Organizational Structure: Zara

Zara is a brand that belongs to Spain’s most prominent fashion retail company called Inditex (Inditex, 2021a). The latter’s executive chairman is Pablo Isla and CEO is Carlos Crespo González. The owner, founder, and leading board member is Amancio Ortega Gaona, and the head of the Zara brand is Óscar Pérez Marcote (Inditex, 2021b). Zara operates in a standard fast fashion retail structure, where it orders raw materials from its suppliers and garment design sketches from fashion designers. The company subsequently directs the materials and sketches to the clothing factories, where the final product is received. Later, the company distributes the products to store managers all across the globe. The value chain map with key organizational structure elements can be seen in Figure 1.

Value Chain + Org Structure.
Figure 1. Value Chain + Org Structure.

Reference List

Inditex. (2021a) Who we are. Web.

Inditex. (2021b) Board of directors. Web.

Cherrstrom, C. A., and Bixby, J. (2016) ‘10 years of adult learning: Content analysis of an academic journal’, Adult Learning, 28(1), pp. 3-11.

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