Nursing Research Designs and Sampling Procedure

Nursing research is one of the most important sources of information available for specialists working in the healthcare sector. The constant appearance of new problems along with the sophistication of already existing issues preconditions the need for extensive knowledge related to various fields as it will help to find new solutions and improve outcomes. That is why it becomes critical nurses to nurses to engage in an investigation of relevant topics to employing the basic principles of research. Their understanding is fundamental for health workers as they serve as the guidelines directing health specialists and guaranteeing that their results will be credible and can be used in new projects or by other nurses to help clients to solve their problems. For this reason, the purpose of the paper is to reveal the essentials of qualitative, quantitative methods, sampling procedure, and how these elements can make the nursing practice safer.

Quantitative research is a methodology that presupposes the in-depth and empirical analysis of a selected question with the help of statistical or mathematical methods. The primary goal of this design is to collect numerical information about a particular phenomenon, its frequency, and quantity of people who are affected by it. It helps to create a complete image of the issue under investigation or analyze how an offered solution impacts patients or other target groups (Stannard, 2019). Surveys can be considered one of the types of quantitative designs as they can be used to analyze the number of individuals affected by a certain disease or problem, the percentage of complications, level of satisfaction, and other numerical data that is critical for the research. This paradigm is essential for the nursing practice as it provides an opportunity to trace alterations in the investigated phenomena and respond to them timely.

Qualitative research is an approach that can be employed by specialists to engage in specific observations and collect non-numerical data. This design helps to answer how and why an investigated phenomenon might occur. The given framework is also characterized by increased flexibility and applicability in various settings (Li, Cao, & Zhu, 2019). Its importance comes from the ability to collect credible information needed to conduct an in-depth analysis of the problem and find effective solutions to it. Interviews can be considered an example of a qualitative research design. The important feature of these approaches is the ability to collect relevant information directly from patients, understand their attitudes to the investigated issue, their problems, or reactions to offered treatment. This mode of research significantly contributes to the improvement of nursing practice by providing critical personal or ethnographic data about many topics that can be used to enhance outcomes or create new ways of treatment.

Sampling is another critical element of any research as it preconditions the credibility of findings and relevance. It can be defined as a selection of individuals belonging to a particular group to conduct research and collect information provided by them to generate appropriate solutions or improve understanding of a certain aspect. There are many types of strategies that are used regarding the sort of research. For instance, quantitative analysis presupposes the employment of probability sampling techniques, precisely, simple random sampling, with random selection. It means that every individual has equal chances for being involved in the research. There is another strategy that can be used by researchers. Non-probability purposive sampling can be used when investigators are interested in a particular population group and want to acquire information about it. This method provides them with an opportunity to collect the demanded data.

In general, all modes of investigation and designs are used with the primary goal to make the nursing practice safer. The fact is that information is one of the fundamental factors of success in the modern healthcare sector. First, it guarantees that new approaches, methods, or treatment plans offered by specialists will contribute to the improvement of patients’ states (“Evidence based nursing practice,” n.d.). Additionally, any intervention might have side or adverse effects that should be considered. The research will help to consider these factors and conclude about the possibility of the further utilization of the discussed intervention. Finally, regarding the shift towards the evidence-based nursing practice, research is fundamental in creating the basis for nurses to adhere to this model and use relevant knowledge that is demanded to improve outcomes and employ only innovative and effective treatment plans.

Altogether, research is one of the fundamentals of modern nursing practice. It provides specialists with credible information and ensures that they will use new approaches more effectively. There are both qualitative and quantitative designs that can be used to collect statistical or non-numerical data needed to conclude about various processes or their impact on individuals selected with the help of numerous sampling strategies. In such a way, the investigation is a key aspect of evidence-based practice that is needed to improve outcomes and make the nursing practice safer. Health workers should correctly realize the importance of this aspect and be ready to engage in this activity with the primary goal to enhance their performance and help patients.


Evidence based nursing practice. (n.d.). Web.

Li, S., Cao, M., & Zhu, X. (2019). Evidence-based practice: Knowledge, attitudes, implementation, facilitators, and barriers among community nurses-systematic review. Medicine, 98(39). Web.

Stannard, D. (2019). A practical definition of evidence-based practice for nursing. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 34(5), 1080-1084. Web.

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