Nutrition Diary and Self-Reflection

Throughout my diet diary, attention was drawn to three elements that were under-percentage in my diet. The shortfall was in the fiber department, which regularly missed a few grams to reach the Daily Standard. To an even greater extent, I did not receive sodium, which was consumed every day in the amount of only one-third of the DRI. I also routinely missed 25-30 percent of my required daily intake of carbohydrates, which is recommended in the amount of 130 per day (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2022). On two out of five days, I was getting 125 percent excess protein from food. Oversupply also refers to excessive amounts of sugars, except for one day out of five. The protein content of my daily food also exceeded the norm by more than one-third on several of the five days.

Fiber is useful for its low-calorie content and normalizes blood sugar levels, which is especially valuable considering that I get a slight overabundance of it. In order to increase the level of fiber, it is recommended to consume grains and legumes, which include white rice, beans, and peas. Sodium maintains the body’s balance of fluids and salts, which has a strengthening effect on the nervous system, which otherwise becomes vulnerable to damage. Sources of sodium are table salt, canned meat, olives, smoked meats, and cheese. The lack of carbohydrates is fraught for the body with exhaustion and loss of energy, refusing to produce glucose that feeds the human nervous system (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services., 2022). One can increase your carbohydrate levels by eating carrots and white flour foods like bread, raisins and brown rice.

An excess of proteins triggers excessive work of the kidneys for their digestion, which complicates the work of the body. A lack of fiber risks leading to gastrointestinal problems and pain and swelling. Reduce the consumption of protein-containing foods, in particular red meat. On the other hand, sugar can upset the balance of substances, leading to the accumulation of fats in the body, raising blood pressure and causing problems with the liver. To prevent this, you need to give up instant drinks and sugary bars. For preventive purposes, it seems to me that lowering the consumption of fats would make sense. There is no specific recommended daily dose of fats, but the tendency to oversaturate them is fraught with obesity and vascular disease. Abandoning avocados, which are nutritious but overly fatty, appear like the right thing to do.

As a change to the menu, an attempt was made to increase the number of carbohydrates and sodium and reduce the fat and sugar content of my food. The fiber balance was evened out by adding beans and rice to the diet. The sodium level was raised by adding tomato soup but was greatly exceeded as a result. Also, the problem is an overabundance of carbohydrates, which are now almost twice the daily allowance. It was planned to equalize the level of carbohydrates to the recommended level by keeping carrot salad, also rich in fiber, on the menu. According to the daily nutritional recommendations, the resulting menu is still far from perfect, and some of the nutritional parameters are grossly overstated.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2022). Dietary Guidelines for Americans. 

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