Taxpayer vs. Internal Revenue Service Legal Case

Facts The petitioners to the case, William and Randal, had a father-son relationship and operated Holdner Farm since 1977. Prior to the formation of the company, William Holdner purchased livestock to start the business. He later purchased property such as the Home place in Oregon, Chapman property for $10,000 and...

“The TrueBlue Study”: Qualitative Article Critique

Introduction Quantitative research is a fundamentally significant tool in the nursing practice since it does not only facilitate the continual development of knowledge, but also generates rigorous, objective, and controllable information which helps define the distinctive role of nursing as a contemporary profession (Burns & Grove, 2005). In this perspective,...

Basic Steam System: Warm-Up and Blowdown

Introduction The effective work of the basic steam system depends on the operations, ensuring the safety of the process and the equipment’s reliability. Since working with high temperatures and hydraulics may present certain risks for the plant personnel’s health and lives, steam line warm-up and steam trap blowdown are essential...

Cystic Fibrosis: Case Study

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a disease caused by defective chloride transportation. The defect in chloride transportation is a result of metamorphosis within the cystic fibrosis gene leading to abnormalities of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP). Six categories of defects due to gene mutations include: total lack of gene synthesis; defective gene...

Guest-Host Relationships in Homer’s ‘Odyssey’

Hospitality, the relationship between a host and a guest, is one of the most important themes that Homer portrays in his epic “The Odyssey”. In particular, Homer’s work provides excellent examples of how the ancient Greek societies had institutionalized hospitality. Indeed, hospitality was one of the most effective ways of...

Feeding & Eating: Binge-Eating and Pica Disorder

Binge-Eating Disorder Definition: Binge-eating disorder is characterized by eating, in a discrete period (for example, within any 2 hours), an amount of food that is larger than what most people would eat in a similar period under similar circumstances (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 350). Moreover, a person suffering from the...

Drug Trafficking and Terrorism in the Middle East

Introduction Terrorism and drug trafficking are the major wars that the world has been trying to fight for several centuries. However, winning the war has not been easy because of the nature of the organizations involved in the crime. Most of these organizations are very large and they operate as...

Power, Vulnerability, and Resistance in Carol Ann Duffy’s “Circe”

Carol Ann Duffy, a staunch supporter of equality and a fighter for women’s freedom, strives to convey to the reader the idea of ​​the inadmissibility of male domination in the modern world. Her poem “Circe” is a work that carries an overt and even aggressive feminist overtone (Duffy 47). The...

Critique of Feasibility Study on Multidisciplinary Fall Prevention

Introduction Falling among the elderly has been on the rise among the elderly people in developed worlds like Britain and the Netherlands. The Dutch health care system adopted a system that was being used by the British health care system as the intervention measure to prevent falls among the elderly....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

Autonomy Samples of Henrietta Lacks’ cancer cells were collected and used during diagnosis and treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital and then transferred for research without her or her family’s informed consent, which was common practice. Scientists also began investigating Henrietta’s children, who thought they were being tested for cancer that...

Proactive Safety Management System in Aviation

Safety management has become an essential topic in aviation to better assess risks and prevent accidents. Poor risk management practices contribute mainly to aviation accidents, most of which are often catastrophic. This raises concerns about profound ways of managing risks following the established standards to make informed decisions. Pilots must...

Jig’s Final Decision in “Hills Like White Elephants”

“Hills Like White Elephants,” written in 1927, is a classic example of a short story by Ernest Hemingway. The story is just 1,469 words long and, at first glance, retells to the reader a little dialogue between Jig and the American waiting for the train. Nevertheless, the author managed to...

Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

The chapter presents the data about the behavioral methods that can be utilized for managing the symptoms associated with anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OSD), and post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) (Wright, Basco, & Thase, 2017). The authors address commonly used approaches, such as exposure, cognitive restructuring, and reciprocal inhibition. The major...

Tectonic Plates as the Big Idea in Science

There are theories and ideas that are considered to be of major importance, as they provide an explanation of the way our world functions. Einstein’s Relativity, Steven Hawking’s Black Holes in Astronomy, and Darwin’s Origin of Species are a few examples of the ideas that, at some point, fundamentally changed...

Watson’s Theory to the Nursing Process

Introduction Nursing practice has continually improved over the recent years due to the integration of theoretical frameworks that advocate for more involving learning strategies and nursing process (Billings and Halstead, 2009, p.4). Furthermore, the embracement of community oriented and consumer driven system and its incorporation in learning has led to...

Business and Cultural Audit of Germany

Country History The name Germany was first used by Julius Ceaser to refer to the area east of the Rhine as a way of differentiating it from regions like Gaul which he had already conquered. The industrial revolution modernized the country’s economy and led to the emergence of a socialist...

Loss Is a Disaster: Bishop’s “One Art” and Kay’s “B” Poems

Emotional pain is one of the unique aspects peculiar to human beings. As social creatures with a strong devotion to people who surround them, people cannot avoid feeling sad or frustrated because of various losses. These might include the death of close people, failures, or the inability to attain success....

Diagnostic Value of CT and MRI in the Identification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Introduction Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a common form of cancer affecting approximately one million people annually (Savci, 1999). The incidence of this liver cancer has increased over the years even though this cancer is generally regarded to be a malignancy of the aged because of its’ high prevalence (El-Serag, 2001)....

US Withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership

Introduction The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was central to President Obama’s strategic pivot to Asia. The trade agreement was signed by twelve Pacific Rim countries, including the United States, which together covered almost 40 percent of the world’s economy. The TPP generated a great deal of controversy: while its proponents predicted...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Literary Analysis “The Leavers” by Lisa Ko

Introduction The given literary analysis will primarily focus on The Leavers by Lisa Ko, which narrates the story of an abandoned child and his search for belonging. The main character is Daniel or Deming, whose mother is Polly Guo. The narrative focuses on the continuous abandonment of the protagonist, which...

Cereal Label Facts Project Report

Different food products have different nutritional composition thus the need for food labeling. The ingredients that food processors use bring about this change. Additionally, the process of preparing foods before consumption may also alter the nutritional constitution of foods (Alias, and Mohd 66). It is important to go through the...

Medical Centers Financial Management

Sharp Healthcare Sharp Healthcare in San Diego has not afforded the opportunity to acquire financial capital through equity markets since it is not a profit making hospital. As a result of this it enjoys the advantage of accessing tax-exempt debt markets. Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code permits...

Marketing Research of Competitors on the Market

Research Question There is no doubt that the development of business enterprises in conditions of the modern market is becoming challenging, caused by a number of political and economic factors, including the abundance of competitive core companies. This means that modern business cannot develop without hindrance, as when entering the...

Motivation Strategies and Approaches at Workplace

Abstract Employees require motivation at workplace. Motivation is a crucial factor of consideration that management teams are supposed to execute when managing employees. From this research study, the best motivation strategies have been identified and discussed in regards to two different types of employees working in the same organization. One...

How Can the US Lessen Its Dependence on Fossil Fuels?

Energy is one of the driving forces behind economic development and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It plays a significant role in mitigating climate change, and its recognition in society is critical. However, there is a serious disconnect between agreed energy and climate targets and the...

Diagnosis and Treatment of Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders

Introduction Mental health is crucial for the overall well-being of an individual. Stress-related disorders contribute negatively to people’s health outcomes, and therefore, early diagnosis of psychiatric disorders and the initiation of proper treatment plans are critical. One of the most common stress and trauma-related conditions is Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder, commonly abbreviated as...

Criminal Justice Professionals and the Declaration of Independence

Introduction The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are indeed the pillar documents to America’s sovereignty. These documents were designed to provide a cohesive social, legal and economic structure that binds the United States of America. The tremendous progress experienced by the United States in complexity...

About Burnout Syndrome Among Healthcare Professionals

Introduction Burnout syndrome is a problem commonly seen at various healthcare facilities among medical workers. The article by Lahana et al. addresses the manifestation of this phenomenon among nurses working in social welfare centers for mentally challenged persons in Greece. The study’s purpose was to examine the syndrome and identify...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Review

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is nowadays, spreading widely across the globe. COPD is increasingly becoming a natural burden and anticipated to as the rank third cause of mortality by 2020. There is a need to establish an early diagnosis for the disease. Similarly, clinical context and risk factors that...

Pop-Up Restaurant Chef: Career Interest

Introduction The hospitality sector has the potential to realize my lifelong aspirations. I have always been fond of cooking and preparing meals. I would like my career to let me sharpen my culinary skills and improve communication with customers. I don’t want to work for somebody else as I value...

News and Victims: Journalistic Mistreatment

This paper aims to describe journalistic mistreatment of crime victims, their relatives, and witnesses. The assessment is based on the model proposed by Emilio Viano, who argues that journalists may immensely imperil the safety of the victim and his or her mental health (Viano, 1992). We have viewed news reports...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Determining the Effectiveness of Anti-CCP Antibodies

Proposed Methodology Overview The study will be conducted because specific, reliable and predictable diagnostic tests for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) are lacking (Niewold, Harrison & Paget, 2007). Yet, studies have shown that RA is the most common form of autoimmune rheumatoid illness and affects thousands of people in the US and...

Criminal Profiling: Is It Science?

Criminal profiling is an investigative technique used to identify the personality and behavioral characteristics of unidentified criminals. It is thus concerned with helping investigators know the kind of person who has committed a crime and, in this way, mitigate the effect of the crime or be able to suspect certain...

Online Disinformation and Homeland Security

Noticing and Articulating the Problem The world is confronting an increasing flow of disinformation within cyberspace. Examples incorporate the spread of cyber-rumors by social media bots during French elections within the Macron Leaks attack or the partisan messages during Brexit in the United Kingdom. Thus, the growing threat of conspiracy...

Eating and Depressive Disorders and Their Treatment

Anorexia Nervosa Anorexia nervosa is an extremely serious eating disorder characterized by a distorted weight perception and a strong fear of gaining it. Medics note that “people with anorexia have abnormally low body weight and always control it and their shape” (“Anorexia nervosa,” 2018, para. 1). To achieve that, such...

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Seasonal Influenza Program

Introduction Influenza has been cited to cause considerable morbidity and mortality in the United States. The Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) launched a program intended to create awareness about the Flu and thus reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with it. Seasonal influenza is a program run by...

