People’s Views on Intelligence Analysis


There are varieties of views concerning the definition of intelligence. One of the definitions that have been used to define intelligence is the ability of a person to learn unfamiliar things within a short duration of time. Other people have also defined intelligence to be the possession of a large wealth of information while some define intelligence as the capacity of a person to adjust to new conditions as well as the ability to generate new ideas and come up with innovations. It can also be understood as the capacity to derive maximum utility from the available resources. The definition of intelligence is equivalently viewed concerning the scope of such intelligence that can vary from academic background to ideal consideration and even to general life considerations.

A research activity that was conducted among experts in intelligence after consideration of opinions of laymen over the definition of intelligence however revealed a convergence of what intelligence consists of. It was agreed upon that intelligence ought to be based on three concepts: being in a position to solve problems; being positioned well with the ability to communicate and being competent on the issues of social matters. The general perception of the meaning of intelligence thus fits in an inaccurate combination of these three bases of intelligence as identified by experts.

Pros and cons of emphasizing the correctness of an answer as opposed to the approach to the answer

The necessity of an answer to a particular problem is always controversial especially when different opinions are to be considered. Emphasizing the correctness of an answer to a particular problem as opposed to the approach to the answer has the advantage of eliminating the confusion that could result from the availability of more than one answer that could be close or confusing. At the same time, emphasizing an answer has the disadvantage in that a problem may have more than one particular answer. A variety of answers occasionally arise concerning the approaches taken and only a justification of an approach can justify its associated answer to be the correct one.

The intelligence of older people: is it a result of expertise or wisdom

The level of intelligence that is experienced with older people can be more associated with wisdom rather than expertise. This is because older adults are more comfortable and efficient in solving problems related to wisdom. It is, for example, realized that the elderly will be comfortable and successfully help in solving social problems such as communication barriers across the generational gap as opposed to helping with academic problems. The adults in general are poor in making decisions over what they are not familiar with and which require cognitive involvement but are efficient on matters that require experience.

Optimally exercised abilities

Optimally exercised abilities are the abilities that an individual develops when subjected to training. Some of the abilities that I have developed include communication competence and interpersonal relations which I have acquired from the training.

My mental ability

My mental ability is identified with academic intelligence that has been acquired from learning. Since most of the intelligence that I have is based on academic classes. My intelligence can thus be improved further under academic sources such as higher learning. It can however also be developed through experience.

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