3 Source Collection via a Synthesis Matrix
A Synthesis Matrix is basically a visual representation of our collected resources. It shows the breakdown of topic to specific evidence. Please fill in the table below with your 3 collected resources (you should have at least one from this week’s discussion board). Some sources may cover more than one pro-point, while others just prove the one pro-point.
Cho, E., Sloane, D., Kim, E., Kim, S., Choi, M., Yoo, I…. Aiken, L. (2015). Effects of nurse staffing, work environments, and education on patient mortality: An observational study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(2), 535-542. Web.
Kim, S., & Lee, M. (2014). Effects of emotional labor and communication competence on turnover intention in nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration, 20(3), 332-341. Web.
Nantsupawat, A., Kunaviktikul, W., Nantsupawat, R., Wichaikhum, O., Thienthong, H., & Poghosyan, L. (2016). Effects of nurse work environment on job dissatisfaction, burnout, intention to leave. International Nursing Review, 64, 91–98. Web.