About International Classification of Diseases

Abstract In general, the ICD may be defined as the standard diagnostic tool used internationally for health management, epidemiology, and clinical purposes. Designed, maintained, and published by the World Health Organization (WHO), the ICD-10 maps various health conditions to their corresponding generic categories with relation to specific variations through the...

Biometrics in Regards to Computer and Internet Security

Introduction Biometrics is a security technology that is programmed in accordance of individuals’ body characteristics such as finger prints or eye retina to mention but a few. Its relevance is becoming an interesting topic in regards to computer and internet security. According to Bolle and Ratha (2004, p.6) the first...

Energy and Environmental Effect of the Pipeline Bust on the US Transportation

The Alaskan pipeline traverses mountain terrain, several hundreds of waterways, fault lines, frost grounds and wildlife migratory routes over a distance of 800miles. Oil exploration hotspots on Alaska’s north form part of a vast oil region spreading out through to Canada’s on the extreme east while, closing into Russia’s Maritime...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Emergent of the Modern World From History

Introduction The foundations of the modern world were laid in the period between the 14th and 16th centuries. The main activities attributed to this development include the Great Britain revolution, the growth of the cotton industry, and the emergent of the finance and banking industry. The transformations made in this...

Fast Food and Health Relations

Too much fat stored in the body leads to obesity and fast food, which is high in calories and sugar and contributes to weight gain. Those who like such food do not consume enough milk, fruits, vegetables, porridge, etc. Unhealthy edibles seem tasty and they can easily change eating habits...

Concepts That Influence Bond Portfolio Management

Trading bonds is a complex and risky job that requires knowledge of the nuances of the market and the rules of interactions in it. However, most of the patterns are available and well known to bond portfolio managers and the general public; thus, anyone can master them. This paper will...

Educational Programs Impact on Pressure Ulcers Prevention

Introduction The problem of pressure ulcers among patients is a topical issue that has been addressed by many healthcare specialists using different methods. This condition is the result of physiological and external factors and usually occurs due to pressure on the tissue for a long period. Nurses, as the primary...

Case Study of Columbia: HCA Hospital Business Ethics

Key Stakeholders R.E. Freeman in his book “A Stakeholder Approach”, defines a stakeholder as” a group engaged varied interests and participants, each of them may contribute and attain rewards as a result of activities of a company or business.” It is to be noted there is an interrelationship that is...

Leadership Strategies for Conflict Management in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a stressful profession by its nature and also one where nearly every decision can be vital. As a result, conflicts frequently arise in it, with nurses possibly confronting their colleagues, managers, or patients. If not resolved, these conflicts can cause substantial damage to the organization and the...

Analysis of a Preventing Chronic Disease

A chronic disease may be defined as a sickness that is continual in nature and the path of the disease runs into a few months. The chronic diseases include diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, asthma, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, etc. These diseases are distinctive of very slow development and patient suffering...

The Fight for the Right to Vote for African-Americans

The right to vote is widely recognized as one of the fundamental human rights. In a democratic state, it is essential for each individual to impact the country’s sociopolitical life through voting. While the right is accepted as fundamental, it is denied to a multitude of people around the globe....

The Definition of Blood Transfusion

Introduction Blood transfusion is a technique that replaces blood that was lost after injury or surgery, or it can be used to replace blood, which does not maintain its function properly. A person might need a blood transfusion in case of sickle cell disease, anemia, and clotting disorder such as...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is normally characterized by breathlessness, coughing and a wheezing sound that is normally heard when somebody breaths. These symptoms are caused by either chronic emphysema or bronchitis (LĂžkke, 2006 p.10). Patients with emphysema are normally plagued with persistent short breath where as those with chronic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Implications of Faith and Leadership in a Real-Life Experience

The real-life situation relating to faith and leadership Decision-making and different ethical thinking, problem-solving, human relations and values Nurses focus on the physiological, psychosocial, as well as spiritual aspects of persons during times of illness and in good health. Nurses fall in Grossman and Valiga’s (2009) definition of leaders for...

Primary Source Analysis Concept: Raw Historical Materials

Introduction Anyone who seeks knowledge of historical reality draws this knowledge from sources. The primary source is the subject, with the help of which one can learn certain information about the time it was created. However, in order to establish which fact a historian can obtain from a given source,...

The Effects of Changing the Speed of the Motor

Abstract and Objectives By experimenting, it was possible to address the three important objectives in this study. The first and second objectives were to determine the effects of changing the speed of the motor on the output current and voltage respectively. That was achieved by an upward and downward of...

Yeast Alcohol Dehydrogenase Structure

Nature has made lots of molecule and enzyme substrates which are important in various reaction paths. Yeast alcohol dehydrogenase refers to a group of enzymes that are found in yeast and have a widespread application in the beer and wine industry where they facilitate the process of fermentation. Their basic...

Discussion of Sociological Concepts

Summary Sociology is a science that studies the tendencies of society and the interaction of people. At the same time, the exploration of these trends’ manifestation in various communities and the history of their development is a necessity for understanding the situation in a particular place. For this reason, this...

Fractures of the Metacarpals and Phalanges: Critical Appraisal of Articles

Introduction The article written by Benjamin Dean and Christopher Little is aimed at discussing the fractures of phalanges and metacarpals. In particular, they focus on the selection of the most appropriate management plan. The authors provide a sound and convincing rational for examining this question. They argue that these orthopedic...

