Advertising: Ewenā€™s ā€œCaptains of Consciousnessā€

Ever since man engaged himself in the business of mass production of products and commodities, the practice of advertising has increasingly taken a central position in informing the lifestyles of people. In our daily endeavors, we are greatly influenced by the advertisements we view on the television or read in...

Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Review

The Taming of the Shrew is a very light-hearted comedy written by William Shakespeare. It depicts the social attitudes to the institution of marriage as was in existence during the Elizabethan days. The theme of the play can be approached from several angles, but at the surface level, it is...

Rhetoric in Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: Travel

Introduction Barbara Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: In Defense of Naps, Bacon, Martinis, Profanity, and Other Indulgences is a critically-acclaimed collection of thoughts on mundane and unappreciated subjects. However, the wit and quick thinking turned the narrative into an interesting discussion about the small details of life to which most are indifferent....

Disliking Others: Racial Discriminations as an Outcome of Racial Prejudices

Purpose of the Study There has been a long drawn battle line between the White Americans and the African Americans in the United States. This prejudice has existed and many steps have been taken to eradicate this and provide equality. Today, it manifests itself in various forms in schools and...

Modern Jewish History: Ashkenaz, Ottoman Empire, Aliyah, Immigration, War

Modern Jewish history It took the new Jewish nation more than100 years to emerge as the modern nation of Israel as it is now. The period between 1914 and 1945 was the turning point for Jewish history. Jews in Europe experienced brutality, starvation, civil war, followed by the oppressive communist...

Biotechnology: Methodology in Basic Genetics

Project Summary The material presented in this research proposal illustrates the possibilities of ecological genetics, in particular, the development of eco-genetical models, based on the usage of species linked by one food chain as consumers and producers. The consumerā€™s metabolic dependence on producer allows altering the metabolism of the producer...

Dressing Constructs Identity with Fashion Materials

Introduction The history of fashion is interconnected with the history of humanity. Ever since ancient men and women started wearing furs to cover their bodies, the concept of fashion was born. The choice of appearances for men and women had been changing from one century to another, as new trends,...

Poetry and Prose 1660-1800- John Dryden’s Absalom and Achitophel

Introduction Absalom and Achitophel was written for the King Charles II in 1681. This poem represents a political satire and critically depicts the Court and royal manners. The uniqueness of this poem is that it presents not merely a series of pictures of personalities, but the whole situation and in...

Emeco Company’s Information Management

Abstract Information management plays a critical role in modern business as it provides opportunities for better cooperation with customers and analysis. For this reason, managersā€™ top priority is the creation of effective systems that will be able to consider all existing factors. In this regard, the presented paper is devoted...

Traditional and Non-Traditional Grooming Markets

Introduction Market analysis is a prerequisite for any company or business that considers entering into a new market segment. Market analysis can reveal the market share, market trends, segmentation of services and products, market size, market growth, just to mention but a few. The analysis is important because it gives...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jazz and Politics: “The History of Jazz”

Jazz is an American musical art that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities as there was the connection of African and European music traditions. With the emaciation of slaves, there were new opportunities that were cared to African Americans in that they were allowed...

Hate Crimes – Past, Present and Future

Introduction The United States is one of the most successful multiethnic, multireligious and multiracial societies in the world. However, these differences have also proved to be negative sentiments in society leading to violence, such as anti-Semitic, anti-black, xenophobic, homophobic, and anti-Catholic. “Hate crime” as a term and as a legal...

Managerial Accounting Concepts in Health Care Industry

Introduction The continuous increase in the cost of providing health care has resulted in additional pressure on the health care providers to extend their services to their patients in a more cost-effective manner to meet the challenges of retaining the patients as well as maintaining the revenues. To meet these...

Environmental Management Approaches and Waste Audit

Environmental strategies, waste audit and cost-efficiency The purpose of current research is to provide the comprehensive analysis of environmental management approaches in terms of conducting full-spectrum waste audit. Currently existing ecological problems pose new challenges to enterprising units which are obliged according to national legislation to utilize environmentally safe equipment...

Effects of Caffeine in Fetuses or Pregnant Rats

Introduction Caffeine has been known to cause many deleterious effects starting from addiction to effects on the neurological development, skeletal development, and behavioral system of the offspring when the mother has consumed large quantities of it. Having gone through the various literature on the subject, I have decided to replicate...

Assessing Role of Technology in Police Crime Mapping

As the waves of change are intensifying in the Information Age, the role of technology in police operations has become pivotal because it aids our law enforcement agencies to do their tasks easier and less time-consuming. Indeed, the growth of technology in policing, from crime analysis and crime mapping to...

Native Americans History: The Other Trail of Tears

Natives are people who live a life that is very different from the rest; this is because such people lack their rights of living in that particular country. Natives are indigenous people from the regions of North America who are covered by the continent of United States and parts of...

Cyberbullying of Children in Canada

Introduction The digitalization process across the globe not only opened a way for new advancement but enhanced pre-existing problems as well. One of these problems includes the issue of bullying, which is especially painful for the children of the school age. The enhancement has led to the emergence of a...

The Case of Curtis Flowers

Introduction The case of Curtis Clowers is one of the most outstanding among Supreme Court cases reviewed in the last two decades. Curtis Giovanni Flowers (born May 29, 1970) is an African-American man who has been on trial six times for the same crime in the state of Mississippi, United...

