Nurses in Policy-Making

In addition to the immediate treatment and diagnostics assistance, nurses are rightfully admitted into the circle of policy-making. First, the 21st century demonstrates an increase in public health work as the dialogue between medical experts and communities grows in scope and scale. According to Wichaikhum et al. (2019), the development of new policies in this area inevitably affects nursing practice, which is why their insight is required to design evidence-based solutions that will attain the required results. Without the participation of nurses, public health policies lack engagement and precision. Thus, public health development is the key opportunity for nurses as policy-makers.

However, they should demonstrate the required expertise to contribute positively to the public health agenda. In this regard, nurses are given standardized opportunities to develop their competencies and acquire new ones. The existence of such programs as the Doctorate of Nursing Practice (DNP) reflects the emerging opportunities for policy-making (Gardenier, 2017). Through them, the system proclaims that it recognizes the ability of nurses to make large-scale contributions to healthcare and related policies for the benefit of the community. These opportunities are associated with certain challenges.

For example, those who aspire to complete a DNP program will have to start their professional path at an older age (Vance et al., 2020). From my side, this challenge can be counteracted by seizing all opportunities to obtain practical experience before completing all stages of education. Another barrier is represented by the lack of trust in nurses as policy-makers. These conservative views are not easily eradicated, but it is possible through active participation in healthcare discussion and demonstrating the ability to solve complex issues.


Gardenier, D., Schreibman, A., & Henrich, R. (2017). Does a doctorate in nursing practice make a difference in patient care? Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 13(6), 392-393. Web.

Vance, D. E., Heaton, K., Antia, L., Frank, J., Moneyham, L., Harper, D., & Meneses, K. (2020). Alignment of a PhD program in nursing with the AACN report on the research-focused doctorate in nursing: A descriptive analysis. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 604-610. Web.

Wichaikhum, O., Abhicharttibutra, K., Nantsupawat, A., Kowitlawakul, Y. & Kunaviktikul, W. (2020). Developing a strategic model of participation in policy development for nurses. International Nursing Review, 67, 11– 18. Web.

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