Patriotism in Music: Patriotism and Nationalism in Music Education

Music changes alongside new generations and their views, reflecting the crucial ideas and issues within the society of that time. Patriotism in music can be seen as detrimental for all nations as its effect on the morale and attitude towards national ideas and views can not be underestimated. Moreover, patriotic music more often reflects the political issues within the country (Abril, 2016). American educational facilities often include recitation of the hymn as a part of a policy agenda that aims to forge a “national identity” (Abril, 2016). This research paper discusses what attributes are vital for a song to consider it patriotic.

The lyrics of a patriotic song must reflect a vital idea of the nation it represents. According to Lyons (2015), a significant portion of patriotic music in the United States praises “our independent nature and the beauty of our countryside.” Rhein (2010) writes that patriotic songs excel at “evoking feelings of national fervor despite — or perhaps because of — their sometimes commonplace-to-cornball lyrics.” However, this simplicity is only a surface part of patriotic songs. There are numerous examples of intricate pieces of famous poems and songs that have been transformed over time to promote patriotism or otherwise serve a political function (Abril, 2016). The core of patriotic music lies in its lyrics that must call for a listener’s national pride.

For this paper, I chose a well-known musical piece by John Denver called “Take Me Home, Country Roads”. With numerous cover versions used in games and movies, this track remains one of the most easily recognized patriotic songs in the United States among all generations. The composition evokes the image of an idyllic landscape that is characteristic of the countryside in the U.S. The lyrics of this song can be defined as simplistic and easily understandable, which is detrimental to its success. Overall, the track is uplifting and praises the land of the nation for its beauty and tranquility.


Abril, C. R. (2016). A national anthem: Patriotic symbol or democratic action? In A. Kertz-Welzel (Ed.), Patriotism and nationalism in music education (pp. 77-94). Routledge.

Lyons, B. (2015). Exploring the sound of patriotism. Cued In. Web.

Rhein, J. (2018). What makes a song patriotic? chicagotribune. Web.

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