Oia, Greece: Tourism and Economic Development


Though not as popular as it deserves to be, Oia has been well known among tourists as a patch of exotic and thrill in the heart of Europe. Attracting thousands of visitors with its unique nature, reasonable prices, and European services, Oia truly is a pearl in a bag of oysters.


Apart from its amazing nature, Oia also has a very impressive economic record. According to the 2014 report, the city is experiencing economic growth. The excellent economic score of the city is quite predictable, though, seeing that Greece itself is an economically advanced state with a GDP of $267.1 billion (CIA para. 5). The state’s per capita makes $23,600 (CIA para. 5). Greece owes much of its economic success to tourism, and Oia is the city that sustains the specified industry.

Apart from tourism, agriculture can be considered the state’s primary sector industry. As far as the secondary sector industries are concerned, food and tobacco processing, as well as textiles and petroleum production, can be considered as such (CIA para. 5). Chemicals, mining, and metal products, in their turn, are the tertiary sector industries of the state.

The standards of living are rather high in the specified region. According to the existing reports, the country has a rather high life expectancy rate of 80.3 years (CIA para. 3). The mortality rates, on the contrary, are rather low (“4.78 deaths/1,000 live births” (CIA para3). The above-mentioned tendency affects the population density in the state to a considerable degree in Oia (38.6 people per sq km (“Municipality of Oia” para. 1)). The fact that the state is developing at a very rapid pace should also be brought up as proof of Oia’s popularity among tourists. The Human Development Index (HDI) of the state has been growing consistently since the 1980s and has reached 0.861 in 2012 (“Greece” 2).

Though the city has managed to keep its charm of an exotic and nearly uncharted place, urbanization has had its toll on this place, incorporating a range of facilities into the design of the local hotels. As a result, a unique combination of picturesque landscapes and the obvious elements of urbanization, including the design of the city, the numerous facilities, the services available, etc, make an unforgettable impression on the tourists, making them return to this fantastic place (“Information about Santorini” para. 1).

Access to healthcare is rather easy in Oia, much to the credit of the local authorities.

As far as the population of the city is concerned, one must mention that there is an impressive diversity rate in the specified area. Finally, the fact that Oia has rather advanced IT development rates and is included in the GII deserves to be mentioned. Despite the fact that the focus of the city is obviously on the tourism industry, the IT development within the state clearly deserves to be marked as outstanding (“Greece Travel Advise” para. 3).


Visiting Oia means plunging into the heart of luxury and exotics without leaving the comfortable realm of Europe. Oia is a perfect place for the people, who are willing to take a vacation from the troubles and turmoil of everyday life, yet at the same time remain in touch with it. The patch of heaven that most tourists will pick as their first stop, Oia is waiting for visitors.

Works Cited

CIA. “Greece.” CIA. 2013. Web.

Greece.Human Development Report. 2012. Web.

Greece Travel Advise.Gov.uk. n. d. Web.

“Information about Santorini.” In2Greece. 2012. Web.

“Municipality of Oia.” Urbistat. 2011. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Oia, Greece: Tourism and Economic Development." March 6, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/oia-greece-tourism-and-economic-development/.


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