Narration in the Max Ophuls’ Film “Letter From an Unknown Woman”

Introduction The notion of narration has always been a subject of controversy within the community of filmmakers and philosophers. Who narrates the movie, whether the outlook is entirely based on a character’s perception, or whether the narrator is placed outside the world where events are happening are some of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Women Roles During Wartime in Ancient Greece and Rome

According to the world literature, various communities have continued to restrict the ability and rights of women to manage as well as own property. Highly regarded women who dared to spend their time in public were frowned upon. Nevertheless, at times women applied the power of public protest to make...

Bereavement: Normal vs. Complicated

Abstract Bereavement is a health problem that health experts and stakeholders should examine carefully in an attempt to present powerful initiatives to deal with it. Around 10 percent of the United States population suffers from complicated grief. Those who face this mental health problem lack high-quality medical support. After analyzing...

Declining Poundā€™s Effect on the UK Economy

Introduction In international trade, the demand and supply of currencies affect their values in the short and long term (Frieden 2016). The interest rate policies formulated by different governments to stabilize their currencies also influence supply-side economics and, by extension, the value of linked currencies (Hassan & Mano 2019). These...

Lung Cancer Early Screening in African Americans

Health communication is imperative in all facets of disease prevention, promotion of well-being, and fitness education (Farzadnia & Giles, 2015). The African American culture suffers a more disproportionate impact of lung cancer with respect to prevalence and survival than other cultural groups in the US. Apart from poor communication with...

Oil and Gas Resource Curse in Post-Soviet Space

Introduction In the context of economic development and recognition in the international arena, many states use domestic resources as key trade elements, thereby creating demand and increasing budget revenues. The oil and gas industry is promising today because, although a constant search for alternative sources of fuel is conducted, natural...

Modern ‘In Your Face’ Advertising Issues

Introduction With the advent of TIVO, VCRā€™s, and DVDā€™s, businesses have had a harder time reaching their potential customer base. These businesses have begun to search out new ways (or old) to reach potential customers. TIVOā€™s greatest sale point is that customers can tune out commercials or other types of...

The State of Being Two-Spirit: Blessing and Curse

Introduction As of now, a share of LGBTQ-related literature and research use the concept of two-spirit to showcase First Nationsā€™ acceptance and recognition of non-cis non-hetero members. Unfortunately, this approach to the subject matter may not do the communities any good: in a way, it romanticizes two-spirit people and ignores...

Classroom Analysis of a Recorded Class

Class Background Information The recorded audio represents a literature class for high-school students. The topic of the class is empathy in literature, which aims at educating the students about the notion of empathy and how writers might use it in their attempts to engage their readers. The teacherā€™s task is...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Epidemiology

Introduction HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a virus that attacks and damages the immune system. HIV infection has become an acute problem in the past thirty years. Even though there are prevention methods and strategies, a growing number of people become affected by the virus every year. In some...

Aviation Security Is Over Reliant on Technology

Introduction The aviation industry has gained massive relevance and popularity in the modern society where the need to move from one part of the world to another has become a necessity to a vast majority of people. According to Pelton and Singh (2019), there is always a unique focus on...

Arnheim, Eisenstein, Hitchcock: Film and Reality

Introduction During the last century, film studies underwent many considerable changes. Theorists developed their statements, introduced new approaches, and promoted debates to understand the role of the film industry in human life. In the 1900s, theorists were divided into formalists and realists with their intentions to prove the connection between...

Relationship Between Stress and Nicotine Intake in Middle Age Adults

Historical Overview of Theory The study of the relationship between stress and nicotine required broad investigation to reveal the effects of smoking on mental health. Scholars have been observing and discovering facts that aimed to prove that nicotine intake can increase stress levels and lead to various neurological issues. History...

Changes in Googleā€™s Employee Selection System

Introduce the case briefly by providing an overview/summary of what is happening in this situation Google is one of the largest digital corporations, and today, the company occupies a leading position as an information search engine service. In addition to this activity, the company is involved in a number of...

Strategic Analysis of Pepsico

Executive Summary The present paper provides a situational analysis of Pepsico, Inc., the second-largest food and beverage company in the world. As of late, Pepsico has been going through some difficulties due to political, economic, and social volatility and its apparent unpreparedness for changes. This essay investigates the situation using...

The Concepts of Strategic Planning, Project Management, Risk Management in Business Event Planning

Introduction Modern business players are aware of the potential benefits of cooperating with one another, as well as of pitfalls that such collaboration may hide. To avoid emergency situations and lead oneā€™s organisation effectively, company owners exploit strategic planning, project management, and risk management on a daily basis. Each of...

Aristotleā€™s Teleological Understanding of Ethics as Virtue in Modern Society

The idea of interpreting the nature of ethics as teleological dates back to the era of Ancient Greece, yet the understanding of ethics as a teleological notion still echoes in contemporary society. At its core, teleological ethics on which Aristotleā€™s philosophy based can be traced in the contemporary interpretation of...

American and British Empires in the Middle East

The expansion of both the American and British Empires in the Middle East was based on imperialism, which started with the aggressive overseas expansion of Europe in the 1400s. The Middle East region was excluded from the initial European occupation until the 1780s, when the first invasion occurred. The British...

