Public Health Service Act: Palliative Care Training

Bill summary

  • Seeks to amend the Public Health Service Act (Congress.Gov, 2019).
  • To raise the number of permanent faculty in palliative care institutions.
  • Beneficiaries: accredited osteopathic and allopathic training institutions.
  • Aim: promote education and research in hospices and palliative care.

Specifics of the Bill

  • All palliative care and hospice education centers to:
  • Promote inter-professional team-based training of care professionals in palliative care
  • Create inter-professional team-based curricula on palliative care treatment procedures
  • Advance the training and retraining of faculty members in palliative care

Continuation of Specifics of the Bill

  • Support continued learning of professionals involved in palliative care.
  • Give students clinical training in inter-professional team-based palliative care.
  • Provide traineeships for persons preparing for advanced education in palliative care.
  • Support training programs involving multiple specialties to enhance palliative care.

How this bill might impact professional nursing practice standards if passed

  • Thoroughly trained nurses in palliative care
  • Availability of traineeship opportunities for nurses
  • Nurses to learn to work with inter-disciplinary teams in palliative care
  • Assured of support for continued learning from the involved institutions

How this bill might impact professional nursing practice standards if not passed

  • Severe nurse shortage in palliative care due to lack of enough faculty members.
  • Available nurses will not be adequately prepared to provide quality services.
  • A team-based inter-professional approach to care will lack among nurses.
  • Difficult for nurses to advance their studies in palliative care.

How the bill might impact my own nursing practice

  • Become a competent palliative care nurse.
  • Learn to work with inter-professional teams.
  • Have the opportunity to advance my nursing career.
  • Utilize traineeship opportunities as I prepare for advanced learning in palliative care.

How to communicate my concerns about or support for this bill based on nursing practice

  • Write to the legislator to give my support or raise issues.
  • Write to Congress and explain why the bill is needed.
  • Appear before committees to give my support for the bill.
  • Call the legislator’s office to discuss more the bill.

How to communicate my concerns about or support for this bill based on nursing standards

  • Discuss the bill with my peers.
  • Write articles and newsletters about the bill.
  • Mentor other nurses and highlight my concerns concerning the bill.
  • Seek internship from the office of legislators supporting the bill.

How to communicate your concerns about or support for this bill based on patient outcomes

  • Get involved in palliative care.
  • Gather evidence-based information on palliative care.
  • Conduct patient education on why the bill is needed.
  • Interview patients and family members on their take about the bill.

How this bill might impact your community

  • Improved quality palliative care services.
  • Enough palliative care nurses and care professionals.
  • Improved quality of life among palliative care patients.
  • Affordable palliative care services will become affordable.


Congress.Gov. (2019). H.R.647 – Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 2). Public Health Service Act: Palliative Care Training.

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StudyCorgi. "Public Health Service Act: Palliative Care Training." July 2, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Public Health Service Act: Palliative Care Training." July 2, 2021.

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