Innovations in Patient Care Delivery: Transforming Nursing Practice

How Nursing Practice Will Change and Grow

Nurses and caregivers form the greatest percentage of healthcare workers in the United States. As the United States continues to identify new strategies to restructure its healthcare delivery system, the field of nursing will have a critical role in this new transformation. The changes experienced in the sector show conclusively that nurses will support the delivery of quality, accessible, and value-driven medical care to more patients (Bruce, Rietze, & Lim, 2014). It would, therefore, be appropriate for nurses to be aware of these possible changes and embrace them to support the health needs of more American citizens.

To begin with, new ideas have emerged whereby leadership is embraced in nursing to support the health outcomes of the targeted patients. When nurses take up leadership roles, it will be much easier for them to design powerful healthcare delivery models. They will go further to empower their followers and ensure there is continuity or continuum of nursing care (Keith, Lucia, & Corlette, 2013). The creation of “multidisciplinary teams will be encouraged in order to ensure the patient is supported throughout his or her lifespan” (Meehan, 2012, p. 2911). The continuum of care will be embraced by more nurses in an attempt to deliver evidence-based and sustainable support to patients with terminal diseases.

The other potential change is the ability of nurses to practice in accordance with their education and competencies (Bruce et al., 2014). This will be supported by the changing nature of the nursing education system. With the acquisition of new competencies and changes in different healthcare policies, more nurses will be empowered to practice independently. They will be allowed to make clinical decisions, diagnose patients, and implement sustainable healthcare delivery models. It is also agreeable that new nurse-managed health clinics will emerge and increase in number (Meehan, 2012). This kind of development will transform the sector and ensure quality services are available to the greatest number of citizens in the country.

The changes will go further to support every medical and family nursing home. These homes will be managed by competent nurses who possess the right dexterities and competencies. Consequently, patients in need of long-term care will benefit from the concept of a continuum in nursing (Keith et al., 2013). The inclusion of other caregivers and professionals throughout the healthcare delivery process will ensure more patients receive quality care.

Meehan (2012) believes strongly that the role of Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) will definitely transform the nature and quality of care available to many Medicare enrollees. These organizations will bring together medical practitioners such as doctors and nurses. By so doing, the ACOs will ensure more patients have access to reliable and accessible care. This new development will support the changing needs of many Medicare patients. This means the country’s healthcare sector will benefit from this development.

Nursing is a field that is always guided by scientific evidences and inquires. Experts believe strongly that the current changes in nursing have the potential to grow or transform nursing practice. Nurses are now able to use modern informatics and technologies to make accurate medical decisions (Moen & Knudsen, 2013). They can also use evidence-based ideas from scientific research to inform nursing practice. These ideas and technologies can be used to foster communication, diagnosis, and treatment (Moen & Knudsen, 2013). These new issues will eventually transform the practice of nursing and support the diverse needs of many American citizens.

Feedbacks from Three Colleagues

The interviewed colleagues presented useful impressions that can be embraced by practitioners to deliver sustainable care to more patients. The summaries below describe the ideas and opinions outlined by the colleagues after the presentation.


The first nurse colleague indicated that the presentation was accurate and meaningful. The colleague stated clearly that the ideas and projections outlined in the presentations were relevant. He argued that more practitioners were required to focus on the most appropriate competencies to transform the field. For instance, the issue of lifelong learning emerged from the respondent. The nurse stated clearly that the practice was capable of promoting scientific inquires. The approach can make it easier for caregivers to acquire new concepts and eventually promote healthcare practice (Meehan, 2012). The respondent highlighted the issue of leadership as a powerful practice in nursing. The approach can empower nurse practitioners in order to meet the diverse health needs of targeted patients.

The second colleague was pleased with the presentation. The nurse colleague supported some of the aspects such as the future role of informatics and leadership. With the new suggestions outlined in the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, more nurses will be empowered to practice independently. Consequently, such professionals will be able to identify the unique challenges affecting their patients and offer evidence-based care (Keith et al., 2013). The formation of more ACOs is a positive strategy that will ensure more people in the country receive adequate medical support. The respondent went ahead to encourage practitioners to be aware of the potential changes that might support the future of nursing practice (Bruce et al., 2014). With proper scientific inquires, the use of adequate leadership approaches and promotion of continuum of care are powerful measures that can transform the future of nursing. Consequently, more patients in different communities will be able to access quality support.

The third respondent agreed with the ideas presented in the presentation. The nurse colleague believed strongly that nursing education was going to change and empower more practitioners to support the changing needs of their patients. He indicated clearly that new policies were needed in order to empower more practitioners and make it easier for them to become competent providers of quality care. The nurse colleague supported the future role of nursing technologies (Hassmiller & Reinhard, 2015). Most of the technologies emerging in the healthcare sector were capable of supporting the needs of many patients. It was, therefore, appropriate for nurses to embrace such changes in order to ensure evidence-based, timely, and quality care was available to the greatest number of patients.

Consistency of their Impressions

The impressions presented by the three colleagues show conclusively that health reform is a powerful wave that will transform nursing practices in the country. The respondents believed strongly that the reform was focusing on the best approaches to empower more nurses and make it easier for them to become pioneers in healthcare delivery (Meehan, 2012). The reform is aimed at promoting the best practices and initiatives that will empower, guide, and inform the performance of many nurses.

The role of technology is at the center of health reform. In order to meet the changing needs of more patients in the country, healthcare technology will be required by many nurse practitioners (Moen & Knudsen, 2013). Nursing education should be developed in such a way that it promotes the use of modern technology in healthcare. This approach will address the changing needs of many patients in the country.

The completed research has revealed that more nurses will be empowered in the future to offer community-based and patient-centered care. This goal is supported by the role of different organizations such as the ACOs. It will be necessary for nurses to be aware of these possible changes in the sector. They should be ready to identify new concepts and ideas that can transform the field (Meehan, 2012). The acquisition of evidence-based concepts will ensure every patient receives quality and timely care.

The impressions presented by the nurse colleagues resonate with the changes experiences in nursing practice. Different agencies such as the IOM should collaborate with different stakeholders in order to come up with new policies to promote this transition. This kind of change will empower more nurses in order to provide evidence-based care without supervision (Meehan, 2012). Consequently, more nurses will be able to achieve their goals and transform the nature of the field.

When these issues are considered, the nursing field will benefit significantly and continue to support the changing needs of more patients. The development will deliver new healthcare delivery models and ensure more people have access to quality community-based medical support (Hassmiller & Reinhard, 2015). The new development will make it easier for the country to tackle the problem of the nursing shortage. More people will also be encouraged to join nursing and eventually meet the changing health needs of many underserved populations in the country.


Bruce, A., Rietze, L., & Lim, A. (2014). Understanding philosophy in a nurse’s world: What, where, and why? Nursing and Health, 2(3), 65-71.

Hassmiller, S., & Reinhard, S. (2015). A bold new vision for America’s health care system. American Journal of Nursing, 115(2), 49-55.

Keith, K., Lucia, K., & Corlette, S. (2013). Realizing health reform’s potential. The Commonwealth Fund, 8(1), 1-14.

Meehan, T. (2012). The careful nursing philosophy and professional practice model. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(1), 2905-2916.

Moen, A., & Knudsen, L. (2013). Nursing informatics: Decades of contribution to health informatics. Healthcare Informatics Research, 19(2), 86-92.

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