Organizational Culture and Its Importance


Organizational culture is a set of generally accepted, official norms, values, and behaviors in an organization or enterprise. Its main task is to achieve the intended goals and focus on a positive result. In brief, this term is usually understood as an expression of a company’s individuality and the manifestation of its differences from others. Organizational culture is one of the most important and significant elements in the social environment.

Organizational Culture: Importance, Relevance and Significance

Organizational culture is a characteristic phenomenon that manifests itself in pursuing success, high results, and outstanding achievements. At least, it is worth paying attention to the positive parts of this aspect as follows. Primarily, organizational culture entails the improvement of mental qualities and discipline in a person and also directs human resources in the right direction in terms of efficiency, productivity, creative intent, responsibility, and diligence (Lubis & Hanum, 2019). In particular, such culture is necessary for conditions of rapidly changing realities and crises, contributing to a quick and “painless” adaptation to new situations (Firestone, 2020). Guided by this principle, leaders can predict all organizational processes’ successful, long-term, and stable functioning (Gulua, 2018). “Corporate culture” is the key to the development and triumph of an organization, but only if it results from thoughtful and competent management staff activities.


The importance of organizational culture within an enterprise is challenging to overestimate or underestimate. Sometimes this phenomenon plays a dominant role in employees’ lives and affects work productivity at all levels. Organizational culture can act as a guarantor of the organization’s existence; it should include norms and values shared by the organization members, which, in turn, will contribute to stability in the functioning and development of a firm.


Firestone, S. (2020). Importance of organizational culture to crisis leadership. In S. Firestone (Ed.), Biblical principles of crisis leadership (pp. 23-34). Palgrave Macmillan.

Gulua, E. (2018). Organizational culture management challenges. European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(1), pp. 67-79.

Lubis, F. R., & Hanum, F. (2019). Organizational culture. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 511, pp. 88-91.

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