Impact of Crime on Civil Liability and Risk: FTCA

The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) of 1946 waived the doctrine of sovereign immunity of the United States government. After its enactment, all federal workers lack defense of their employment and become liable for their wrongdoing to the same extent as natural persons according to the local laws of a...

Applied and Traditional Academic Research Methods

Introduction The applied research and the traditional academic research methods derive their processes and procedures from the generalized definition of research. Research is the scientific process through which solutions to problems are derived from statistical inferences (Salkind, 2006). The notion of finding a solution to the current problem is the...

Nursing: A Critique of Three Articles

The present-day interpersonal preconceptions are to some extent come as a result of some psychological mechanisms that came up for the purposes of giving individuals protection from the danger of infectious disease. This system of behavioral immunity sufficiently promotes the avoidance of disease but also leads to an overgeneralized discrimination...

Personal Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Introduction The views on such important questions as the purpose of life vary from one person to another and are formed according to one’s individual beliefs. Christianity explains all issues associated with ethics and morality in the context of the Bible and through the idea of God. This essay will...

Case: Managing Organizational Change

Introduction Change is necessary in the evolving business world, but only effective management leads to success. In my view, the likely root cause of Acme corporation’s organizational issues (increased turnover and decreased profitability) is ineffective change management by the HR function. The disagreements and strategy deficit at the senior leadership...

Decreasing the Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Abstract Ventilator-associated pneumonia is a common nosocomial infection that occurs in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). It is associated with increased mortality of up to 70%. VAP is defined as pneumonia that occurs 48 hours after admission in those patients put on mechanical ventilation. We elaborate the...

Transtheoretical Model vs. Health Belief Model

Similarities and Differences between the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) and the Health Belief Model (HBM) Similarities Both HBM and TTM strive to predict how people adopt preventive health practices to protect themselves from diseases (Seals, 2007). Both models also focus on increasing people’s awareness about health issues as an instrument for...

Racial Profiling: Issues Connected to Discrimination

In the present-day world, there are plenty of issues connected to various forms of discrimination. One of them is known as racial profiling and is used primarily in police investigations. Teasley et al. consider it as “an act of injustice that uses race as the foundation for shaping perceptions” (37)....

“American Born Chinese”: Theme of religion

Introduction Religion is a contemporary issue influencing civilization, morals, laws, and cultural societies globally. The American Born Chinese written by Gene Luen Yang’s narrates the experiences of immigrants in America using three different tales. This book conveys three major morals, which are resisting the urge to be assimilated, not denying...

“The Notebook” Film by Nick Cassavetes

The Notebook is a 2004 American romantic movie directed by Nick Cassavetes. The film is based on the biographical novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks, which was published in 1996 and became a bestseller in the first week of its release. The actors performing the roles of the...

Suicidal Ideation & Depression in Elderly Living in Nursing Home vs. With Family

Introduction Many of the elderly individuals have found themselves living in nursing homes either by choice or as a necessity. Research has shown that over 20% of the older adults experience such relocations (Podgorski, Langford, Pearson, & Conwell, 2010). Such facilities are usually designed to accommodate lifestyle preferences in order...

Creating a Nurse Utilization Management Program

Introduction Many healthcare organizations experience either overutilization or underutilization of their resources. These challenges create further problems with costs. In this particular scenario, the organization under consideration is experiencing underutilization of its resources hence the organization incurs high costs. The paper proposes a new service called Managed Care. The focus...

Gender Stereotypes in “Frozen” Animated Film

Societal processes are reflected in cultural products, which are used for their analysis. The example of the movie “Frozen” proves that these works play a significant role in shaping the main characters, and their consideration will allow examining the shift in gender stereotypes. The purpose of this paper is to...

Juvenile Court Philosophy: the Parens Patriae Doctrine

Introduction The Parens Patriae doctrine has become widely adopted in the juvenile system as advocates of such a system assert that juveniles are heavily influenced by their developmental context. On the other hand, the get tough moment believes in holding juvenile offenders responsible for their wrongs. Summaries of the two...

Venous Thromboembolism: Action and Effect

The article presents an empirical evaluation of the action and effect of the venous thromboembolism (VTE). This is a vital to health and lives of hospitalized individuals and generally remains preventable. As noted in the article, it is critical to note that there is considerably limited research on the action...

Slavery and Human Rights Violation

For many years in its history, humanity has not opposed slavery and human trafficking. Slavery has not always been economically effective, but it has always been beneficial to slaveholders and slave traders – that is why it has existed for so many centuries and exists to this day. The struggle...

Evaluation Grid Critique: Master Plan Different Perspective

Introduction: The Purpose of Evaluation and Related Issues People need standards. Even when these standards are too high, they are still, crucial for the development of society; unless there are certain levels of assessment, there is nothing more to strive for, which leads to stagnation. Moreover, in such spheres as...

Lead Poisoning: The Public Health Risks

Tuakuila, Lison, Mbuyi, Haufroid, and Hoet (2013) sought to understand the effects of industrial processes and environmental exposures to human health through a study titled, “Elevated blood lead levels and sources of exposure in the population of Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo.” Their study has strong...

Developing an Evaluation Plan and Disseminating Evidence

In this project, the nursing shortage problem is to be addressed through educational reforms and better pay for nurses. It is believed that higher salaries would make the profession more attractive, while the extensive financing of education will attract experienced professionals who will enhance the quality of training. On a...

Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

The use of the internet for human communication and connectivity has established in society. According to Karim et al. (2020), at least 3484 people had social media account in 2019, which is an increase of 9% from 2018. Networking sites have advantages to people as they enhance interactions, entertainment, provides...

Botulinum Toxin in Neurology: The Working Mechanism

Botulinum Toxin (Botox) Even though doctors use Botulinum Toxin (Botox) as a wrinkle remover, neurologists also use it to loosen muscles and cure migraines. Botulinum toxin (Botox) is one of the most potent neurotoxins existing medically. In most medical scenarios, most individuals link this toxin to the most fatal neural...

Chemical Dependence: Crisis of Addiction

Abstract Drug abuse and substance use has negative consequences on the society. Governments the world over invest heavily in enhancing rehabilitation services to eradicate drug abuse. However, the rate of drug abuse remains high. This paper evaluates social-cultural factors that influence drug abuse. It also provides an overview of the...

New Electronic Medical Records System

The current paper is aimed at introducing a new electronic medical records system (EMR). It is necessary to define the system, it is best made by Davidson (2009), who provides us with a clear explanation of what the EMR system is: “EMR is the over-reaching concept of taking all medical...

Business Plan for Star-up Online Candy Company

Company Description The business will be named Star Up Online Company. It will be a sole proprietorship online company that will specialize on selling popular candy brands such as dum-dums, blue berry, Laffy Taffy ropes, safe t-pops, Spangler candy canes, candy corns, gum balls, and other favorite candy brands. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jean’s Case: Federal Employment Laws

Introduction The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 “prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex and national origin.” (EEOC, 1997) Sexual harassment faced by Jean in her workplace complies with a type of sexual discrimination which violates Title VII as given above. Also, according to...

Proposal for Sustainable Innovation Strategies

Introduction Economic growth can be disassociated from the degradation of the environment by the development and use of new technologies (Hoque & Walsh 2011). As such, natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate. Therefore, it is prudent that governments, organizations, or individuals adopt sustainable innovation strategies (Weber & Hemmelskamp...

Health and Medicine: Facility Planning

Facility Name The name of the proposed facility would be,” THE SOUTH STATE HOSPITAL” and the logo that will identify the hospital is;- The choice of the name has been derived from the region in which the hospital shall be located; ‘SOUTHERN STATE OF CAROLINA’. The phrase depicts the quality...

The Alzheimer’s Disease: Basic Facts

Introduction The paper investigates on the topic of Alzheimer’s disease which is identified as a disastrous ailment that takes away the peace, light and entire happiness of life and family. Recent research on it is extensive though there has no possibilities identified yet against the gigantic prevalence of Alzheimer’s in...

Health Care Issues and the Economics

Introduction Health issues have continued to attract the attention of many people, especially lately when the human population seems to be facing more complicated health challenges daily. Certainly, these concerns from several analysts are of help to the improvement of measures applicable to addressing health challenges. Some issues of prime...

Personal Learning Portfolio Developed Ahead the Leadership Course

Knowing what I didn’t know about myself before taking the course? Taking this course made me aware that there were several life aspects that I was missing on. One such important aspect is failure to understand the role of emotions in the day to day life as well as the...

An Overview of the Social Service Worker Profession

Job Knowledge The position of a social service worker is highly demanding in terms of job knowledge. As far as this category is concerned, I have chosen group assessment as my desired skillset, and it comprises family assessment, as well. While the major part of the work process is usually...

The Importance of Consultation and Advocacy

To advocate is to act as a voice of someone or a particular group and mostly in their defense or for a certain course. This is commonly done in groups or individuals who are not able to speak for themselves. Advocacy is therefore a form of consultation since it involves...

Modeling Weather Data of Australian Meteorology Bureau

This paper reports the results of modeling of weather and climate data obtained from the Australian’s Bureau of Meteorology. The goal is to predict whether it will rain tomorrow using a decision tree model and the meteorological variables for the last fourteen months. The data modeling is performed by the...

The Roles of a Nursing in Health Care

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the health problems faced by a male patient, who is aged 29. His height is 1.85 meters while his weight is 111 kilograms. It should also be noted that this person is a heavy smoker, and he predominantly leads a sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore,...

The Purpose of Health Promotion

Introduction Health promotion is defined as the process of assisting or enabling people to enhance control over, as well as to better, their general health (Turunen, Tossavainen, & Kemppainen, 2012). Health promotion goes beyond the emphasis on individual behavior to an array of interventions that are environmental and social in...

Emotional Intelligence Level and Its Significance

Introduction The significance of the ability to read the patient’s emotions can hardly be overrated. A nurse must be able to identify the patient’s mood; the given ability helps understand the needs thereof. As a result, the quality of nursing can be improved significantly, and the services delivered will promote...

Naturalism, Transcendentalism, Social Anxiety and Fear

Modern advances in manufacturing, space travel, and science perpetuate immense corporate appetites of global companies that continue to abuse the planet’s natural resources for short-term financial benefit. The dystopian society is what many modern thinkers predict to come at some point in the future. The Space Merchants by Cyril Kornbluth...

