Organizational training entails a series of interrelated steps, or tasks individuals take through to achieve a desired, measurable outcome. It is expected that there will be tangible results for the employees and business owners after the training. There are different training process models that are used to help plan and pace the training. The operational objective of having a training process is to achieve a predefined level of proficiency in training delivery and clarity of the goal in each step. Some training process models can be applied, including the Blanchard and Thacker, Parker model, and activity process.
Blanchard and Thacker Training Process Model
The researchers developed a training process with five main stages, which are only sometimes followed when a major triggering event calls for impromptu decision-making. A distinctive factor of this training model is that each training activity must start with an analysis and end with a follow-up (Yu & Purbo, 2019). The typical process for training include needs analysis, design phase, development process, implementation, and evaluation phase. However, a triggering event can easily send the training from the needs analysis to the evaluation phase (See figure 1). The difference is in the level of understanding and practicality of people.
Illustration of the model

For example, the process proposed by Blanchard and Thack within the needs assessment included an input, a process, and an output. The input may involve a survey or interview with the members of a cooperative. The expectation that each person has is vital to move to the next stage. Thus, the training process realigns their thoughts to work together without friction. The other advantage is that the evaluation is done at each stage which implies that the trainees do not get to progress unless they provide satisfactory results. The model is intense and requires an output for every input in each of the stages
However, one of the main drawbacks is that the model is that it is long and complex to complete. The implication is that it may take a long time to implement and ensure all employees successfully achieve the expected outcome for each stage. Moreover, the thoroughness and detail-oriented process require an expert. The complexity makes the model more expensive to implement compared to other linear process where evaluation is only done in the end. Nonetheless, it provides the best outcome for the trainees to understand the concepts.
Methods of Training
Training methods refer to the systematic procedure through which the employees develop knowledge, ability, and skills relevant for them to have optimum performance in an organization. Majority of companies combine different methods of onsite and offsite training depending on the budget, the nature of the skills, knowledge, and experiences that employers want the worker to gain, and the number of people doing the training, among others (Kankaew, 2021). Some of the available training methods include coaching, job rotation, seminars and workshops, job instructions, informal learning, and benchmarking (Aktar & Islam, 2021). The employees and employers have preferences based on the resources, time consumed certification, among others. However, the best training is the one that fulfills the organizational and individual needs.
Job rotation is a kind of training in which the workers are shifted at several departments, where they work and learn for a specific frame of time before moving to the next. It is intended for the employee to get familiarized with all the organizational departments. The advantage is that it ensures all employees understand the organization process and can respond to any client making inquiries about the firm. In addition, it is practical as the worker is expected to learn as they are working. The disadvantage is that the training only allows for an overall perspective and not intensive knowledge.
Coaching is a training method in which a person with more experience, skills, and expertise teaches others that hope to be like him in the future. The coach and the people under him have a formal relationship where the former can give assignments, set goals, and make rules that enhance the outcome (Kankaew, 2021). The advantage is that it is transformational to the trainees. They learn a significant amount of information and skills. The drawback is that the workers do not get a variety of information and may gain even the negative attributes of their coach.
Seminars and workshops are where the managers choose a conference room and dedicate a specific amount on type to teach workers on a desired topic relevant to the organization. The advantage is that it avoids unnecessary repetition and waste of resources. The managers can use the best-fit curriculum design to match the training needs of the people (Kankaew, 2021). Then the trainer selects the desired method of instruction, whether virtual, through paper resources, or one-on-one. Once they settle on the perfect approach, the actual training continues, and at the end, there is evaluation through measuring the results. The drawback is that it can be expensive and is mostly theoretical.
It is difficult to pinpoint the best training type because all have advantages and drawbacks. However, coaching has the best long-term results and is all around. Moreover, it empowers the junior employees to become great custodians of the company’s wealth. Coaching can create a culture of accountability and continuous improvement while building a good relationship. Moreover, it does not require lots of resources, and the trainee can as well teach the senior manager some skills such as technology if they are better knowledgeable. Thus, it is the best kind of training method because it leaves a lasting transformative impact.
Performance Management and Performance Appraisal
Performance management (PM) refers to a group of activities the employer sets to ensure that the workers achieve their goals on time. Comparatively, performance appraisal (PA) involves evaluating an employee’s work and asking them to provide a self-feedback before giving the final review. The other difference is that PM considers employees’ past and present work, while PA is limited to the immediate past. The employee in PA is managed to realize the company’s mission, goals, and mission, whereas, in PA, the goal is to give the employee feedback. The other point of distinction is that PM is strategic as it constantly reviews an individual’s work. Still, PA is operating as it follows some protocols to give marks to the employee.
It is important for leaders to include an annual performance appraisal at the end of a financial year and use it to motivate employees and help them identify the areas in which they need the most improvement. Baird et al. (2020) note that trust is the most important component of performance appraisal as it helps the workers feel empowered. Therefore, managers should be keen when appraising individuals by ensuring they are fair and explaining the reasons for the assigned scores. Noteworthy, the performance appraisal is sometimes used for promotion and salary increments. Therefore, it should be objective and fair to all employees.
Organizations understand that employee performance is integral to their productivity and revenue growth. One way managers improve performance is through training through coaching, job rotation, and seminars. Employers must choose an effective training process that can utilize the resource to ensure workers retain the most skills, knowledge, and competencies. Their performance is then managed and appraised for the benefit of the company and the individual, respectively.
Aktar, S., & Islam, N. (2021). The effect of training and development methods on employees’ satisfaction in the commercial banks. Researchgate Conference Papers, 1-11. Web.
Baird, K., Tung, A., & Su, S. (2020). Employee empowerment, performance appraisal quality and performance. Journal of Management Control, 31(4), 451-474. Web.
Kankaew, A. K. (2021). Human capital development in services job: A modelling from the airlines industry. Horizon Books.
Yu, N., & Purbo S., G. (2019). Need Assesment in cooperative development in West Java, Indonesia. Advances in Sciences and Humanities, 5(6), 165. Web.