Organizational Change Management and Communication

The previous post emphasizes the importance of integrating organizational changes with the needs or input of the employees. As Belkis outlines, under-negotiated or poorly consulted changes can cause serious adverse effects. This caused a serious increase in workload for employees and therefore decreased their well-being, energy levels, and work satisfaction in their own workplace. As Belkis themselves suggest, changes within health care facilities are especially influential, as changes to current operations can cause harm to not only employees but patients as well.

Belkis states that efficient communication between managerial teams and employees was essential in the initial implementation and further evaluation of the change. Additionally, large-scale changes within contemporary organizations are often unable to maintain meaningful and sustainable changes (Stouten et al., 2018). Based on research and Belkis’ interpretation of the issue, I believe the harm caused by sudden change is primarily related to a lack of research and non-cohesive principles. These issues likely play an integral part in the problem outlined by Belkis, specifically in regards to high-stress and large workloads. Because the firm was unable to offer better outlines for employees as well as management to follow, issues such as overworking and miscommunication occurred. Belkis also advocates for management to be responsible for better analysis of such changes and the effects on employees.


Stouten, J., Rousseau, D. M., & De Cramer, D. (2018). Successful organizational change: Integrating the management practice and scholarly literatures. Academy of Management Annals, 12(2). Web.

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