“The New Automaton Theater” by Steven Millhauser

Introduction It should be noted that Steven Millhauser is a writer and author of many popular works that raise important philosophical and moral questions. He uses the images familiar to every individual and creates a small world, a micro-universe, into which the reader is immersed from the first lines. The...

Development as a Language Learner

Introduction While teaching and learning language are sometimes perceived as merely providing and obtaining a particular set of prescriptive forms, language is a structural and multifaceted system that integrates knowledge about cultural and social phenomena. This paper aims to examine my personal development as a language learner based on the...

Correlation Between Headteachers’ Leadership Behavior and Problem-Solving Skills

Introduction Headteachersā€™ leadership skills are of extreme importance for the efficient cooperation of teaching staff. At the same time, problem-solving skills are also vital since they help to decrease the amount of stress put in headteachers. The present paper offers a review of an article by Izgar (2008) with the...

Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV

Description of the Commercial The Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV is a short television commercial that promotes a satellite television company known as Direct TV. As it starts, we see a man who is trying to watch news, but there is a problem with the television. The...

Procurement System at IKEA: Purchasing Style and Tools

Introduction IKEA was founded in 1943 by Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden, and it has grown to be one of the leading international companies with over 420 stores in 52 countries around the world. For such a big company, sourcing materials globally is normally a challenge, which requires an elaborate strategy...

Avast Software: Company Analysis

Executive Summary Avast Software is a globally recognized multinational company and leader in the area of providing cybersecurity solutions for individual customers and businesses. The company, which serves users in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa, has been demonstrating stable financial growth. As the leader among its competitors, Avast is...

Rogers Communications Inc.’s Compensation Analysis

Executive Summary For this assignment, Rogers Communications Inc., a Canadian company operating primarily in the field of media and wireless communication, was chosen. As of 2018, the company’s annual revenue had amounted to CAD$15.1 billion (Statista, 2018). According to the 2013 data, the company employed 26,000 people both in Canada...

Alcohol Difference in the United States and Europe

The types of alcohol and the patterns of its consumption vary across the countries. Historically, the attitude towards it was changing depending on the socio-political and the economic situation. Europe and the United States belong to the same Western civilization, and it is understandable why many processes associated with this...

The Spot Fiat 500X Commercial

The chosen 2014 TV commercial Spot Fiat 500X Viagra – anuncio de television advertises the new Spot Fiat 500X to potential buyers, with the adā€™s setting being a town in Italy. In the beginning, viewers get to see an old man entering the bedroom with his wife laying on the...

Comme Des GarƧonsā€™ Marketing Activities

Executive Summary The report provides a comprehensive overview of Comme des GarƧons’ marketing activities. The brand was established in 1969 by Rei Kawakubo and currently has headquarters in Tokyo and Paris. It is a luxury brand that regularly presents collections on the catwalk, yet is also highly appealing to streetwear...

Byfield Business College’s Change Problem

Introduction Organizational change is a challenging endeavour because it affects many structural units and employees. Without adequate change processes, such ventures often fail because of many resisting forces. Therefore, it is imperative to plan the implementation carefully and communicate the ideas to employees correctly. This paper analyses the case of...

Social Media and Their Psychological Effects

It is well known that nowadays, due to the development of information technologies, social media play a significant role in people’s lives. Thus, social media allow people to share different types of data through virtual reality, reach large audiences in a short period, and achieve business success. However, even though...

“The White Book” Novel by Han Kang

The White Book is a novel written in 2016 by a South Korean writer, Han Kang. The unique and unconventional way of narration that is usually used by the author ensures the popularity of her books that are recognizable in different parts of the world (Hartanto 265). In 2018, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chicken Co.ā€™s Performance and Talent Management

The Role and Advantages of a Performance Management System Performance Management as a Crucial Aspect of Success The role of performance management (PM) in a companyā€™s operations and successful development cannot be overstated. Through the use of carefully selected approaches, one can provide high-quality work in all departments and at...

Female Voices in Chinese Literature

Introduction Many recent studies have focused on female representation in art and literature. Researchers are turning their interest toward the fleeting female identity to be found in literary works of the past and the present. Womenā€™s writing is often inseparable from the concept of gender. Each era in human history...

Influenza: Treatment and Prevention Methods

Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus that affects respiratory organs, including the nose, throat, and lungs. The illness can cause mild to severe complications and it is primarily spread through the transfer of respiratory fluids from an infected person to a healthy person during...

Singapore Telecommunications Limited: The Capital Structure

Introduction Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) is the leading telecommunication company in Singapore with revenue of more than $12 billion in the last reported period. The companyā€™s history traces back to 1879, and the countryā€™s telecommunication set up was restructured as a part of its privatization program in 1989 to form...

Older Men and Women on Magazine Covers

Introduction Many individuals in the USA buy magazines or, at least, see them on newsstands regularly. Magazine covers usually present the images of wealthy individuals who can be seen as role models for the population. However, it is possible to say that the men and women featured on magazine covers...

Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care

Abstract Nurses can apply their care delivery models and philosophies to provide exemplary services to patients from diverse backgrounds. They should also engage in lifelong learning in an attempt to identify evidence-based measures for improving the health outcomes of the people they serve. This paper describes how the nursing process...

Cultural and Social Literacy for Millennials

Over the past few decades, there have been many important trends that affected the development of contemporary society. Globalization and diversity were among these trends, and they had a significant impact on the cultural composition of society. Increased diversity and cross-cultural collaboration are evident in all aspects of our lives...

