Health Care Metaparadigms and Nursing Concepts

The Four Metaparadigms

There are four key components of health care that are also called metaparadigms. The first one revolves around the receiver care and is also known as the person component. This particular paradigm also involves family members and other individuals that are closely related to the receiver of care (Oermann & Gaberson, 2013).

The key concept of this metaparadigm is that the care providers should take into account not only the patient’s health care needs but also their social and psychic necessities. The ultimate outcome depends on the interaction process and can be described as a social and physical connection between the provider and the receiver of care. On a bigger scale, the patients themselves are in charge of empowering themselves and managing their care with self-respect and self-protection that is usually associated with positive personal influences.

The next metaparadigm that has to be reviewed within the framework of this paper is the care environment (Oermann & Gaberson, 2013). This concept revolves around the surroundings that have an impact on the care receiver. When dealing with this metaparadigm, we have to remember that a healthcare environment is associated with both external and internal stimuli that are dependent on the patient’s interaction with the given environment (Glembocki & Fitzpatrick, 2013).

In perspective, this has a huge impact on the patient’s health and comfort. There are such concepts as geographic location and financial statement (these relate to physical and social factors respectively) and interactions with other people (these have to do with the humanitarian part of the environment) (Glembocki & Fitzpatrick, 2013). The core idea behind this metaparadigm is that any given patient is able to transform their environment and improve their health status.

The next metaparadigm is related to the health component of the healthcare environment. This means that the level of well-being, the quality of life, and the extent to which the patient has access to health care services make up for the health metaparadigm. In theory, this metaparadigm is categorized as a dynamic concept that is also multidimensional (Oermann & Gaberson, 2013). The health component is considered to be directly linked to the underlying genetic aspects and the individual’s life expectancy. On the other hand, this metaparadigm is heavily contingent on the notions of social, physical, and emotional well-being. The latter is believed to be incorporated in health care with the intention of making the most out of health care provision. The factors that were mentioned above are seen as a means of improving the patient’s quality of life and vitals.

The last metaparadigm relates to the concept of nursing and encompasses the development of the positive relationship between the care deliverer and receiver (Oermann & Gaberson, 2013). In perspective, this leads to the delivery of high-quality services within a trustful and safe environment. The core principles that stand behind the nursing metaparadigm are knowledge, professionalism, technology, and effective collaboration (Glembocki & Fitzpatrick, 2013). The nurse should be seen as an effective communicator that is able and ready to carry out their duties ethically and competently. This, according to the nursing metaparadigm, is the only way to achieve health care of the highest quality and improve patient outcomes. The thing is, the nursing metaparadigm is interconnected with the other three metaparadigms, and this relationship majorly influences the patients’ well-being and outlooks toward healthcare.

Two Practice-Specific Concepts

Even though the existing nursing practice framework is significantly impacted by the nursing metaparadigms specified above, there are several other concepts that majorly influence my nursing practice. The very first concept that is important to me as for a nurse practitioner is the understanding of patient paradigm and relationships with the customer’s close ones. The other one is the promotion of research and evidence collection. Both these aspects are aimed at improving the current health care practices and should be taken into account.

Health Promotion

This practice-specific concept should be reviewed within the framework of dealing with patients that suffer from chronic illnesses. The two of the most vivid examples are cancer and diabetes. The rationale behind this concept is the annually increasing negative impact of chronic illnesses on the nationwide financial state of affairs (Dziegielewski, 2013). The problem with the health promotion concept can be explained by the dependencies between both direct and indirect costs of medical care. These costs may include transportation expenses and the costs of seeking medical attention.

I consider that one of the pillars of my nursing practice is being responsible for the patient’s recovery and managing their health with the intention of prolonging their life. Slowing down the progression of the illness is the key when assessing health promotion and developing effective nurse-patient relationships (Dziegielewski, 2013). Evidently, it is important to empower the patients and help them not to give up on life simply because there is no treatment for their illness. While being a nurse practitioner, I realized that the background of health care has a lot in common with the underlying principles of social justice and can be rightfully considered a part of it.

Throughout the whole treatment process, I should communicate with the patient so as to discuss the medications that have to be taken and specific procedures that should be performed before taking any action. From my experience, I can tell that patients love being involved in the treatment process. Therefore, the current nursing decision-making procedure cannot be completed without contacting the patient and letting them know all the details of the treatment plan unless the nurse wants to leave their customers dissatisfied with the provided health care services or untreated as well (Dziegielewski, 2013).

Prescribing the right dosages of medications became one of the main efforts of my practice as I believe that the health care environment should empower the patient and leave them satisfied with the outcomes. One of the pivotal aspects of health promotion that I have found to be the most significant is transformational leadership. The health care team does not require a visionary approach and can easily influence the health care environment with the intention of achieving goals and eliciting positive outcomes.

Evidence-Based Practice

Another practice-specific concept that I have found to be one of the most important is the evidence-based practice. This concept is usually utilized when it is necessary to draw parallels between the existing research evidence, patients’ quality standards and moral values, and medical expertise (Black, 2013). Evidence-based practice is rather beneficial because recurrently patients are willing to accept the treatment that is proposed by the nurse that is in charge of the case. This empowers the trust-based health care environment that is developed by means of health promotion and allows the health care receivers to find out about the latest trends from the area of medicine.

Sometimes, a second check-up is necessary in order to evaluate the threat and come up with a different solution if needed (Black, 2013). It may happen that the previous health care provider made a mistake while examining the patient and diagnosing them with an illness, so it is critical to apply your best knowledge in order to solve the case. On a bigger scale, the benefits of the evidence-based practice as of a practice-specific concept include decision-making support and legal assistance within any given health care setting (Alaanzi, 2016).

Moreover, the use of evidence-based practices positively influences the image of the health care facility and can be viewed as an important asset when compared to other health care providers available on the market (Black, 2013). The care delivery can be backed with factual data and not suppositions so that the clients could see the benefits of certain treatment plans. Financially, the evidence-based practice can help justify additional patient outlays (Alligood, 2017). This practice specific concept allows the nurses to get rid of resource-intensive interventions and apply only the ones that were proven to be effective.

The List of Propositions

  • The concept of self-image is one of the biggest contributors to the well-being of a patient and the consequent process of well-being promotion.
  • It is critical to take into consideration the social, psychological, and physical concepts in order to be able to improve patient outcomes.
  • The health care environment can become the most powerful stimulus for patient empowerment and health improvements.
  • All the conflicts that transpire within the care environment should be mitigated so as not to interfere with the recovery or treatment process.
  • So as to be successful at nursing, it is pivotal to have an all-inclusive understanding of all the transpiring health care processes and the variables on which the patient’s health depends.


Alaanzi, M. (2016). Personal philosophy and disciplinary perspective of nursing. Munich, Germany: GRIN Verlag.

Alligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing theorists and their work. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Black, B. (2013). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier.

Dziegielewski, S. F. (2013). The changing face of health care social work. New York, NY: Springer.

Glembocki, M. M., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (2013). Advancing professional nursing practice: Relationship-based care and the ANA standards of professional nursing practice. Minneapolis, MN: Creative Health Care.

Oermann, M. H., & Gaberson, K. B. (2013). Evaluation and testing in nursing education (4th ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

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