Nursing Care Delivery Models

The healthcare sector nowadays experiences significant changes that result from the reconsideration of the traditional approaches and implementation of new technologies. These alterations impact all aspects of its functioning and condition the appearance of the new practices. For instance, the shift of priorities towards the appreciation of human life as the greatest value promoted the evolution of the patient-focused care model.

It implies the attempt to satisfy all patients needs (Seago, n.d.). Besides, the Total Nursing care model of delivery uses all staff to care for the same patient throughout all his/her stay (Seago, n.d.). The functional Nursing care model tends to use the RN as a team leader to perform various activities needed to guarantee a patients recovery. Finally, the shared governance model implies the high degree of autonomy for nurses which impacts his/her competence and professionalism.

Need for consultation

Nevertheless, the given models are focused on the improvement of the patients state and the increase of the healthcare sectors efficiency. Yet, the cooperation and collaboration between various care providers could be considered another important aspect that impacts the level of performance. The fact is that the approaches used by various organizations might have significant differences that predetermine their efficiency and outcomes.

Moreover, the practical use of various methods could be doubtful, and there might be needed for their precise investigation. In these regards, the aligned process of the ideas exchange and their discussion might result in the creation of a new more efficient solution or approach to a certain problem (Lindeke & Sieckert, 2005). Additionally, cooperative work and discussion might result in improved conflict resolution skills. It becomes crucial for the further development of the organization and its main aspects. For these reasons, collaboration with other health care providers becomes one of the major trends of the modern healthcare sector.

Population shifts

Finally, one should also accept the fact that the modern healthcare delivery system could hardly be compared with the previous one. The fact is that it benefits from the usage of various technologies and devices that introduce numerous opportunities for precise investigation and functioning. Moreover, the last dramatic changes in the structure of the population increased the topicality of the question of immigrants, and cultural diversity impacted the evolution of the healthcare sector greatly.

At the moment the efficient delivery of various services depends on the usage of the modern technologies and the level of RNs competence which impacts his/her ability to communicate with the representatives of various cultures and mentalities (Phelps, n.d). In other words, to remain efficient, a specialist has to obtain a basic knowledge of the main peculiarities of the most popular cultures and to demonstrate the ability to use technologies to perform various activities needed for a patients recovery. In this regard, it is possible to admit the significant alteration of the given sector and appearance of the new demands towards specialists working in it.


Altogether, the modern healthcare sector passes through the period of significant changes characterized by the appearance of new approaches and reconsideration of the old ones. Moreover, the usage of new technologies and values impacted the appearance of the new models of care delivery needed to satisfy modern needs. Finally, the process of globalization conditioned the importance of tolerance and diversity which became the major concern of the healthcare sector. The population shifts predetermined the importance of the improvement of cultural competence and tolerant attitude to various patients.


Lindeke, L., & Sieckert, A. (2005). Nurse-Physician Workplace Collaboration. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 10(1), n. pag. Web.

Phelps, T. (n.d). How Demographics Impact Health-care Delivery. Web.

Seago, J. (n.d.). Nurse Staffing, Models of Care Delivery, and Interventions. Web.

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