Chemistry: Molecular Sizes of Conjugated Cyanine Dyes

Abstract This experiment aimed at using UV-Vis absorption spectra of different conjugated cyanine dyes to uncover the molecular attributes of the dye molecules. Three unknown solutions A, B, and C were diluted to various concentrations and their absorbance values determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Various plots were made to determine the...

Nike Internal Analysis

Introduction Nike is a world-famous brand of activewear and sportswear that was established in 1964 as a small company selling sports shoes. Today, the company sells clothing, accessories, and shoes for all genders and ages. Nike has an extended distribution chain with branded stores and distributors in most countries of...

Cyber-Bullying and Ways to Solve the Problem

Introduction The primary goal of the given study is the investigation of cyber-bullying, which is nowadays one of the integral parts of social media and the Internet. In accordance with the research, this phenomenon becomes one of the main sources of problems and negative associations people might experience when using...

Russiaā€™s and Chinaā€™s Economic Development Models

Introduction In the 20th century, China and the USSR were two of the largest planned economy systems; they took action to transition towards a liberal market economy. However, the methods they chose were different as China implemented changes gradually while Russia showed a more radical approach. As a result, the...

Taiwan as a Country for International Business

Executive Summary A large Canadian company is considering expanding its foreign operations to include Taiwan. It has an approximate size of 36,200 square kilometers. As a result, this country is an attractive market due to its large population of 23.5 million people. In this market, the Canadian company is expected...

Information Technology-Based Data Management in Retail

Introduction Data management has become an important part of organisational management. When appropriately integrated into the companyā€™s business environment, IT-based data management offers a wide range of advantages in operations, marketing, HR, and finance. At the same time, irresponsible handling of data creates a number of major ethical considerations. The...

Hobbesā€™ State of Nature and Absolute Sovereignty

Introduction Thomas Hobbes’ discussion of the state of nature prompted responses from a multitude of other philosophers and scholars. The author’s principal argument is that, without governmental control, people would always remain in their natural state, which is “a condition of war of every one against every one” (Hobbes 1660,...

Burger King Whopper vs. McDonaldā€™s Big Mac

Introduction Unrestricted, continuous, fast food alternatives, Burger King and McDonaldā€™s represent the leading chains across the globe. Researchers should seek to establish the company that has cheaper, better quality, and healthier options of the two (Soo et al. 2117). It is for this reason that this paper presents a comparison...

God and Humans Relate

Introduction In the well-known passage in Genesis, ā€œGod said, ā€˜Let us make mankind in our image, in our likenessā€¦ā€™ā€ (New King James Version Bible Genesis 1.26). It is a powerful and fundamental statement that came define humanity for millennia, that humans are a likeness of the Divine. However, we are...

Classroom English Language Test

Introduction The modern globalized economy is characterized by high levels of worker mobility. Individuals are traveling far from home to improve their living conditions and find better jobs. English is considered to be the most popular and widespread language in the world due to its historical popularity and relative simplicity...

Employee Motivation and Involvement Types

Employee motivation and involvement have been a long-debated topic in the workplace. Whereas some critics state that issues revolving around the topic give employees too much entitlement in the workplace, others agree that the subject is essential in ensuring employees are as productive as possible. There are several ways companies...

The American Civil War Between North and South

Introduction The American Civil War is one of the most important events that played a significant role in the creation of the United States. According to historians, the states were formed owing to the outcomes of the Revolution of 1776-1783. On the other hand, the Civil War was a determinant...

“Into the Electronic Millennium.” the Article by Sven Birkerts

Introduction Technology had a significant impact on various aspects of our daily lives. The primary text is an article by Sven Birkerts, which was written in 1994 to discuss contemporary technological developments, particularly the transfer of information into electronic form. The article conveys the author’s concerns with regard to technology;...

Livonia Cityā€™s Goals and Public Administration

Introduction The present situation presents a new opportunity for Livonia to create and promulgate a new constitution that will make it democracy and continue to meet the needs of its population. The first government has resolved to make Livonia successful, create a vibrant market economy, and promote effective leadership. A...

Earthquakes’ Impacts on Society

Introduction Earthquakes are natural disasters that frequently result in other accidents such as landslides, fires, floods, and panic reactions among the population. Every year about 250-300 cases of damaging earthquakes are reported globally (Wyss & Shroder, 2014). Despite the strategies suggested by emergency management services and the advancements of contemporary...

ING Direct Canada and USA Companies’ Development

Executive Summary This paper analyzes the case study of ING Direct, an online banking-company founded by Arkadi Kuhlmann. The data on the organizationā€™s income suggests that the business became profitable within a short period. The aim of the paper is to understand the strategy the banker used to lead his...

Post-Secondary Education Versus Job Requirements

Introduction: Post-Secondary Education and Job Expectations Starting a post-secondary education (PSE), be it in a college or university, students typically seek to expand the range of knowledge and skills acquired at high school to create the platform for the professional growth. However, when entering a job market, college and university...

Sexual Activities and Responsibility Among Youth

Introduction With the availability of social media platforms where young people spend most of their time interacting with friends, various stakeholders are concerned about issues related to the content shared, including privacy, information leakage, and the possible destruction of oneā€™s self-image. Such platforms have led to the establishment of friends...

