Personality Characteristics: The Basic Mental Attributes


Personality characteristics strengths are believed to be are the basic mental attributes that determine an individual’s distinct condition and make him feel real, active, and involved in life. The online Character Strengths Profile, which is formed based on the results of passing the survey, ranks the good characteristics in order of strength from the top to weakest. According to the results of the testing, the aspects of love, fairness, and justice are prevalent in my personality in comparison with other traits and feelings.


Concerning the indication of the five highest strengths regarding the survey results, in my case, it is feasible to emphasize love, appreciation of beauty and excellence, fairness, honesty, and kindness. Love involves a wide spectrum of powerful and pleasant emotional and psychological experiences, from the most exquisite virtue or significant promise to the most basic enjoyment. The human inclination to feel tremendous spiritual emotions while observing attractiveness in the environment is related to the appreciation of beauty and brilliance. This might manifest as sensations of wonder, honest surprise, or exaltation. In fact, fairness is the ability to make judgements that are generally devoid of bias. Fairness, as a form of justice, has lately emerged as a critical component of classroom evaluation and group conduct (Rasooli et al., 2019). Honesty or sincerity is a moral quality that denotes good and ethical characteristics such as purity, truthfulness, clearness, including forthrightness of behaviour, and the avoidance of deception. Kindness is defined as actions of charity, compassion, or compassion for others that are performed without expecting recognition or return.

Considering how the abovementioned strengths are expressed in the daily life, it is possible to highlight several essential aspects. For instance, the appreciation of beauty includes spending time with nature and making art, being inspired by witnessing examples of good work or art, complimenting peers, and respecting the talents of others. Moreover, fairness is demonstrated in my daily life by treating and respecting all individuals fairly and imposing acceptable sanctions exclusively in case rules are breached. When one proactively opposes hegemonic authority and establishes linked networks, one is doing justice and fairness (Archer, 2021). In terms of love, I can tend to display and gain this feeling via giving gifts, doing something nice or useful for another individual, enjoying spending time with a person, and exhibiting signs of affection. In addition, to my mind, it can be stated that I do not practice kindness on a regular basis since I cannot underline this quality as a major separate one. I suppose this element is tightly connected with the factor of love and empathy.

Since I do not use and practice kindness regularly and distinctively in my work or school life, it is then feasible to propose recommendations regarding potential improvements. For instance, as a start, each morning, I should constantly remind myself to be nice and to direct my body and brain toward that aim. Furthermore, I should enhance my understanding of those around me so that I may begin to recognize the goodness of others. Moreover, I should not downplay the other individual’s happiness of their choice to be good to me since the process of giving and providing offers enormous satisfaction. A modest remark or paying enough attention in a discussion are also examples of kind behaviors, as is offering to assist people in distress.


To conclude, in my situation, it is possible to accentuate love, appreciation of beauty and quality, fairness, honesty, and kindness as the five highest strengths based on the survey answers. Spending time in nature and creating art, being inspired by examples of outstanding work or art, complementing peers, and valuing the abilities of others are all instances of beauty appreciation. In my daily life, I display fairness by treating and valuing all others fairly and implementing reasonable punishments solely when rules are broken. Potential adjustments are required since I do not employ and practice kindness on a regular and unique basis in my job or school life. Every morning, I should remind myself to be polite and drive my body and mind toward that goal.


Archer, A. (2021). The ethics of love. The Journal of Ethics, 25(4), 423-427. Web.

Rasooli, A., Zandi, H., & DeLuca, C. (2019). Conceptualising fairness in classroom assessment: Exploring the value of organisational justice theory. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice, 26(5), 584-611. Web.

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