Occurrences of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents

The study provides valuable information for the project, as it reviews major occurrences of oil and gas pipeline accidents and how they influenced the approach towards managing the resources. Biesma et al. (2020) provide major details for this statement by giving scientific evidence. Scientists argue that the main measures and human efforts to combat accidents and catastrophes on the oil and gas pipeline should be aimed at their prevention and prevention (Biezma et al., 2020). Measures taken after major accidents to strengthen these areas either completely exclude or localize man-made accidents and catastrophes. These strategies are mostly based on ensuring the reliability of the technological process. Two other sources give minor details of the thesis confirmation. Ukaogo and Ogechi (2020) describe the impact of oil on the environment in the Niger Delta which has devastating consequences. The country is not rich in oil, but rather depends on oil, however, after the explosion of the Trinity Spirit oil production, storage, and unloading vessel, the situation improved somewhat (Ukaogo & Ogechi, 2020). Since the event attracted public attention, the management of Shebah Exploration & Production Company Ltd (SEPCOL) began to take measures to prevent oil leaks in the future. Mathis (2022) in his article provides an oil and gas chronicle of the war of the Russian Federation in Ukraine and its consequences. Resource management in emergency conditions required the building of new logistics chains (Mathis, 2022). Moreover, management during the war period is based on the creation of a global system that provides, as far as possible, special organizational, economic, and legal conditions for the use of oil and gas resources.


Biezma, M. V., Andrés, M. A., Agudo, D., & Briz, E. (2020). Most fatal oil & gas pipeline accidents through history: A lessons learned approach. Engineering Failure Analysis, 110, 104446. Web.

Mathis, J. (2022). The moral mess of banning Russian oil. The Week. Web.

Ukaogo, V. O., & Ogechi, N. C. (2020). Two oils, one evil: An appraisal of contemporary dilemma of the indigenous population of Nigeria’s oil-delta communities, 1956-2019. Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 12(5). Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Occurrences of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents." May 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/occurrences-of-oil-and-gas-pipeline-accidents/.


StudyCorgi. "Occurrences of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents." May 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/occurrences-of-oil-and-gas-pipeline-accidents/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Occurrences of Oil and Gas Pipeline Accidents." May 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/occurrences-of-oil-and-gas-pipeline-accidents/.

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