Nursing: Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being

Nurse practitioners (NPs) can identify different theories and apply them in their respective units to deliver high-quality care. This nursing critique paper analyses Martha Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being. It begins by presenting the theory’s meaning. The next parts examine the model’s origin, usefulness, and testability. The last section gives an evaluation of this framework.


Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being has several assumptions that nurses can consider to deliver exemplary care. The first idea is that humans should be treated as integral parts of the universe. Nursing procedures should also focus on individuals and the subsequent manifestations emerging from their interactions with the environment (Baumann, Wright, & Settecase-Wu, 2014). These assumptions will ensure that caregivers focus on the best practices to restore energy fields. These assumptions dictate how this theory operates.

The model presents specific concepts. The energy field refers to a fundamental unit of all organisms and nonliving things. Openness refers to the constant exchange of energy between the environment and humans. The pattern is an abstraction that gives identity to existing energy fields (Phillips, 2015). Pan dimensionality refers to nonlinear domains.

These concepts especially relate to each other. For instance, they all focus on the linkage between the environment and unitary beings. The concepts of resonance, openness, pan dimensionality, and energy field reveal how energy is exchanged between individuals and the environment. The concepts of hemodynamic principles explain how caregivers should perceive unitary beings (Baumann et al., 2014). Nursing is, therefore, a practice aimed at re-patterning energy exchanges.

The theory’s concepts appear to affect each other. For instance, pattern and openness dictate how energies are exchanged. The existing fields will also influence the nature of openness and the pattern of waves (Phillips, 2015). Nurses applying this theory should be aware of these effects. When resonance is altered, chances are high that integrality and policy will change accordingly.

Origins of the Theory

Rogers examined the trends that were experienced in America in the 1980s to develop it. For instance, nurses were finding new opportunities in nonclinical settings. Values such as justice, empathy, and sympathy empowered Rogers to propose this model. She also focused on existing nursing knowledge during the time, including the scope of practice, professionalism, and the four meta paradigms (Baumann et al., 2014). She also examined the works of Florence Nightingale and Betty Neuman. The theorist cited different concepts such as the idea of pursuing nursing as an art and a science.

The four meta paradigms motivated this theorist to write the framework. She wanted to propose a superior model to ensure that caregivers provided holistic care. The author used a deductive reasoning approach (Smith & Parker, 2015). This is the case since she focused on the general knowledge existing in nursing to develop a more specific approach for delivering medical support.


Rogers’ theory is applicable in clinical practice since it presents evidence-based ideas for implementing nursing as an art and science. In nursing, caregivers can consider the presented assumptions to design evidence-based models and transform their patients’ experiences (Baumann et al., 2014). They can also use it to develop additional competencies.

The model contributes to understanding and predicting outcomes. For instance, it encourages practitioners to seek adequate scientific knowledge. This means that they can analyze and understand the existing health situation and predict the possible outcomes (Smith & Parker, 2015). They will go further to implement appropriate practices to re-pattern their patients’ energy fields. Health professionals can use Rogers’ theory in a wide range of settings. For example, practitioners providing services to hospitalized patients can use it to monitor existing clinical guidelines and develop superior care delivery models.


This theory is testable since it is applicable in different research studies to examine. Scholars can also use it to develop evidence-based procedures for maximizing patients’ experiences. This model has also been found to generate numerous research studies. Phillips (2015) asserts that the theory has influenced hundreds of qualitative and quantitative studies within the past two decades. Case studies have also been completed to examine its effectiveness.

A good example of a study done using this was completed by Elizabeth Barrett in 1998. Such research resulted in the Power as Knowing Participation in Change theory. The title of the study was “Methodological Ponderings Related to the Power as Knowing Participation in Change Tool”. The propositions in this theory are relational statements since they seek to establish relationships between the outlined concepts.

Overall Evaluation

Martha Rogers’ model is a specific model since it focuses on the use of existing knowledge or evidence to re-pattern patients’ energy fields and improves their health experiences. This theory is also general since it uses a deductive approach, thereby making it possible for it to be applied in a wide range of situations or scenarios. Persons with physical, psychological, emotional, and mental problems can benefit from it. These are the model’s strengths: applicability in different settings, understanding, and capable of delivering positive health outcomes (Baumann et al., 2014). Its weaknesses include lack of clarity and presence of abstract definitions.


The above discussion has revealed that Martha Rogers’ model is applicable in different health settings to improve patients’ experiences. I will use this theory in my practice since it will empower me to engage in lifelong learning. This means that I will develop a superior nursing philosophy.


Baumann, S. L., Wright, S. G., & Settecase-Wu, C. (2014). A science of unitary human beings perspective of global health nursing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 27(4), 324-328. Web.

Phillips, J. R. (2015). Rogers’ Science of Unitary Human Beings: Beyond the frontier of science. Nursing Science Quarterly, 29(1), 38-46. Web.

Smith, M. C., & Parker, M. E. (2015). Nursing theories and nursing practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.

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