Nuclear Politics in the Modern World

Introduction Nuclear politics encompasses an essential aspect of a state’s approach to using nuclear weapons in case of war. The nature of nuclear weapons implies large-scale destruction, meaning that one must thoroughly consider all decisions regarding the use them. The article by Jervis titled “Why Nuclear Superiority Doesn’t Matter” presents...

The Reconstruction Period After the Civil War in the USA

Introduction Out of all the historical events that happened during the era of mankind, war remains to be the most undesirable and high-priced act of human beings. Military actions lead to the loss of financial means, menā€™s lives, settlements, and even cities. Moreover, the end of warfare does not mean...

Gender in the Saudi Arabian Educational Setting

Introduction Addressing gender concerns is always a complicated task since addressing it from a perspective other than the one of the gender of a speaker is genuinely difficult, although not entirely impossible. Being a combination of biological characteristics and societal constructs, the phenomenon of gender is difficult to embrace also...

Veteran Legal Institute’s History and Challenges

History of Veteran Legal Institute The Veteran Legal Institute is a non-profit organization founded by two California lawyers with past military experience. The firm was founded three years ago. The organization provides think tanks and legal clinic services to current and retired veterans. Among the notable legal services it offers...

Food Waste Management

Abstract Food waste poses threats at economic, ecological, and social levels, which makes it an urgent topic of investigation. The paper aims at explaining the issue of food waste and describing approaches to the reduction of this problem. The introduction contains a general overview of the paper and presents the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Evolution of Cryptography

Introduction Communication is a process that people have used, developed, and improved since ancient times. In the majority of cases, it is necessary to make sure that information remains protected. The examples of ancient leaders, kings and queens in the Middle Ages, and modern generals show that privacy and confidentiality...

Role of HR Practice Within Contemporary Organizations

Introduction The role of organisational work as it is conducted in various modern companies is primarily determined by the qualifications of the employees performing specific duties. Where assessing the quality of human resources is concerned, an essential role is played by the HR manager, whose tasks are to instruct staff...

Quantum Energy Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary The present paper outlines a marketing plan for an up-and-coming fast-moving consumer goods company, Quantum Energy. The company intends to launch a new product, Quantum Energy drink, that is projected to stand competitions against the most serious market contenders such as Pepsico, Coca-Cola, and Monster. To make it...

Electronic Warfare and the Iraq Surge

Introduction In 2007, the President of the United States unveiled a new strategy of the country in Iraq, which was unofficially called the Surge. The core of the operation lied in the need to increase the American contingent in Iraq (King, 2016). During his speech to the American people, the...

Racism in “Get Out” Movie: Rhetorical Discussion

The movie Get Out can be considered an attempt to demonstrate how interracial interactions can be challenging for African-American community members due to the historical roots. The rhetorical performance revolves around the two main topics of race-based slavery and interracial romance. The filmā€™s primary medium is the modern illustration of...

Migrating Parents’ Motives and Impact on Children

Introduction The issue of immigration in the U.S. has been a topic of debate for many years. However, one aspect that often lacks proper attention from the authorities and the general public is the children of immigrants who are left in their home countries. This paper aims to evaluate the...

Art Content and Context from a Curatorial Look

Studying the meanings that emerge at the intersection of the authorial intent and the choice of medium and stylistic tools used to convey the key ideas is one of the most exciting aspects of analyzing artworks. Therefore, the described process of studying the connections between the content and context, form...

American Foreign Policy Exporting Democracy

Introduction American foreign policy refers to the guidelines that determine the countryā€™s interactions with other nations. It embodies the actions that the federal government takes in a bid to promote the countryā€™s national interests, safety, and welfare (Holsti 13). Over the years, it has been used as the scale for...

Preventive Maintenance on Reliability of Aircraft

Abstract The issue of preventive maintenance in relation to reliability can be interpreted as the practice of maintaining equipments or systems before they indicate any incidences of failure. Preventive maintenance is also akin to avoiding or mitigating repeated failure of machinery and equipment. This practice is aimed at improving the...

Gun Control Issues and Solution in the US

Sandy Hook, Las Vegas, Columbine, and Virginia Tech are some of the cities that have witnessed mass shootings attributed to poor gun control measures. Every time an incidence of mass shooting arises, Americans take different positions regarding gun ownership (Fox & DeLateur, 2014). Some citizens demand the enactment of stringent...

Recruiting Junior Buyer: Preparing a Job Interview

Companies should hire competent individuals to complete various supply management duties. The targeted professionals should possess adequate skills and be conversant with the legal, ethical, and economic aspects associated with this field. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the major issues that the interviewers at the targeted manufacturing company...

Path-Goal Approach to Leadership

Introduction Leadership is a prerequisite of success in any given company, regardless of its size, focus, and market position. The course has provided a significant amount of information on various leadership models and styles that can be used in practice to achieve positive results. Nevertheless, leadership also requires continuous self-assessment,...

Edmund Husserl on “Crisis” of Europe

Introduction Edmund Husserl is believed to be one of the greatest rationalist philosophers of the early 20th century. During the Nazi regime, the scholar studied and analyzed most of the predicaments that appeared to trouble every European citizen. The events experienced during this period confirmed the challenges that had been...