Categories of Workers Excluded From National Labor Relations Act

National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was enacted to safeguard the civil and constitutional rights of employees. Workers from the private sectors formed trade unions, organized strikes, and engaged in activities that could forward their demands. NLRA (Wagner Act) excluded domestic employees and supervisors. Agricultural employees...

Frederic Whitehurst Vowed to Help Wronged Defendants

According to the National Institute of Justice (n.d.), forensic science plays a key part in the criminal justice system. Forensic science analyzes physical evidence, therefore, presenting scientifically-based information to investigators (National Institute of Justice, n.d.). However, incorrect forensic work can lead to the conviction of innocent people (Hsu, 2012). Dr....

Should Capital Punishment Be Abolished?

Introduction Achievement of justice goes hand in hand with the type of punishment that one receives, depending on the crimes committed. In addition, in common life scenarios, the majority of individuals use punishment as a deterring tool or a mechanism of making sure individuals never repeat mistakes they have committed....

Community Prevention: Type 2-Diabetes in California

Introduction Empirical studies that have been conducted in the state of California reveal that the health sector has initiated a community-based prevention and control project against the threat posed by diabetes. Evidence has shown that the population of the United States of America is highly susceptible to type 2-diabetes. As...

Genetically Modified Organisms in Human Food

This article focuses on Genetically Modified Organisms as they are used to produce human food in the contemporary world. Genetically Modified Organisms are the ones whose genetic make-up has been changed or modified using genetic modifications to fit certain standards or requirements. Genetic modification is a common practice which is...

Multiple Sclerosis and Assistive Technology

Introduction A sizeable proportion of the young population is affected by the multiple sclerosis thereby predisposing them to a bleak future due to the progressive functional losses occasioned by the attacks on the nervous system (Blake & Bodine, 2002, p.299). Multiple sclerosis refers to the degenerative nerve disease that is...

Community Policing: The Alternative Solution to Youth Crime

In the 21st century Americans are becoming more aware that traditional means of policing the streets and communities of cities are no longer effective. It is hard to ignore the increasing crime rate. There is marked concern for youth crimes wherein juveniles are involved in petty crimes as well as...

Reduce Emergency Room Wait Times

Introduction An emergency-room is special medical treatment care that normally specializes in providing acute care to a number of patients who visit the hospital without any appointment, either through ambulances or by their own means. The emergency department is a department that is found in all hospitals and also in...

Licensing, Accreditation, and Certification of Health Care Organizations

Introduction The significant feature of the health care organizations is that they must be carefully certified and the licensing must be also provided according to special requirements. The government of every country guarantees the quality of the health care services and to insure this quality the special activities must be...

Personal Experience and Reflections on Aging

Aging and experiences of aging are indispensable ingredients of the self. Most young people and adults have thought about aging at least once in a lifetime. Adults are more prone to think about aging than their younger counterparts (Steverink, Westerhof, Bode & Dittmann-Kohli, 2001). Simultaneously, self-conceptions predetermine how adults approach...

Correctional System in Country: Effective Management

The main desire and liability of any criminal justice system is securing the public safety. Holding up the offenders in the respective correctional facilitates assists in securing the public safety. The management of correctional system is associated with the rise of gangs in prisons. According to Berestein (2008), the criminal...

The Advancement by L. Russ Bush: Book Review

Introduction The Advancement is a work of Christian apologetics by the professor of philosophy of religion L. Russ Bush. Its author seeks to promote the philosophical positions of authentic historical Christianity over those of the seemingly dominant modern naturalistic worldview. He argues that naturalism suffers from debilitating internal contradictions, upholding...

20th Century Ideological Conflicts

The history of the 20th century was turbulent, but it is possible to trace at least one persistent feature present in each of its important moments and periods. As political and military struggles embroiled the powers of the world, there was always an evident ideological subtext present in the events....

Disproportional and Unequal Possession of the Earth

Introduction John Locke’s political philosophies have influenced a number of theories globally and have inspired many philosophers. His work was based mainly on the hypothesis of the social contract. He strongly suggested and believed that human nature was structured in a manner that allowed people to be selfish. This, according...

“Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History” by Trouillot

Argument The key argument that Michel-Rolph Trouillot sets forward in Silencing the Past: Power and the Production of History is that history in itself is created by historians, while reality is what is produced by events and processes. History represents the human narration of reality that is viewed subjectively from...

The Future of 100 Shares in Overstock

Introduction In the analysis of the future of the shares, it is imperative to analyse the diverse aspects of Overstock. The entity began operating in the late 1990s. From then, the entity has developed in an exceptional manner. The entity is an online retailer with many warehouses in America to...

Livy’s and Qian’s Attitudes to Self-Sacrifice

Introduction Scenarios of self-sacrifice occupy an essential place in the literature of ancient writers and, as a rule, aim to reveal specific values ​​and moral obligations that a particular character follows. However, such plots are part of not only fictional works but also serious historiographic records. As an example, one...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The History of Criminal Justice Systems

Criminal Justice Systems date back thousands of years during the times of Cain and Abel in the bible. The golden rule used was an “eye for an eye.” During the 125BC however, the Roman Republic took place in ruling of criminal offences. The ruling was so inefficient due its many...

