Nursing Professionalism Amid Organizational Changes

Organizational changes in nursing

Today, many facilities support the idea of organizational change to support employees, understand their needs, and avoid conflicts (Kossek, Hammer, Kelly, & Moen, 2014). In nursing, change can be planned and unplanned. Planned changes are easy to cope with because they pass through all important stages, including planning, testing, evaluating, implementing, revising, and refining if necessary (Edmonson, 2015). In unplanned changes, some stages may be omitted. Therefore, the process of change can be difficult and lead to various outcomes, including stress. Stress is one of the main outcomes of change because not all people are prepared for novelties and improvements.

Some people may need more time, and some nurses can ask for additional explanations. To reduce stress caused by change, people should focus on their professional and personal interests, know how to ask for help, and relax not to promote the development of psychological problems. For example, recently, several changes occurred in the workplace when the goal to reduce the number of hospital readmission was established. Nurses were obliged to increase the number of hours being spent on patient education and communication with high-risk patients.

Not all nurses were ready to take this step because that change required improved knowledge and the development of pedagogical and communicative skills. Some nurses experienced stress. Readmission rate change was effective because managers follow Lewin’s model precisely. First, an unfreezing stage occurred to prepare nurses to accept change. Then, the change occurred. Finally, a refreezing stage was taken to identify the outcomes and gather opinions. Nurses were not challenged to accept new requirements in this case because they were provided with time and explanations to understand and accept the change.

Professionalism in nursing

Professionalism in nursing is the goal that has to be achieved by any nurse. It is not enough to comprehend professional values and learn how to develop appropriate interactions with patients and colleagues (Masters, 2015). Nurses have to know how to develop their professionalism in the chosen area to get promotions, meet professional needs, and improve working and living conditions regarding personal interests. A good leader has to develop a plan within the frames of which it is possible to incorporate personal characteristics and professional traits of an innovator and use them to be promoted. The following steps can be taken into consideration:

  1. Identify current challenges and possible areas for improvement;
  2. Clarify the methods that can be used to develop professionalism;
  3. Communicate with nurses with higher ranks and ask them to share their experience;
  4. Get prepared for education and hard work;
  5. Read the examples other nurses are eager to share their professional development and improvement;
  6. Observe recent articles in journals and magazines to comprehend what innovative techniques can be used;
  7. Make a list of characteristics that are appropriate for leaders and that have to be changed;
  8. Consider the needs of a hospital and the opportunities of a potential leader and evaluate the possible effects that can be observed.

Regarding my characteristics like aspiration, desire to learn something new, and readiness for change, I believe that I can become a good innovator and leader. The only point I have to focus on is the necessity to listen and follow the suggestions of other people in case I find that my knowledge and experience are not enough to make an appropriate conclusion.


Edmonson, C. (2015). Moving forward: Lessons from unplanned change. Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(2), 61-62.

Kossek, E.E., Hammer, L.B., Kelly, E.L., & Moen, P. (2014). Designing work, family & health organizational change initiatives. Organizational Dynamics, 43(1), 53-63.

Masters, K. (2015). Role development in professional nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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