Drug-Dealing Organizations in Latin American Politics

What is the subject and why do I care? The principal subject examined is drug-dealing organizations and their influence on Latin American politics. It is unclear if DDOs impact domestic and international politics as legal entities do. The topic is significant because the success of counter-narcotics efforts in North America...

Diagnosis and Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Setting the Scene I have been having trouble coping with the fact that my son Ryan was recently diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). We all started worrying about him when he was four years of age, and he could not speak fluently. Although he was able to use...

Teaching and Learning Concepts and Techniques

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the main concepts and techniques that were examined during classes. Much attention should be paid to the conceptual framework components that can throw light on some of the main principles which should be followed by educators daily. In particular, it is necessary to...

Transport and Urban Form

Introduction The recent rise in energy prices and the need to conserve the environment need an urban form that promotes the use of public transport. The city of Melbourne has been dominated by cars since 1951 due to its plan and urban form. Complying with compact city policies had been...

Edutopia Website Evaluation Using Bloomā€™s Taxonomy

Introduction The twenty-first century has become a challenging time for most educators. The technological process has influenced all areas of human activity, and the sphere of education has not been omitted too. Even more, the usage of technology and Internet-aided education in the classroom demonstrate remarkable outcomes. Most students are...

Piagetā€™s Stages of Cognitive Development

Introduction Children develop in unique and unpredictable ways. What is normal for one child is absolutely unacceptable for another. Children are personalities, and they display different character traits. Yet, all children pass the basic developmental milestones. Piaget is fairly regarded as “a giant in the field of human development” (Sigelman...

Chapters 2-5 of “Psycholinguistics” by Thomas Scovel

Chapter 2 In this chapter, Thomas Scovel discusses the way in which children acquire their mother tongue. At first, the author notes that crying can be viewed as the precursor of language and speech (Scovel 8). As a rule, it is a response to the discomfort that infants can experience....

Consumer Experience: Marketing Project Interview

Introduction This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of factors influencing consumer behavior. Through primary qualitative research, the paper explores customer perception towards different purchasing decision elements such as cost, motivation, brand, decision-making conditions, and post-purchase satisfaction. Research Questionnaire Which item did you buy, and what factors motivate you to purchase...

“St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” by Russell

Introduction The collection of short stories, St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves, by Karen Russell presents tales narrated by adolescents that presents realistic detail of the miraculous phantasmagoric existence. Each story is infused with fantasy ā€“ dating of ghosts and humans in “Ava Wrestles the Alligator”, a song...

Globalization Concept and Its Impact on the State

Introduction Globalization is not a new term since it has existed for a long period. For many years, globalization has continued to grow through trade, travel, migration, transfer of cultural elements, and spread of knowledge. For over 500 years, monarchs, adventurous, and financiers have been committed to the creation of...

Risk Management in Healthcare Construction Projects

Introduction A risk is any occurrence that has the potential to alter the progress of a project significantly. A risk may be positive or negative. A positive risk results in desirable consequences for a project. On the other hand, a negative risk brings about some form of loss to the...

Business Seminar Reflections

Deloitte seminar: Innovation Unplugged The seminar, held by the company Deloitte on December 10th, 2010, was dedicated to such issues as accounting and financial reporting, the funding cycle, taxation policies, and enterprise risk management (Deloitte & National of College Ireland, 3). This organization is the largest provider of consulting, financial...

Challenges in Competitive Strategies Implementation

Introduction When the strategy was first introduced in the 50s and 60s, one of the pioneers- Alfred D. Chandler- said that “strategy follows structure”. He observed that the interactions between functions or departments should be coordinated to give the business structure, direction, and focus. Michael Porter was one of the...

Personality Traits and Professional Performance

Literature Review Studies indicate that there is a strong relationship between emotional intelligence and occupational performance among individuals. Studies conducted among combat soldiers in the US indicated that high performers had more emotional intelligence than low performers, and thus were likely to be better performers at the workplace (Sala, Druskat...

Psychological Assessment: Dr. Gregory House Case

The characterā€™s demographics Dr. Gregory House is a 45-year-old male character in the TV series, House. He is divorced after failing to maintain a healthy relationship with his former wife, Stacy. He studies medicine at John Hopkins University before being expelled for cheating. He enrolls at the University of Michigan...

Hotel Chains Marketing Techniques

This dissertation offers in-depth research on the effects of Hotel Chain Management on the hotel industry and is offered for the fulfillment of a Master’s Degree in Management. The author of this dissertation will carry out in-depth research to find out the marketing strategies that are being employed by the...

Transformational Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Leadership is one of the most important factors that always dictate an organization’s success or failure in the world today. The administration has been in existence for as long as the history of humankind can be traced. As Rousche, Geropge, and Baker (1989)...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Career Plan for the Next 5 Years

A career plan is a process in which one chooses what is best for him or her. It is also a form in which he or she satisfies his or her future job interest. The plan assists to develop talent and skills, as well as decide the training and elements...

Skills Development for Effective Leadership

Decision and Power Groups have the potential to achieve positive results if they attract the right members and embrace appropriate leadership models. Different theories on group performance support the use of teamwork to achieve quality results within the shortest time possible (Broddy 2014). Individuals in a group can use specific...

Do Humans Really Have a Soul Inside?

Do humans have a soul? It is not right to claim that human beings have a soul yet there is no concrete evidence to indicate any action that has resulted from the presence of the soul. Instead, many individuals just talk about it surviving after the death of the body....

