Remote Patient Monitoring and Its Impacts


This annotated bibliography aims to assess how Promote Patient Monitoring can enhance safety and quality standards in nursing. Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) refers to a system that applies sensors to track and record a patient’s vital signs and bodily functions. The system then alerts the nurses’ station if the patient’s condition changes or deteriorates. I am interested in the topic of Promote Patient Monitoring since I believe it can enhance safety and quality standards in nursing.

By monitoring patients more closely, nurses can catch potential problems earlier and prevent them from becoming more serious. Close monitoring can help identify areas where quality improvement is needed. The research process employed in the study included a literature review of existing evidence on the topic. The database employed in this research was peer-reviewed articles that describe and evaluate the concept of RPM. To access the sources, the key terms used were “Remote Patient Monitoring” and “Nursing quality and Safety Standards.” The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the impacts of RPM, current evidence of the impacts of RPM, and a recommendation.


Kang, M., Park, E., Cho, B. H., & Lee, K. S. (2018). Recent patient health monitoring platforms incorporating internet of things-enabled smart devices. International neurourology journal, 22(2), 76. Web.

This article is relevant to the study because it shows how the Internet of things and smart devices can be used to monitor a patient’s health from a distance. In essence, the study uses smart devices to measure the patient’s health and relay this information to the doctor, allowing more accurate diagnosis and more effective treatment of patients.In the future, internet-enabled health monitoring devices are likely to play a significant role in the healthcare industry. The article provides an overview of the recent developments in the field of internet-enabled health monitoring devices. The authors discuss the various features of these devices and their potential applications in the nursing practice and the roles of other health services providers. The article outlines various features of internet-enabled health-monitoring devices and their potential applications in the healthcare industry. These devices are capable of monitoring a variety of health parameters, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. They can be used to monitor the patient’s compliance with their treatment regimen. These devices can be used to improve the quality of care and to reduce the cost of healthcare.

Noah, B., Keller, M. S., Mosadeghi, S., Stein, L., Johl, S., Delshad, S. & Spiegel, B. M. (2018). Impact of remote patient monitoring on clinical outcomes: an updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. NPJ digital medicine, 1(1), 1-12. Web.

The article is useful for this study because it provides an update on the research on the impact of RPM on clinical outcomes. it provides an updated meta-analysis of the impact of remote patient monitoring on clinical outcomes in randomized control trials. The study found that there is a significant impact of RPM on clinical. Patient monitoring is an essential aspect of nursing care. It can help nurses detect early deterioration signs, identify patients at risk for complications, and optimize care delivery. Evidence shows that patient monitoring can improve patient outcomes, including reducing mortality and morbidity. The use of remote patient monitoring (RPM) can further improve patient outcomes by providing real-time data that can be used to make clinical decisions. This implies that technology impacts the patient care and patient safety positively.

The impact of RPM on clinical outcomes was examined in randomized controlled trials after a thorough search of the literature. According to the findings, one can depict the significance of technology on the works of health care services providers and nursing practices. Mortality was the main result, whereas morbidity, duration of stay, and resource use were secondary. The current evidence is evident from the pooled analysis of the 17 studies, which showed that RPM significantly impacted the outcomes. RPM was associated with a reduction in mortality by 36%, morbidity by 28%, length of stay by 3.4 days, and resource utilization by 13%. These results suggest that RPM is an effective intervention that can improve patient outcomes.

Gordon, W. J., Henderson, D., Sharon, A., Fisher, H. N., Judge, J., Levine, D. M.,… & Boxer, R. (2020). Remote patient monitoring program for hospital-discharged COVID-19 patients. Applied clinical informatics, 11(05), 792-801. Web.

As the title suggests, the article selected for this study discusses on a remote patient monitoring program for hospital-discharged COVID-19 patients. This is significant as it provides a real-world example of how such a program can be used effectively in order to track the progress of patients post-discharge and ensure that they are receiving the care they need. RPM healthcare technology enables clinicians to collect and store patient data remotely and then use that data to make clinical decisions about patient care.

RPM can monitor various health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory disease. RPM has been shown to impact patient outcomes, including reducing hospital readmissions and mortality rates. RPM can aid in reducing healthcare costs by reducing the need for office visits and hospitalizations. Gordon et al. (2020) article describes the RPM program implemented for hospital-discharged COVID-19 patients. The author’s work can be applied to affirm the current evidence on the significance of adopting RPM in a healthcare organization. According to the researcher’s findings, the program was successful in reducing the number of hospital readmissions and mortality rates among the patients who were enrolled in the program. The authors suggest that RPM could be a useful tool for managing the care of COVID-19 patients after they are discharged from the hospital.

Poncette, A. S., Spies, C., Mosch, L., Schieler, M., Weber-Carstens, S., Krampe, H., & Balzer, F. (2019). Clinical requirements of future patient monitoring in the intensive care unit: a qualitative study. JMIR medical informatics, 7(2), 13064. Web.

The significance of the report on this study cannot be understated. The study shows how the needs of critically ill patients are changing and how monitoring systems must be able to adapt to these changes. This is relevant to the topic of remote patient monitoring as it shows how the needs of patients are changing and how new technologies must be able to meet these needs. There has been an increased focus on using RPM to improve quality care and safety standards in nursing. The technology allows nurses to remotely monitor patients’ vital signs and other health parameters. This can be done through various means, including wearable devices, smartphone apps, and dedicated RPM devices. There are several potential benefits of introducing RPM, including improved patient outcomes, reduced readmission rates, and increased efficiency in care delivery. In addition, RPM can help to improve patient safety by reducing the risk of errors and providing early warning signs of potential problems.

This research aimed to explore the clinical requirements of future RPM systems in the intensive care unit (ICU). A qualitative methodology was used, and data were collected through interviews with ICU nurses and physicians. The results showed a need for RPM systems that are user-friendly, accurate, and reliable. Nonetheless, the evidence suggests that RPM can positively impact quality care and patient safety. Several studies have shown that RPM can help improve patient outcomes, reduce readmission rates, and increase efficiency in care delivery. In addition, RPM can help to reduce the risk of errors and provide early warning signs of potential problems.


Overall, the use of remote patient monitoring technology can enhance patient quality and safety standards in several ways. Firstly, it can help improve communication between healthcare service providers and patients. This can help ensure that patients receive the best possible care and that potential problems are identified and addressed as quickly as possible. Secondly, remote patient monitoring can help to reduce the risk of errors and omissions in care by providing a more comprehensive picture of a patient’s care needs and condition. Finally, it can help improve the overall efficiency of care provision by reducing unnecessary or duplicative visits to patients’ homes or hospitals.

Organizational factors such as budget, staff training, and infrastructure can influence the selection of technology in the healthcare setting. For example, remote patient monitoring (RPM) can enhance safety and quality standards in nursing, but it may require additional staff training and infrastructure development to implement effectively. In addition, RPM programs may be more costly to implement than traditional care models, so organizations must weigh the costs and benefits of RPM before deciding to implement such a program.

As discussed, there are many benefits of using RPM in a healthcare setting. RPM can improve patient safety by providing real-time data that can be used to identify potential health problems and intervene early. RPM can also improve the quality of care by providing data that can be used to track patient progress and identify areas for improvement. Additionally, RPM can reduce the cost of care by reducing the need for office visits and hospitalizations. However, RPM has a few challenges, including the need for reliable technology and the potential for data overload. However, these challenges can be overcome with proper planning and implementation. Overall, RPM is a valuable tool that can improve health care’s safety, quality, and efficiency.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, December 5). Remote Patient Monitoring and Its Impacts.

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