Organizational Analysis: Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care

This paper will analyze the organization called Thrived Skilled Pediatric Care. First, the organization will be introduced and explored in terms of its mission, philosophy, and administrative structure. Second, the strengths and limitations of the organization will be examined. Third, the paper will describe the organization’s nursing care delivery system. Finally, two patient outcomes will be discussed with a focus on measuring and monitoring them.

Introduction of the Organization

Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care is a private nursing care agency specializing in pediatric home health care. It is a large organization employing 3,000 employees, headquartered in Massachusetts, and having locations in Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, New Mexico, North Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia (Zippia, 2022). Its target clientele is children, and the services provided include nursing, pediatric clinical respiratory therapy, applied behavior analysis therapy, and special care. All organization’s locations have a national accreditation by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (“Our purpose,” n.d.). As for community relationships, the agency provides funds to support care for medically fragile children through its Thrive Cares Foundation.

Examination of the Organization

The organization’s mission and philosophy are focused on providing pediatric care. Its mission is “to provide high quality clinical home care to medically fragile children so they can grow and flourish to their full potential” (Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care, 2021, p. 2). Its philosophy is that every stage of the child’s journey is important, and care should be provided with compassion, dignity, and respect (Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care, 2021). The organization is headed by the CEO, and each division is led by a corresponding Senior Vice President (SVP). The administrative structure can be described as functional because employees are grouped based on the function they perform. For instance, the IT team is led by the SVP of Technology and Business Process. Another example is the division of services, which is headed by the SVP of Operations – Services, who oversees all employees providing care in the homes.

Strengths and Limitations

One major strength is nursing services, for example, one-on-one nursing care provided to the child in the home or in school. Another strength is the provision of respiratory equipment and home medical equipment. For instance, the organization controls the whole process of home equipment provision, from checking the client’s insurance coverage to delivery. The major limitation is high employee turnover; for instance, employees may leave because of dissatisfaction with the benefits package or because they feel the organization cares about its clients more than about its workers.

Care Delivery System

The organization uses the case management system of nursing care delivery. It means that a case manager initiates, updates, and evaluates a care plan for a patient, and this plan guides the care provided by an interdisciplinary team of caregivers. One example of delegation is that manager can delegate ventilator and tracheostomy care to a skilled nurse upon the client’s request. An example of a charge nurse’s delegation is that a nurse can delegate an issue to the manager if the nurse has encountered a problem with a co-worker which has not been resolved after talking to him or her. Finally, licensed staff can delegate certain tasks to unlicensed staff; for example, nurses can delegate parts of tracheostomy care to parents, but only after the necessary training.

Outcomes and Measurements

One system-wide outcome is positive airway pressure (PAP) adherence rates. It is monitored using the PAP Device Adherence Tracking Program and measured by counting the number of days when the patient used and did not use the PAP device. One nurse-sensitive clinical indicator is patient satisfaction with nursing care. It is monitored through patient surveys and measures patients’ experiences with nurses’ communication, care provided, and home safety discussed.


This paper has analyzed Thrived Skilled Pediatric Care in terms of its mission, provided services, organizational structure, strengths and limitations, care delivery system, and outcomes and measurements. The organization provides home care to medically fragile children and supplies home medical equipment to families with such children. It employs case management as its care delivery system and monitors patients’ adherence to PAP devices and patient satisfaction.


Our purpose. (n.d.). Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care. Web.

Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care. (2021). Caregiver’s guide for nursing and therapy. Web.

Zippia. (2022). Working at thrive skilled pediatric care careers. Zippia. Web.

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