Managerial Decision Making: Focus on Risk and Rationality

Choice and Rationality Bounded presupposes that all human decisions and actions are preconditioned and limited by the tractability of the decision problem (Frank, 2008). In other words, human beings act in accordance with some patterns that emerge in their mentalities under the impact of particular situations or reactions. The given...

Healthcare Organizations’ Mission, Vision and Values

Introduction In the contemporary world, organizations are experiencing rapid changes emanating from globalization and the advancement in technology. Different sectors including the health industry have to understand the fluctuations in the markets to meet the customers’ expectations. Changes within an organization comprise alterations in the structure, operation methods, strategic plans,...

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in Alone Together by Sherry Turkle

Introduction Alone Together is a nonfiction book that was written by Sherry Turkle. The theme of the book has created many heated discussions about the influence of technology on human interaction. This essay aims to analyze the introduction of the book. Through the use of ethos, pathos, and logos, Turkle...

Databases With Articles on the Nurse-Patient Ratio

Research databases with journals and articles on the nurse-patient ratio Description: Wiley Online Library is a collection of online research journals and books. It is published by Wiley-Blackwell, the online publishing business arm of John Wiley and Sons, Inc. The site is not named as a database, but it qualifies...

The Hymn to Demeter. Eleusinian Mysteries

The Eleusinian Mysteries played a vital role in ancient Greece. Moreover, during the Hellenic era, these initiations became a major festival that was later exported as a cultural phenomenon to various parts of the Mediterranean and even encouraged a similar celebration in Ancient Rome. The initial idea behind the initiations...

The Issue of Regulating the Nurse-Patient Staffing Ratio

Introduction MedSurg Matters is the authorized associate newssheet of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses (sometimes referred to as AMSN). It comprehends peer-reviewed medical courses along with the updates that apply to the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses participation and is released six times annually as an advantage of affiliation. It is...

Health Care: The Situation in a Multi-Bed Hospital

The present description is about the paper that highlights the situation in a multi-bed hospital. Generally, the efficacy of a clinical setting rests with the management of patient information. With the ever increasing health problems and hectic work load growing over health care professionals, there is a need of efficient...

Reference-Test Bias in Diagnostic-Test Evaluation

Introduction Epidemiology consists of various processes that are similar to other health professions. These processes are like nursing process, scientific process, diagnostic process and quality improvement process. In each process, the epidemiologist entirely depends on accurate assessments of various disease states. This assessment occurs in almost all aspects of their...

Animal-Assisted Therapy: Definition and Benefits

Introduction Pet owners know that interactions with animals can have positive effects on a person’s psychological condition and well-being. Despite the limited number of forms of communication accessible to animals, they easily become good companions for vulnerable individuals. This paper explores the topic of animal-assisted therapy (AAT), which is among...

Preparing and Presenting Research Posters in Nursing

Miracle, V. (2003). How to Do an Effective Poster Presentation in the Workplace. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 22(4), 171-172. Many researchers complete different studies while undertaking their career roles. This practice is relevant in the nursing profession because it delivers evidence-based ideas. Such ideas make it easier for practitioners...

Stages of Business Growth

Introduction Every company, regardless of its size and overall performance, experiences the phase of startup, growth, maturity, and either death or revival. Each stage makes an organization face unique challenges. For the owners, it is essential to be aware at which stage the organization is because this would help to...

Effectiveness of Self-Control Theory

Ineffectiveness of Self Control Theory on Child Rearing In a family, children are of high significance especially on the traits and image they portray to the outside world. Parental care is more concerned with the behavior towards characters the children inherit from the maternal parents (Susan, 2006). The children depict...

Monitoring and Observation of a Preschool Pupil

Mentoring program aims to improve the quality of learning and to meet the expectations of the pupils, administrators, and parents in an education program. First, the mentor must understand the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses, and threats which the mentee has when establishing the objectives of the coaching. According to the Child...

Activated Charcoal Detoxication

One of the most well-known methods of detoxication after excessive use of food or alcohol is the one with the help of activated charcoal. It remains controversial due to its partly unexplored nature that includes possible side effects. However, the people using this type of detoxication do not take into...

Health Care Information Technologies Applications

Three IT Applications within physician offices and hospital systems There are three forms of health care information technology applications, which are telemedicine application, E-prescribing, and personal health records. Telemedicine systems have made it possible to pass on health care or medical information to people who may be far away from...

“The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

Introduction The Bell Jar is a chef-d’oeuvre semi-autobiographical novel by an American poet and writer, Sylvia Plath, in the 1950s, but it was first published in 1963 in England. However, as one interacts with the contents of the book and the writer’s life, the novel becomes more of an autobiography...

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination for All

Introduction to the public The health care system in the United States introduced HPV to the public in 2006 following its approval by the Food and Drug Administration. Indication for medication All children aged 11 or 12 years, who are presumed to have not done sexual intercourse, should get routine...

The Role of a Family Nurse Practitioner

Healthcare practitioners have been experiencing immense pressure in the course of their work. In order to alleviate such pressures that are linked to increased patient perspicacity as well as medical endeavors, there has been operationalization of advanced nursing practice (APN) in various hospitals. The purpose and intend of the advanced...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Current Ethical Dilemma: HIV and AIDS in Africa

The New Hock Times news paper published on May 14, 2010; was about the rising percentages of people suffering from Aids in South Africa. In this case, South Africa is a nation devastated by HIV Aids which is a decease associated with social disgrace and shame. From the newspaper it...