Strategic Management: Videos Review

Strategic Management In this video, Erica Olsen clearly and accurately explains the notion of the strategic management process using schemes. First, the company should determine the mission statement clarifying its paramount goal. It is important to identify the starting point from both internal and external angles including staff, customers,...

Neo-Orthodoxy Theology: Barth, Brunner et al.

Introduction Neo-orthodoxy is a concept used in advanced contemporary theology, also called liberal theology. The views of neo-theologians are different from those of the orthodoxy on the basis of their approaches to the word of God. Neo-theology is a deviant view of the doctrine of the word and is in...

Sports Management Internship: Lessons Learnt

Sports facility management is a concept in sports designed to help keep leagues, tournaments, sports complexes, and all other activities orderly and running most efficiently (American Association for Health Education). Sport facility management is not just an issue of making sure that the leisure center is organized. It also involves...

TechSystems Wearable Device’s Feasibility Study

Executive Summary This paper represents the continuation of a feasibility study directed at determining potential solutions for the line of wearable devices developed by TechSystems. It starts with determining the attractiveness of three options that were suggested to resolve the challenges associated with insufficient sales and product innovativeness. Discontinuing the...

Ethnic Identity and Worldview Development

Introduction Our society can only function productively if its members learn how to co-exist harmoniously. This harmonious existence can only come about if everyone follows certain values that guide and inform their choices and actions. These normally well-established norms are known as ethics and they normally determine the purpose and...

Managing Organizational Changes

Introduction Organizations should inherently adapt and change consistently to remain competitive and effective. In the modern economy, shaped by global factors and shareholder vision, organizations are often driven to change by environmental and external factors. These may vary, ranging from new technologies and practices to shifts in political and economic...

Samsung Company: Green Reverse Logistics and Supply Chains

Introduction Nowadays, the problem of ecology and pollution is essential as multiple factories have an adverse impact on the planet’s environment on a daily basis. The industry of electronic gadgets plays a significant role in this issue as all the plastic that is not recycled influences nature negatively. The following...

Managing Students with Developmental Disabilities

The term ā€˜special needā€™ is used in clinical diagnostic and functional development to refer to persons who require help to deal with disability. The special needs may be medical, psychological, or mental in nature. Boer, Pijl, and Minnaert (2011) are of the opinion that different nations adopt varying definitions of...

Best Buy Co.’s Corporate Social Responsibilities

Businesses operate in environments where they benefit from communities around and far away from the point of business of the company; the success of a business is dependent on how well it is performing in its operating environment. It gets its profits from businesses secured from the external environments; it...

Business Ownership Structures and Marginal Utility

Abstract The first part of the paper provides an analysis of different business ownership structures that can be used for starting a business with the joint contribution of capital for two partners. The differentiation between a public organization and a partnership that was selected as an organization type for new...

E-Commerce in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Introduction With the invention and expansion of the Internet and the outburst in the development of information and communication technologies, our everyday life has changed. Nowadays, we do not need to leave our homes to work, study, communicate, and even do shopping. We are lucky to live in the era...

Belly Dance, Its History and Movements

Introduction The culture of dance has been in existence since time immemorial where different cultures have performed the art for several reasons for instance as a way of celebrating the birth of a new child, giving thanks to and worshipping the gods, celebrating much harvest after a harvesting season as...

Transport Efficiency Through Operation Management

Introduction Operations management is one of the management fields which are increasingly becoming relevant in the competitive business environment. Brown, Bessant, and Lamming (2013) define operations management as an ā€œarea of management concerned with designing and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods...

Nuclear Industry and Physics

Introduction The nuclear industry provides the modern world with rather substantial amounts of energy. However, all processes that are involved in the production of this energy result in equal amounts of waste and are highly radioactive in general. Learning from mistakes of the past, modern science operates with an extensive...

The Care Clinic Improvement Project

Introduction A Care Clinic, hereinafter known as CC is a healthcare facility operating in Summerville, Florida. As part of the management and improvement of the said facility, the administrator and investors established the Executive Team, hereinafter known as ET. The ETā€™s primary function is to perform an annual review of...

The Rise and Fall of the British Empire

Introduction The 16th and 17th centuries saw the emergence of the British Empire that affected world politics considerably before its fall in the 20th century. Particularly, the development of the British Empire required Britain to establish overseas colonies to safeguard its political and economic interests. The British Empire traversed global...

Child Soldiers in Modern Armed Conflicts

Introduction Despite the widespread recognition of the need to protect civilians by the international law, this problem remains relevant. The overview of modern wars shows that children compose the category that is regarded as one of the main victims of armed conflicts. In their studies, various authors search for adequate...

Symbolism in ā€œA Farewell to Armsā€ by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Most idealists view war as an ideal concept. Idealists support the concept of sacrificing oneself in order that the entire society may benefit. This implies that those who participate in war become glorified and receives dignity and respect. This situation prevailed even at the commencement of the First World...

Consumption-Driven Future in “Brave New World” by Huxley

Introduction “Brave New World” is a dystopian (or utopian, depending on the reader’s view) science fiction novel that was written by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932 (Atwood par. 2). In this novel, Huxley displays a future based on consumerism, free sex, and drug addiction, which has an unyielding resemblance...

