Core Competencies for Effective Nursing Practice: Knowledge and Skills


The Professional Capstone and Practicum course has equipped me with adequate competencies that will support my future practice as a healthcare worker. The course has outlined most of the attributes associated with nursing practice. The skills and knowledge gained from the course can be applied in different healthcare settings to support the changing needs of many clients. Practitioners should constantly identify new concepts in nursing and use them to inform their practices (Reinhard & Hassmiller, 2014). This paper is a journal reflecting on the personal skill and knowledge gained throughout the Professional Capstone and Practicum course.

Knowledge and Skills Gained

The course has made it easier for me to acquire practice-specific skills that can transform my nursing philosophy. To begin with, I have identified a number of practice-specific approaches that have the potential to transform the health outcomes of my patients. Some of these approaches include evidence-based, culturally competent, and personalized practices. The evidence-based approach focuses on scientific inquiry and gained clinical judgments (Wong, 2015). Such ideas are used by nurses to influence their health delivery models. Cultural competence revolves around the consideration of the unique needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds. This practice approach is founded on the premise that patients and nurses from different backgrounds play a critical role in the healthcare environment. The personalized practice is implemented to offer quality care that meets the needs of the targeted patients.

I have understood the unique attributes of interprofessional collaboration. It is agreeable that the nursing environment brings together different professionals in an attempt to deliver quality patient care. The collaborative approach promotes lifelong learning and evidence-based practice. I will always collaborate with different professionals in order to acquire new skills that can support my nursing philosophy (Wong, 2015).

The other important lesson revolves around the issue of healthcare delivery models. In the clinical setting, appropriate models should be developed in order to address the changing needs of the targeted clients (Kleinpell et al., 2014). Clinical decisions should be made by the major stakeholders in the nursing environment. The delivery of care can be improved through the use of multidisciplinary teams.

Ethics in medical practice is a powerful concept that fulfills the needs of the targeted clients. Ethical considerations have the potential to prevent disagreements, promote the welfare of the patient, and observe human rights. These new concepts will make it easier for me to provide quality support to my patients (Kleinpell et al., 2014). Health practitioners should act in an ethical manner and embrace specific concepts such as confidentiality and privacy.

The other gained lesson is that of health informatics. Modern technology can be used to diagnose diseases and manage clients’ health records. When used adequately, technology can ensure evidence-based care is available to more clients. The practice has the potential to minimize the chances of sentinel events (Wong, 2015). Social media networks and websites have the potential to facilitate communication. Adequate decision support systems (DSSs) can be used to improve the nature of health practice.

Nurses should participate actively in every health policy issue (Spetz, 2014). Health policy is a field that dictates the manner in which the major challenges affecting the sector are addressed. Nurses should be advocates of new policies that have the potential to improve the quality of health services available to more underserved populations. This course has informed and encouraged me to be an advocate of the best policies that can transform healthcare practice.

Leadership and economic models are powerful concepts gained from the class materials. With proper leadership, healthcare workers can embrace the best practices and eventually support the health needs of their patients. Economic models and policies can be “used to match health needs with the changes experienced in a given community” (Wong, 2015, p. 277). The ultimate goal is to ensure more people have access to adequate healthcare services. These notions will make it easier for practitioners to address the unique health needs of different communities and patients.

The other lesson gained from the course is the relevance of health disparity in healthcare. Disparities might occur due to the manner in which resources and opportunities are allocated in a given society. Nurses, therefore, should be able to identify sources of disparities and deliver quality care to underserved populations (Spetz, 2014). Individuals at risk should receive the required attention or support throughout the healthcare delivery process.

Discoveries about my Professional Practice

After completing the course, I have discovered several things about my professional practice. To begin with, I have realized that my career strengths and experiences have increased significantly within the past two years. I have acquired a wide range of concepts and skills that have the potential to transform my philosophy of nursing (Spetz, 2014). For example, the concept of cultural competence explains why I am now able to offer evidence-based and quality care to patients from different cultural backgrounds. This practice also supports my approach to delivering personalized care.

In order to achieve positive results, nurses should collaborate with their workmates throughout the healthcare delivery process. My professional practice is, therefore, expected to benefit from the concept of collaboration. I am ready to form multidisciplinary teams in an attempt to offer quality services to my patients. The other discovery is that nursing is an ever-changing profession or field (Spetz, 2014). That being the case, I will be required to embrace new concepts depending on the changing trends in the field. The ultimate goal will be to become an advocate of the quality patient support.

Identified Strengths and Weaknesses

The other critical issue is that the journal reflection has revealed several strengths that will continue to support my professional practice. The first strength is that I have become a competent leader in healthcare. I can use various leadership concepts or models in order to deliver positive results. I can offer culturally competent care to my clients (Spetz, 2014). The concept of lifelong learning is a major strength defining my healthcare philosophy. I always focus on the best ideas and concepts that can make me a skilled practitioner. I always embrace the power of teamwork whenever providing care to different patients. Some of the other strengths include the ability to make timely decisions, use modern informatics in nursing, solve health problems, and mentor my followers.

The course has made it easier for me to identify some of my weaknesses as a professional practitioner. Sometimes I find it hard to engage in critical thinking. This gap has the potential to affect my nursing philosophy. I am also unable to use a wide range of equipment in healthcare practice (Kleinpell et al., 2014). Time management is another challenge that has continued to affect my goals as a practitioner. The best thing will be to identify new strategies that can tackle such weaknesses.

Resources and Abilities to Influence Optimal Outcomes

Several abilities and resources can be used to address the challenges facing my professional practice. To begin with, my lifelong learning concept is a powerful process that can be used to address specific weaknesses such as time management and the use of modern equipment in nursing practice. My strengths can also be used to ensure my practice meets the needs of the targeted clients. Journal articles, nursing manuals, and professional organizations are some of the resources that can be used to influence the practices of many nurses (Kleinpell et al., 2014). Such resources can present new concepts and ideas that can eventually make me a successful caregiver. When such resources and abilities are used wisely, it can be possible to influence optimal outcomes in each and every situation experienced in the nursing environment.

Meeting the Competencies Outlined in the Course

Throughout the course, my ultimate goal was to develop the major competencies and skills outlined at the very beginning. In order to meet the competencies, I read widely and completed every assigned course work or assignment. Constant collaboration with different nurses and learners made it easier for me to develop some of the best competencies, such as cultural competence, teamwork, and leadership. I also liaised with different professionals and instructors in the learning institution (Reinhard & Hassmiller, 2014). This practice equipped me with new strategies that can be used to improve my competencies. I also believe that I am far from realizing most of my goals as a healthcare professional. I am, therefore, planning to use the idea of lifelong learning throughout my career practice. This strategy will make it easier for me to meet most of the competencies outlined in the course.


Kleinpell, R., Scanlon, A., Hibbert, D., Ganz, F., Fraser, D., Wong, F.,…Beauchesne, M. (2014). Addressing issues impacting advanced nursing practice worldwide. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(1), 1-14.

Reinhard, S., & Hassmiller, S. (2014). The future of nursing: Transforming health care. The AARP International Journal, 1(2), 1-12.

Spetz, J. (2014). How will health reform affect demand for RNs. Nursing Economics, 32(1), 42-44.

Wong, C. (2015). Connecting nursing leadership and patient outcomes: State of the science. Journal of Nursing Management, 23(1), 275-278.

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