Servant Leadership from a Personal Perspective

Servant leadership is a type of leadership in which the leader prioritizes the needs of the followers first. For instance, the leader constantly checks up on the followers or guides them on gaining the skills they need, even if they may move on. The followers should feel that the leader is there for them and works hard to ensure their wellness. It involves supporting other people to meet their personal goals. Servant leadership empowers employees in an organization and cares about their well-being. Additionally, this type of leadership helps in making other employees leaders. However, it is important to note that servant leadership cannot work in all scenarios. For instance, servant leadership cannot be implemented in military service because there is a need for a full demonstration of power.

A servant leader must have listening skills for his followers. This way, they can acknowledge other people’s perspectives and respect them. This makes it easy for the leader to support other people’s goals and help them achieve their goals. Servant leaders must also be humble. This virtue enables them to support other people’s goals without feeling the pinch of not working on their own goals. Servant leaders need to be community-focused because most of their work is based on making the community a better place, not for their gain. Therefore, they strive to ensure equality and social justice in the community or organization. Finally, it is also important to note that servant leaders do not have an interest in accruing much wealth and power. If they are interested in accruing power and wealth, they will eventually put their interests first, forgetting about the needs of their followers.

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