The role of a community health nurse in providing essential care for the elderly at home cannot be underestimated. They help provide a patient with necessary services and medications following the treatment plan (Næss et al., 2017). In addition, nurses are capable of monitoring the health condition of an elderly person and taking appropriate actions in case it is needed (Næss et al., 2017). Therefore, assisting families in the care of the elderly at home by a competent specialist may make the life of the patient independent and the aging process as comfortable as it is possible.
However, there are some barriers, which may appear while implementing home care services. First of all, it should be mentioned that some patients may be opposed to home-based health care in general. Furthermore, in some cases, usually at the last stages of illnesses, clients need especially proper monitoring of their condition and rapid access to essential medications and equipment (Næss et al., 2017). Consequently, they cannot be provided with medical services at home. The last reason regards the safety of clinicians, as they cannot visit areas with high levels of crime.
In the context of home-based care, the factors of living in rural and urban areas should also be covered. It is significantly easier to deliver medical services for the person residing in a city (Næss et al., 2017). It takes less time to visit a patient, and in case of the condition deterioration, it is not challenging to call an ambulance and receive rapid help (Næss et al., 2017). However, it can be highlighted that the environment is considerably better in an urban area, and this fact impacts the health state to a large extent.
Næss, G., Kirkevold, M., Hammer, W., Straand, J., & Wyller, T. B. (2017). Nursing care needs and services utilised by home-dwelling elderly with complex health problems: Observational study. BMC Health Service Research, 17. Web.