Nurse’s Overconfidence in Self-Judgment

Description of Overconfidence in Self-Judgement

Reasons for Overconfidence in Self-Judgement:

  • Long practice period in nursing.
  • Premature evaluation of certain situations.
  • Ambition and the desire to show capabilities.
  • Insufficient level of vocational training.
  • Excessive praise from colleagues and superiors.
  • Inability to assess taken decisions adequately.

Negative Consequences of Overconfidence in Self-Judgement:

  • The wrong approach to the task.
  • Impossibility to evaluate the task correctly.
  • Problems with superiors due to incompetence.
  • Complaints from patients and colleagues.
  • Possible harm to patients’ health.
  • Violation of ethical norms and rules.

Relation of the Problem to the Code of Ethics for Nurses

Violation of the Code of Ethics for Nurses due to Overconfidence:

  • Irresponsible provision of quality care for patients (Zahedi et al., 2013).
  • Non-observance of the rules in the Code.
  • An initiative that contradicts the Code.
  • The wrong approach to the task implementation.
  • The final result contradicts the stated goal.
  • Dissatisfaction with the quality of services.

Possible Conditions for Correcting the Situation and Following the Code:

  • Compliance with the Code requirements.
  • Avoiding personal judgment and self-confidence.
  • Periodic consultations with colleagues and superiors.
  • Patients are more important than personal motives.
  • Analysis of the work done.
  • Attempts to change attitude to duties.

Main Ethical Principles to Follow When Facing the Problem

Principle of Maximum Progress when Facing Overconfidence in Self-Judgement:

  • Obligations to the rank of medic.
  • Error correction in the work process.
  • Attempts to self-develop and self-improve.
  • Desire to achieve relevant indicators.
  • Adequate perception of critique from outside.
  • Adequate assessment of strengths and capabilities.

Principle of Non-Conformism and its Possible Consequences:

  • Higher self-confidence may increase the quality of care (Lubbers & Rossman, 2016).
  • Non-conformism should be limited reasonably.
  • Personal opinion is not always correct.
  • Avoiding help worsens the relationships.
  • Showing leadership qualities is unreasonable sometimes.
  • Teamwork reinforces the morale of employees.

Ways of Reducing the Impact of the Problem

Help from Colleagues and Group Work for Improving the Situation:

  • Overconfidence is not a competence indicator (Molteni & Chan, 2015).
  • Communication helps solve the problem.
  • Advice from experienced colleagues is of help.
  • Discussion is the way to a solution.
  • Trainings of specialists in the team.
  • Evaluation of the work by colleagues.

Self-Monitoring and Analysis of the Results of the Work Conducted:

  • Acceptance contributes to an early solution.
  • Self-development and conclusions drawn from the results.
  • Desire to change the work style.
  • Prioritization and clear goals for achieving.
  • Self-evaluation of the work regarding the Code.
  • Attendance of courses on self-development.


Disadvantages of Overconfidence in Self-Judgement:

  • Overconfidence can lead to improper performance of duties.
  • Self-assessment of work is not always objective.
  • Non-observance of norms contradicts the Code.
  • Leaders dislike the work of an overconfident nurse.
  • Patients’ dissatisfaction with the quality of care.
  • Some self-judgments can be made incorrectly.

Possible Ways of Solving the Problem and Overcoming Failures:

  • Desire to self-develop compensates little experience.
  • Patients’ interests are more important than personal ambitions.
  • Work should be thought over carefully and beforehand.
  • Interaction with the team can improve results.
  • Following the Code helps exclude possible problems.
  • Adequate critique contributes to a qualitative analysis.


Lubbers, J., & Rossman, C. (2016). The effects of pediatric community simulation experience on the self-confidence and satisfaction of baccalaureate nursing students: A quasi-experimental study. Nurse Education Today, 39, 93-98.

Molteni, V. E., & Chan, E. K. (2015). Student confidence/overconfidence in the research process. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41(1), 2-8.

Zahedi, F., Sanjari, M., Aala, M., Peymani, M., Aramesh, K., Parsapour, A., … Dastgerdi, M. V. (2013). The Code of Ethics for Nurses. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 42(1), 1-8.

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StudyCorgi. 2020. "Nurse’s Overconfidence in Self-Judgment." December 22, 2020.

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