Chinese Intellectuals’ Moral Dilemma in Dafuā€™s “Sinking”

Introduction Sinking is a chef-d’oeuvre piece of classic literature written by Yu Dafu. The story revolves around an alienated and depressed nameless protagonist whose life is sinking and he cannot seem to rescue himself. However, the authorā€™s subtle message addresses a crisis that many Chinese intellectuals have continued to face...

Sustainable Architecture: Benefits and Drawbacks

Abstract Research studies show that when using green architecture, the ecosystem flourishes by providing clean water, air, a healthy living environment, better living standards and the adversarial effects of environmental pollutants that result from the use of traditional building technologies are reduced. Green architecture is achieved by use of recyclable...

Disaster Management: Evacuations from Gulf Coast Hurricanes

Introduction Managing evacuations from hurricanes and other natural catastrophes present recurrent challenges to the people responsible for such evacuations. A major challenge is how to best inform and direct the public responses to the imminent emergencies. A chronic challenge for emergency personnel is gaining public acquiescence with directives to evacuate...

Adidas Corporation’s Organizational Justice

Introduction Organisations are entities whose functionality depends on their constituents such as individual employees, departments, units and policies. There is a need to develop policies in a system that ensures harmony and a fair interaction of the constituents. The manner, in which the organisational resources are shared in the departments...

Third-Party Logistics: Strategic and Financial Benefits

Introduction The terms ā€œlogistics alliancesā€, ā€œlogistics outsourcingā€, ā€œcontract distributionā€, and ā€œthird party logisticsā€ are used interchangeably. According to Coltman, Devinney, and Keating (2010), third party logistics refers to ā€œorganizational practice of contracting-out part of or all logistic activities that were previously performed in-houseā€ (p. 141). It entails the provision of...

Research Project Management in Theory and Practice

Introduction In the past decade, an increasingly higher number of organizations and project managers have begun to acknowledge the role played by project management. Most of the organizationsā€™ undertakings are now categorized as projects. To better understand project management is important to differentiate between a project and project management. Project...

J. J. Abrams and Key Production Values

Introduction J.J Abrams was born on 27th June 1966 as Jeffrey Jacob Abrams in New York City before moving to Los Angeles, the city in which he was brought up and educated. He is a son to Gerald W. Abrams, who was a television producer in New York and Carol...

Major Healthcare System Assessment

Introduction This paper presents an assessment of Trinity Health, a major American healthcare system that provides its services for elderly people and underserved groups of the population. It addresses the mission of the organization, produces its leadership chart, and discusses its programs and services. The paper also considers the contribution...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Revolutionary Communism vs. Democratic Socialism

Revolutionary communism and democratic socialism are examples of political ideologies that were byproducts of Marxism. Viewed from a certain perspective, the said political ideologies are similar in terms of their shared disdain for capitalism. Adherents of revolutionary communism and democratic socialism are moving towards the same goal. They want to...

Loss and Grief Studies in Psychologist’s Career

Before starting the examination of the unit materials and becoming involved in the class activities, I have concerns regarding the discussion of the topic of loss and grief because it is a challenging for not only beginners in counselling but also experienced counsellors. I am oriented to making efforts to...

Brain Injury and Social Service Interventions

Social System: Cheryl’s Brain Injury Case Cheryl grew up in Idaho, where she went to school and interacted with many people, including her large family. After the basic military training, she was deployed to Iraq and returned home with lots of fractures and brain injury. This situation changed her life...

HIV/AIDS as an Epidemiological Problem in the US

Many people in different parts of the United States are affected by the problem of HIV/AIDS. This condition has been observed to catalyze numerous implications such as reduced productivity and social problems. The condition is also known to affect every age group, gender, and community. However, some groups such as...

American Psychological Association Event

Introduction As part of my psychology class, I was required to select a current event in the news, media, or on the APA website. Thereafter, I was to integrate what I had learned in class and tap into my reactions to the event. In my assignment, I selected an event...

Strategies in Stress Management

Intention and Hypothesis My chosen technique is a unique combination of standing and stretching exercises. The so-called resilience building technique was developed in response to three major objectives based on my desire to develop a practical daily activity that can help relieve stress or build-up resilience against the negative consequences...

Canadian Politics: Treaties and Act

The Seven Years’ War/ British conquest over France. The Seven Years’ War is a conflict that is considered to be one of the most serious military conflicts of the early modern period. It involved the great powers of the whole of Europe. The war was divided into several conflicts that...

Nokia Corporation Strategic Management

Introduction This paper is aimed at examining strategic management in Nokia Corporation. In particular, it is necessary to determine whether this management function corresponds to the current needs of this company, and external or internal environment. One of the major tasks is to show Nokia’s strategies are formulated and implemented....

The Use of Recent Nursing Sources

Introduction Dissemination of studies results is an important stage of nursing research that contributes to the development of nursing practice. Nursing professionals working on their studies and articles should ensure their credibility and reliability. Fain (2017) claims that every nursing inquiry should refer to other researchersā€™ findings to put certain...

Businesses Performance: Financial and Non-Financial Measures

Purpose/ Core Interest The purpose of the present research is to evaluate the implementation of non-financial measures of performance in small and medium enterprises (SME) as a predictor of enhanced performance. The research aims at examining at least 100 small and medium enterprises, seeking to outline their measurement strategy and...