Reasons Why Music Matters


Chapter 4 discusses Hesmondhalgh’s theory that music helps human communities thrive in specific locations and eras. Despite an individual’s difficulties, a link is formed that, as time passes, lifts one’s spirits (Hesmondhalgh, 2013). To illustrate this point, he presents several instances of the essence of music in human culture. Primarily, Hesmondhalgh argues his viewpoint by referencing the frequent music festivals that bring together strangers and friends. This extends to dance clubs and sporting events, where individuals can exercise via dancing and socialize actively due to music. These are examples of the power of music that transcends race, socioeconomic class, and even familiarity.


Another instance Hesmondhalgh gives more insight in chapter 4 to show how music has enabled humans to flourish is when he discusses the relationship between music and co-present social practices. The association promotes and enhances participation, especially when strangers sing or play music together. Participation constitutes a mutual feeling and shows solidarity and collectivity during such music participation events. Hesmondhalgh’s idea of humans flourishing together through music can also be explained through participating in public dances. The event, in this case, contributes to a positive feeling within a community and creates a familiar vibe. Additionally, “Why Music Matters” has coined the idea that unity can be achieved from dancing when one engages in electronic dance music and rave culture (Hesmondhalgh, 2013). This constitutes living a good life and drives the concept of how music has played a more prominent role in enriching human lives by driving emotions and feelings in various individuals.

Hesmondhalgh has also tried to relate his idea to that of Small to ascertain his concept of human flourishing, supported by music. Small’s theory of musicking describes music as a way humans can relate to the rest of the world. In light of this, Hesmondhalgh supports his idea of music’s role in human flourishing by showing the importance of the relationship between the participants and the performance (Hesmondhalgh, 2013). The connections cannot be explained and are too complex, yet they can be revealed through musical performance. Through a performance, humans can therefore celebrate, explore and affirm, hence showing the idea of flouring in different places at different times. Through musicking, humans can create or recreate music, proving that humans are born with musicking in them, which constitutes the attribute of humanness.


The works of Small also focus on music’s relationship with the co-present sociable publicness, which promotes community participation. The music, in this case, drives the same vibes and establishes musicking among humans. The theme, in this case, relates to people in different places and times across the world. Therefore, Small’s ideas and Hesmondhalgh are coined and support each other. Despite human challenges, music can therefore be used to relax situations. Once an individual is on the dance floor, the music plays a significant role in driving the moods and emotions of humans (Hesmondhalgh, 2013). This raises spirits and makes the humans in high spirits dance to the music’s tune. As a result, a connection is created, and solidarity is felt as the music flows. In this regard, Hesmondhalgh’s arguments are justified as they represent how music enriches and achieves sociability and commonality. As such, music should be embraced more in society for its cooperative and collaborative benefits to be optimized.


Hesmondhalgh, D. (2013). Why music matters. Wiley Blackwell.

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