Interaction Between Management and IT

Introduction Any institution’s desire is to see its various departments operate at optimum levels. This is by far the most important consideration that drives institutions to try and entrench the usage of information systems in its operations. However, the more an enterprise adopts new technology, the more the management begins...

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by Gibney

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is one of the most captivating movies that touch upon numerous themes about people, their crimes, and their actions’ outcomes that lead to the greatest scandals in the business world ever. This documentary movie tells a story of how executives of the company...

Health Traditions in Different Cultures

Different cultures are characterized by following various health traditions based on the aspects of the cultural heritage. The role of the heritage assessment in the health care practice is significant, and much attention should be paid to the cultural differences of such groups as the Indians, Chinese people, and African...

Healthcare and Risks: The Hospital of Nashville

The following is an analysis on the Nashville hospital that has Jewish owned Private Hospital whose case study has been provided in the Goldfarb’s and Nash book on Quality Solutions for improving healthcare. The scope of this analysis shall delve into the issue of healthcare and risk management and how...

Alternative Methods in Safety Management in Engineering

Introduction “Safety of the workers and the users of a facility is one of the most essential aspects for any engineering work.” (Skibniewski, 1983) Fault or failure in a completed project can lead to huge costs in terms of repairs and accidents. The defects may also cause unnecessary delays or...

Wrestling and Author’s Life

Wrestling offers a plethora of benefits for the people that decide to start doing it as a part of their pastime and gradually realize that this kind of sport offers a range of benefits, including a unique philosophy. Wrestling can cause noticeable improvements in one’s physical and emotional well-being, creating...

The Epidemiology of Breast Cancer in Young Women

Research issue and purposes The researcher has clearly outlined the essence of the referenced study as aimed at reviewing the epidemiology of breast cancer in young women. He has limited the ‘young’ to involve women who are below the age of 40 years. He intends to explore the incidence, mortality...

Major Courts of the United States

Introduction Administration of justice is the pride of successful societies throughout the history of mankind. The rise of the United States of America as a democracy whose dedication to the defense of human rights has been described as the best has benefitted heavily from the American justice system. The creation...

The Solution to the Increasing Incidence of Criminals Reverting

It is well known that most prisoners who ultimately leave prison and return back in society do not get supervised in any way. This is seen as a consequence of the loop holes in the prevailing law which does not provide for exhaustive provisions to supervise them after their release....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Grendel as a Personification of Evil in “Beowulf” Poem

Beowulf is a famous epic poem that was created between the end of the 7th and the first part of the 8th century. At that time, the Anglo-Saxons were already experiencing the emergence of feudal ties (Heaney 1). The poem, however, is characterized by an epic archaization and depicts reality...

A Sound Research Plan: Definition

Introduction Research plans illustrate plans aimed at solving declared problems. They state the relevance of the challenges and the importance of addressing them. As such, the research plan contains the list of literature to be utilized, the methodology of the research, and the expected findings (Mitchell, 2007). The aim of...

Global Health Policy Issue: Africa

Introduction The World Health Organization’s constitution stresses that health is an elemental right for all people. (Jacobsen, 2008a) This means that regardless of a person’s religion, race, political belief, social or economic condition, he or she has the right to proper health services. Death from preventable causes is high in...

Implications of “Evaluating Training Protection Systems” by Riddington

Benefits of a Multi-Objective Approach Over and over again, Riddington, Beck and Cowie (2004) are bedevilled by differing perspectives on the value of preventing an injury or fatality. The authors themselves admit that acceptance of COBA by the government and long years of reliance by the then-railway monopoly on decision-tree...

Information Technology Infrastructure Library

Introduction Information Technology Infrastructure Library is the collection of practices that should be adopted for better and improved information technology services, information technology operations, and concepts. In literal terms, it is a collection of books that was developed by the British Government. The figure that is shown is a collection...

Asthma in Pregnancy and Intervention

Subjective Data My past three weeks have been characterized by coughing, fatigue, sneezing, and wheezing throughout the day and night. In my childhood, I was diagnosed with chickenpox, at the age of 8, and asthma. For this reason, I have been using SABA when the need arises. However, I stopped...

Leadership and Conflict Management

Introduction The notion of leadership within any team has become one of the central matters of interest for human resource management researchers over the past years. However, while there exists a great variety of theoretical frameworks to apply to a specific context, many managers and leaders lack an understanding of...

Community Health Network Analysis

Introduction The Community Health Information Networks (CHINs), according to the Ernest and Young health care practice are defined as “inter organizational systems that use information and telecommunication technologies to store, transmit and to transform clinical and financial information” (Payton, Brennan & Ginzberg, 1995, p. 1). CHIN is also defined as,...

Juvenile Violence and the Courts: Studying Factors

Abstract The issue of broken families continues to prevail in the US. Alcoholism and lack of parental attention are the major factors that push children into violent crime. This report presents the case of Ronnie who is a victim of crime because of alcoholism and poor parental guidance. In line...

Lawful Strike Activity Protection of Employees

Introduction The rapid rates of industrialization in combination with the increasing global population are some of the major factors that have led to increased unemployment rate. This is because most employers are turning to the use of machinery in their industries so as use less human labor. As a result...