Nursing Practice: The Perceptions of Caring

There are several different perceptions of caring in contemporary nursing practice, which all generally imply kindness in attitude towards patients. Therefore, the concept of caring includes different states or purposes, such as general state of the health care service provider, caring as an intervention method, and caring as an approach to interpersonal relationships. Differences in perceptions of care can influence each individual’s approach degree of caring principles applied in professional practice.

Examining different perceptions of caring in nursing studies can provide a substantial guide in defining a personal perspective. According to Turkel et al. (2018), caring can be acknowledged as the essence of nursing. Moreover, caring provides the foundational core of the nursing as a profession (Turkel et al., 2018). On the other hand, the author suggested that the concept of caring can be differentiated from caring science applicable in all specialties of nursing practice, such as education and nursing informatics. In my opinion, caring presents a holistic approach to the healing process that requires nurses’ engagement and commitment.

In conclusion, I plan to adhere to caring and holistic nursing principles in my future professional practice. According to Sebrant and Jong (2020), nurses often have obstacles in caring exercises due to trouble applying the theory to clinical practice. In order to eliminate the possibility of future difficulties, I plan to carefully study the principles of caring and holistic nursing and gradually put them into practice through a caring attitude and further troubleshooting. For example, one of the principles in holistic care is to address the patients by their name instead of using nonspecific appeals. Thus, to ensure that the patient feels the care, I will make extra efforts to not forget or confuse the patient’s name.


Sebrant, L., & Jong, M. (2020). What’s the meaning of the concept of caring? A meta-synthesis. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 35(2), 353-365. Web.

Turkel, M. C., Watson, J., & Giovannoni, J. (2018). Caring science or science of caring. Nursing Science Quarterly, 31(1), 66–71. Web.

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