Overwhelming Attraction to Violent Situations


Soraya Roberts’ main claim is that modern society is full of violence and inequality due to the constant demonstration of these actions. In isolation, aspects such as movies, music, or news cannot influence people’s behavior meaningfully (Roberts, 2019). Another cross-cutting theme of the article is that saying that a person is not an oppressor or a racist means nothing if he or she takes no action.


However, it all comes together to form a society that is naked in today’s day and age. The woman provides ample evidence for her argument, which makes her article compelling. For example, the assertion that the story of male superiority, white supremacy, of violent violence is raised constantly in contemporary works and films. For example, Soraya Roberts cites Avengers: Endgame, which illustrates these aspects (Roberts, 2019). It makes a reader think about how people’s beliefs are formed. The example of Spider-Man: Into the Universe is another proof of this. It was a rare anti-hate superhero movie, so the article’s author argues that society is taking steps, but not enough so far, to address the problem.

The author’s justifying assumption may be that there has been a recent increase in violence in society. The missing aspect of the paper is statistics that would describe a comparison of the rates of violence in society at different times. This would make the paper more convincing and encourage readers to take action. Overall, I agree with the author that movies, books, or works that describe violence and false hero ideals can impact society. In modern times, people spend more and more time on the Internet, which is full of violence that cannot help but affect the individual. The main problem I would also like to highlight is how much this affects children. They are the audience at risk. Teenagers adopt the habits of their idols from the screen and develop a society full of violence, inequality, and oppression.


Consequently, overwhelming attraction to violent situations may have some influence on society’s growing acceptance of violence. As a result, while any of the elements described above may influence the escalation of violence, none do so individually. Violence in the entertainment industry has not been the sole source of scholarly interest in mortality during the last three decades. Many books analyzing death as a real-life phenomenon have addressed problems such as attitudes toward dying, mourning rites, and sacrifices. Even the sheer quantity of such research attests to the importance of mortality in modern culture.


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1. StudyCorgi. "Overwhelming Attraction to Violent Situations." February 16, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overwhelming-attraction-to-violent-situations/.


StudyCorgi. "Overwhelming Attraction to Violent Situations." February 16, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overwhelming-attraction-to-violent-situations/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Overwhelming Attraction to Violent Situations." February 16, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/overwhelming-attraction-to-violent-situations/.

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