Financial, Quality, and Clinical Aspects in Project Proposals


The implementation of any project requires the focus on such aspects as financial, quality, and clinical. When crafting a proposal, it is essential to address these areas as this information can lead to the acceptance or rejection of the program (Penner, 2013). The present intervention aims at developing certain skills in the nursing staff to improve patient outcomes. It has been acknowledged that seclusion and retainment can be significantly reduced if nursing professionals have the necessary empathy-related skills (Wieman, Camacho-Gonsalves, Huckshorn, & Leff, 2014). The suggested project implies the assessment of nurses’ characteristic features and the implementation of an empathy training program. This paper addresses some financial, quality, and clinical aspects to be highlighted in the proposal.

Financial Aspect

As for the financial component of the intervention, it is important to pay attention to the funds associated with training. The healthcare facility will provide the area where the staff will be trained. It is important to provide the amount of time needed for the training sessions and their frequency. Some funds will be needed to buy the necessary stationery or develop some handouts, leaflets, and so on. It is necessary to note that this aspect is often overlooked, but it is still quite important to include it in the project budget and even proposal (Penner, 2013). This precision will help the healthcare facility estimate the cost-effectiveness of the program.

Quality Aspect

One of the most important stages of any evidence-based project implementation is the evaluation. It is crucial to evaluate the outcomes of the intervention to make sure that the goals set are achieved, and the program can be further utilized (Penner, 2013). The effectiveness of the present training program will be analyzed in terms of several domains. First, the rate of seclusion and retainment will be assessed before the project starts and when it is completed. Apart from that, patient satisfaction can also be assessed. In order to obtain the necessary data, patients can complete brief questionnaires. Finally, the nursing staff’s feedback is also important. First, it can be important to ask the participants to complete the same questionnaire they completed at the start of the intervention. This will help identify the change in nurses’ characteristics if any. Nursing professionals’ ideas on some aspects of the project, its effectiveness, and outcomes should also be assessed.

Clinical Aspect

As for the clinical aspect of the program, it can be important to provide some details concerning the changes associated with the clinical practice that may occur. The use of medication may be reduced as some conditions associated with mood can improve as a result of the intervention. At the same time, some procedures can undergo certain changes. One of the most remarkable changes may be associated with the time devoted to communicating with patients. Importantly, it is not enough to change the quality of communication through the use of various empathy-related skills. The nurses who will receive the training will also spend more time with patients after the completion of the intervention.


In conclusion, the proposal will include some details associated with the financial, quality, and clinical aspects. It is necessary to address such points as the funds necessary to buy or develop materials, the program evaluation strategies, and clinical practice changes. The description of some details related to these areas will help in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the intervention and its applicability in different settings.


Penner, S. J. (2013). Economics and financial management for nurses and nurse leaders (2nd. ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Wieman, D. A., Camacho-Gonsalves, T., Huckshorn, K. A., & Leff, S. (2014). Multisite study of an evidence-based practice to reduce seclusion and restraint in psychiatric inpatient facilities. Psychiatric Services, 65(3), 345-351.

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