patients’ needs. I can pursue multiple attributes or perspective without making personal judgment. I work hard to discover new potential within me. I always strive for knowledge and new notions in nursing. I use every opportunity to develop my emotional self. I apply the concept of work-life balance to renew my body and spirit. The outstanding weakness is that I have not developed adequate strategies to discover the potential in others.

Advocating for Change in Your Workplace

My workplace stands a chance to benefit from my leadership skills. The first thing is to identify specific dexterities that can be applied to transform the performance of different nurses (Shirey, 2013). Before implementing the best practices and behaviors, workmates and colleagues will be informed about the challenges associated with infective care delivery practices. The next thing will be to ensure the concept of teamwork is taken seriously. Followers in the unit will be guided to act ethically, design effective nursing philosophies, and embrace the power of cultural competence. They will be also encouraged to collaborate, solve problems amicably, and engage in critical thinking (Harris, 2016). These evidence-based practices will then be supported to become part of the existing culture.

Personal Goal for Leadership Growth

The ability to discover and appreciate other people’s potential is a skill that is not fully developed. This proficiency can guide me to achieve most of my goals as a nurse leader. A powerful implementation plan will be considered to achieve the goal. The first step will be to engage in personal assessment. This practice will expose the nature of the weakness and how it affects my potential. The second phase will be to create a mission statement. The statement will guide me to learn how to appreciate other people’s abilities (Harris, 2016). The third stage is to strengthen the targeted skill. This goal will be achieved by interacting with more people. I will encourage them to describe how they pursue their objectives. I will also discover how different people are motivated or empowered. The last stage is to make the developed dexterity part of my leadership model. This practice will support my future objectives as a team leader.


The completed exercise shows that I have significant strengths that define my leadership philosophy. I have strengths such the ability to work as a team, collaborate with others, and solve problems. I have adequate education and career plans that can make me successful. With the above strategies, I will implement an effective change in my workplace and improve my nursing practice.


Harris, A. (2016). Nursing to achieve organizational performance: Consider the role of nursing intellectual capital. Healthcare Management Forum, 29(3), 1-13. Web.

Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2015). Leadership roles and management functions in nursing: Theory and application (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.

Shirey, M. R. (2013). Lewin’s theory of planned change as a strategic resource. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 43(2), 69-72. Web.

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