Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use


Opioids in medicine and personal use are the subjects of public controversy. Moreover, disputes concerning it have both historical and political specifics due to its ambiguity. On the other hand, opioids, as pain relievers, are more accepted in society since the current absence of alternatives explains their use. However, the main thrust of the reviewed work is that opioids are highly harmful and, in the long term, have a considerable risk that needs to be addressed. This summary will touch on the main themes described in the analysis and provide a short retrospective of the summed-up results.

The Opioid Overdose Epidemic Analysis

The main point of the written analysis is that, for all their positive effects, opioids have two key disadvantages – a high chance of addiction and common overdoses. The latter have severe consequences affecting both the cognitive and mental characteristics of the human body. Moreover, over-administration of opioids, whether it is therapy or the need to use strong pain medication, occurs regularly, as evidenced by the above statistics. In a financial matter, this problem is also significant – for example, based on the statistics provided, it is required to spend up to $500 billion a year to contain the epidemic of overdoses among the US population. Thus, one can conclude that this practice carries much more dangers and the number of deaths for patients than benefits.


In conclusion, the main thrust of the analysis is the need to contain the opioid overdose epidemic and the estimated funds that would be required to do so. Since the problem of such practices has a multifactorial spectrum, including the social one, it can be concluded that switching to alternative medical means may take a long time. However, the importance of such studies is undeniable since by drawing people’s attention to such factors, it is possible to accelerate the above process.


Instructor’s Surname, Instructor’s Initials. (Year). Opioid vs microecon factors [DOCX]. Publisher. URL

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StudyCorgi. (2023, June 8). Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use. https://studycorgi.com/opioids-in-medicine-and-personal-use/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use'. 8 June.

1. StudyCorgi. "Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/opioids-in-medicine-and-personal-use/.


StudyCorgi. "Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/opioids-in-medicine-and-personal-use/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Opioids in Medicine and Personal Use." June 8, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/opioids-in-medicine-and-personal-use/.

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