Mobile Insulin Dosing System Usage


Mobile healthcare technologies have become an integral part of the health system globally over the last few decades. The increased technological advancements have made this possible with the new inventions bettering life and health in general. Mobile technologies are usually provided based on certain needs within the health field. This essay is an analysis of the mobile insulin dosing system that combated the issue of laxity in medication for diabetes mellitus patients. The first part outlines applications of the technology, the second part summarizes the benefits, the third part summarizes barriers, and the final part investigates the implications of the technology on nursing.

Application of Mobile Healthcare Technology

The mobile insulin dosing system is a revolutionary idea in the healthcare space for diabetic patients. The system utilizes principles of blood glucose levels and automation to ensure that insulin doses are administered to patients at the right time and in the right doses. The system analyzes the fasting plasma glucose levels within a patient’s blood and recommends the amounts of insulin to be administered to the patient (Shan et al., 2019). The system thereafter makes adjustments to the dose required by the patient based on a clinician’s preprogrammed management plan or published diabetes guidelines.

After determining the sufficient amount for a particular patient, the system reminds a patient that they need to take the prescribed doses to ensure the effects of diabetes are managed. The mobile insulin dosing system is usually programmed according to patient needs and given to the respective patients to carry everywhere they go (Shan et al., 2019). This appliance is always connected to their bodies at a preferred area, mostly the abdomen and covered with clothes. The appliance is sometimes monitored by the provider to ensure it remains within the set guidelines to prevent errors. This involves regular checks by visiting the facilitating healthcare facility and having the equipment checked for reliability.

Benefits of the Mobile Healthcare Technology

The mobile insulin dosing system boasts immense accuracy in managing diabetes. This is because the calculations of fasting blood sugar are usually accurate. These blood sugars are used to determine the dosage of insulin administered, and these quantities are usually immensely accurate. This prevents errors that would be customary without the use of this system (Fleming et al., 2019). The alternative to this system is the physical visitation of healthcare centers, the measurement of fasting sugar levels, and the calculative administration of insulin. These actions are prone to human errors whenever issues of awareness and accuracy are factored. The administration of improper insulin doses endangers the lives of patients and may precipitate the effects of diabetes.

The digitalized dosing system is also timely and saves the lives of patients. Whenever an acute need for insulin arises, the system updates the patients and guides them on the actions to take. This makes the system reliable for emergencies when there are spikes in glucose levels likely to cause unforeseen complications (Fleming et al., 2019). The alternative to the mobile system in an emergency would be for the patient to visit the healthcare centers. This may sometimes prove difficult due to transportation and availability barriers. These may delay arrival and upon evaluation of patients, later on, it may be discovered that the effects of diabetes are precipitated. The efficiency of the mobile monitoring system in these dire situations makes it desirable and reliable for all diabetics, enabling them to lead healthier lives.


The difficulties encountered from the use of mobile insulin technologies include the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) from pump or site failure. The inability of the pump to release the insulin at the required time causes a surge of blood glucose that causes DKA which can result in multi-organ failure (Rogers et al., 2019). The mobile systems are also responsible for skin infections or allergies in some patients due to the connection they have to the administering body parts. Such infections are disastrous to the health of patients, already suffering from diabetes, and are likely to precipitate the impacts of the chronic disease.

The use of mobile insulin technology has not achieved sufficient use in the world despite the advancement in technology due to costs. The technologies are expensive to develop and maintain, hence the need for patients to pay more funds. Some patients are required to pay huge amounts of money that are beyond their financial capacity (Rogers et al., 2019). This causes patients to demonstrate a preference for physical visits to healthcare centers as a matter of necessity. The device is usually concealed by the clothes worn by patients but still leaves peculiar changes to the body shape. This makes the device comfortable and some patients are usually uncomfortable with such an appearance that makes their condition public, interfering with their privacy.

Implications for Nursing

The nursing profession has been impacted by the changes involving the use of mobile insulin technologies. The use of the technologies has forced nurses to improve their scope of knowledge to understand the workings of these technologies. Nurses now become competent enough to advise patients on where to acquire the devices and how to use them (Piotie et al., 2021). This implies that nurses must have the technical capability to operate these devices without difficulty for the sake of their patients. The use of these technological devices also alters the scope of practice, forcing nurses to enquire about such additional details.

Previously, diabetic patients meeting new nurses were not questioned about their use of mobile devices. This has to be incorporated into the history-taking process to ensure the seamless and effective determination of the status of diabetic patients. Nursing must incorporate this crucial development in the learning curriculums within the various nursing schools (Piotie et al., 2021). This development has become a big part of the lives of diabetic people and must be taught from the onset when aspiring students begin the course. This will foster general awareness within the community as nurses are regarded as an essential component of society’s education initiatives.


In conclusion, the use of mobile technologies for the maintenance and monitoring of patients has become a vital part of the healthcare system. Medical developers and healthcare centers have made this a priority in the system to better the lives and health of patients. This system involves an automatic analysis of the fasting blood sugar levels and recommends insulin injections for the patients accordingly. The system presents various benefits to patients, including immediate assistance in emergencies. The system also guarantees a high level of accuracy and effectiveness, absent in human-mediated methods. The barriers to the use of this system include the financial challenges some patients encounter as they cannot afford the expensive gadgets. Pump failure is an additional limitation to the use of these mobile devices and sometimes leads to DKA, endangering patient lives. allergies and the alteration in privacy is a major concern for patients. These devices have improved nursing, compelling professionals to become more competent and knowledgeable in practice. The advancement of these devices is therefore encouraged for better outcomes and a healthier world.


Fleming, G. A., Petrie, J. R., Bergenstal, R. M., Holl, R. W., Peters, A. L., & Heinemann, L. (2019). Diabetes digital app technology: Benefits, challenges, and recommendations. A consensus report by the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) Diabetes Technology Working Group. Diabetes Care, 43(1), 250–260.

Piotie, P. N., Wood, P., Webb, E. M., Hugo, J. F. M., & Rheeder, P. (2021). Designing an integrated, nurse-driven and home-based digital intervention to improve insulin management in under-resourced settings. Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 12, 204201882110546.

Rogers, E., Aidasani, S. R., Friedes, R., Hu, L., Langford, A. T., Moloney, D. N., Orzeck-Byrnes, N., Sevick, M. A., & Levy, N. (2019). Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of a mobile insulin titration intervention for patients with uncontrolled diabetes: A Qualitative analysis. JMIR MHealth and UHealth, 7(7), e13906.

Shan, R., Sarkar, S., & Martin, S. S. (2019). Digital health technology and mobile devices for the management of diabetes mellitus: state of the art. Diabetologia, 62(6), 877–887.

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