Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives’ Availability

The majority of pregnancies in the world are unexpected or unintentional. This has prompted several organizations and people to ponder what may be done to reduce such occurrences. An unforeseen or unintended pregnancy is one that occurs when no child or offspring are desired in the relationship. Making contraceptive pills sold over the counter would be an outstanding way for women to seize command of their birth intensity (Rott, 2019). Therefore, I support over-the-counter pills since will aid in averting unplanned pregnancy and allow women to make better judgments because they will not be burdened with the responsibility of raising unexpected children.

Birth control was previously only beneficial for married people from lower-income families. According to Kennedy et al. (2022), the legalization of the above pills various European countries has helped reduce accidental pregnancies by 44%. In today’s environment, young females utilize birth control to avoid early conceptions while ‘having a great time.’ Incidentally, the sale of over-the-counter pills is quite beneficial, not just for the young girls indicated above, but also for circumstances when an older couple thinks they already have enough children to raise while meeting their necessities (Rott, 2019). The pills’ accessibility could also spare women a significant amount of time and effort when they are needed to visit a physician for the medication. This is mainly during travels, as well as when they are unable to quickly locate a health center for a variety of reasons, such as having no one to babysit for them or no vehicle to reach the treatment center, among many others.

As a result of the medications being accessible over the counter, women might be obliged to maintain their health precisely because no physician would be administering them. Purchasing medications over the counter indicates no communication between the doctor and the client (Iles, 2020). The patient would benefit from the dialogue since she would be informed about the health consequences of the medicines. Thus, the availability of over-the-counter birth control can make it easier for women to get these prescriptions, which has aided in reducing unplanned births by 44% as mentioned above.


Iles, S. (2020). Prescription restriction: Why birth control must be over the counter in the United States. Michigan Journal of Gender & Law, (26.2), 389.

Kennedy, C., Yeh, P., Gonsalves, L., Jafri, H., Gaffield, M., Kiarie, J., & Narasimhan, M. (2022). Should oral contraceptive pills be available without a prescription? A systematic review of over-the-counter and pharmacy access availability. BMJ Global Health, 1-17.

Rott, H. (2019). Birth control pills and thrombotic risks: Differences of contraception ethods with and without Estrogen. Hämostaseologie, 39 (01), 042-048.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, July 31). Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives’ Availability. https://studycorgi.com/over-the-counter-oral-contraceptives-availability/

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StudyCorgi. "Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives’ Availability." July 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/over-the-counter-oral-contraceptives-availability/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives’ Availability." July 31, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/over-the-counter-oral-contraceptives-availability/.

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